RSSFACTS: The lesser known and unknown facts about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest voluntary organisation in the world.     


Resolutions Passed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) on issues related to Hindu Faith and Hinduness from 2001 – 2011

Cow Protection – This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2001 The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) expresses its deep anxiety over the increasing decimation of the Cow and her progeny which are held in great reverence …

Resolutions Passed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on issues related to Hindu Faith and Hinduness from 1991-2000

Enquiry ordered by the UP Government on the Ayodhya incident: Sheer deception -This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1991 The ABPS holds the then Prime Minister, the U.P. Chief Minister and his administration squarely responsible for …

Resolutions Passed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on issues related to Hindu Faith and Hinduness from 1981-1990

Tactics of Internal Disruption – This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1981 The A.B.P.S. hereby seeks to draw the attention of our countrymen to foreign-inspired, disruptive movements, which have raised their ugly heads in several parts …

RSS passes Resolution on India’s Selfhood

The following resolution was passed by the top decision making body of the RSS known as  Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha(ABPS). The ABPS meeting was held  from 12-14 March, 2023 at Panipat in the Indian state of Haryana. Resolution Let us …

Resolutions Passed by the RSS on issues related to Hindu Faith and Hinduness from 1952-1979

Ban On Cow-Slaughter – This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1952 The A.B.P.S. expresses its keen sense of disappointment at the muddled policy of the Central Government vis-à-vis the issue of cow protection. The issue of …

Resolutions of RSS on Economic Issues from 1990-2000

Dunkel Draft Text- A Proposal for Economic Colonialism This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1994 The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha takes strong exception to the consent given by the Government of India to sign the 8th …

RSS resolutions on Foreign relations from 1952-78

Pak-American Pact  — This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1952  The K.K.M. of R.S.S. views with grave concern the reported Pak-American Pact which is likely to strengthen the hands of Pakistan in its patently …