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Resolutions Passed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh(RSS) on issues related to Hindu Faith and Hinduness from 2001 – 2011

Updated: March 31, 2023 15:33

Cow Protection

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2001

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) expresses its deep anxiety over the increasing decimation of the Cow and her progeny which are held in great reverence by the people of Bharat for thousands of years and which constitutes the agricultural backbone of the country’s economy.

It is unfortunate that a country where a long, glorious tradition of Cow-Protection is writ large should resort to merciless slaughter of cattle wealth just to placate a handful of Muslim groups and to earn a little foreign exchange.

Slaughterhouses are on an increase and methods are being mechanised. Nearly 3 lakhs of cattle are mercilessly slaughtered every day. Meat-export which stood at 70,000 tons in 1976 has grown fast and by 1997 reached an enormous 13,80,000 tons. Strangely, what was propagated as a profitable economic activity is receiving government support. Its various departments are providing monetary subsidies for the construction of slaughterhouses, and for production and export of meat. As a result, the proportion of 430 Cattle for 1,000 population in 1951, has come down to a bare 50 for the same number today.

How tragic that a special committee to hike the export trade in meat during the current tenth 5-year plan period has been appointed under the chairmanship of the biggest meat exporter and that it should be so at the time when the 2600th birth anniversary celebrations of Bhagwan Mahavir, an epitome of non-violence and compassion, are underway. More so when the current year has been officially declared as the ‘Ahimsa Year’ (Year of non-violence)

It is the considered opinion of the ABPS that with the loss of Cow-wealth, dependence on foreign sources in respect of milk and milk products will increase and dependence on tractors and chemical fertiliser will be inescapable. Besides, fertility of the land will be depleted and will lose its worth for want of organic manure. Moreover, millions of people engaged in cultivation and cattle care will be rendered jobless.

The ABPS would like to draw the attention towards certain realities related to cow dung and cow urine and their medical ingredients. Their potential for generating energy, cooking gas and pesticides besides yielding organic manure is well proved by the application of modern methods and technological know-how. It also assures the fertility of the land, its high-yielding potential and promotion of self-reliant villages and pollution-free industries. Besides, the enterprise opens employment opportunities to millions putting a stop to their migration to urban centres.

The considered view of the ABPS is that in a democratic set up popular sentiments cannot be flouted. Cow-protection is an article of faith. It was the much-cherished desire of all great men belonging to Vedic, Jain, Buddhist, Sikh and other faiths. Such eminent leaders of religious reform and freedom struggle as Maharshi Dayananda Saraswati, Ramsingh Kuka, LokmanyaTilak, Mahatma Gandhi, Vinoba Bhave and others aspired for it. An effective expression in this behalf has manifested itself from time to time in the form of public agitations and sacrifice. Moreover, prohibition of Cow-slaughter is a mandate incorporated in the Directive Principles of the Constitution.

The ABPS appeals to the Parliament as the representative body of entire Bharatiya people to honour the popular sentiment by legislating a measure banning cow-slaughter throughout the country at the earliest. It further urges the Central Government of Bharat to immediately put a stop to meat export and stop subsidies to slaughterhouses and meat export enterprises. It urges the Government again to create a Central Goseva (Cow care) Commission armed with adequate financial and administrative powers so that it can attend to the issues of protection and promotion of cattle wealth and effectively safeguard the soil fertility. Further it will facilitate a smooth implementation of all State-legislated measures on this behalf.

The AB Pratinidhi Sabha appeals to all our countrymen, especially the farmers and the villagers to enthusiastically come forward to protect and promote the cause of the cow which is an integral part of the farmer’s family.

Ram Janmabhoomi

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2001

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha heartily endorses the decision of the Dharma Samsad called by Vishwa Hindu Parishad taken at MahaKumbh, to go ahead with the building of Ram Mandir at Ayodhya on a grand scale in place of the present day one. The ABPS also welcomes the wise decision of the Dharma Samsad to allow sufficient time for the Government to do away with the hurdles which have been needlessly obstructing the temple construction over almost a decade.

The ABPS feels the ball is in the Government’s court and it is up to them to explore every single avenue to respect the deep-felt national sentiment. Vis-a-vis Ayodhya Ram Temple. It is in place here to remember that the unanimous will of the people has been expressed in this respect several times before – especially through the presentation to the President in 1993 of the world record of nearly 100 million signatures from all ^sections of our countrymen. ABPS hopes that, in this regard, no communal or obstructionist tactics of interested groups will be allowed to succeed. The ABPS also entreats the enlightened section of Muslims to come forth courageously to lead the co-religionists who have been held in the grip of a few obscurantists, fundamentalist self-professed exponents of Islam in the religious or the political field.

In the meanwhile, the ABPS calls upon the general mass of our patriotic Bharatiya population, and Sangh Swayamsevaks in particular, to fully participate in the various step-by-step programmes planned by the Dharma Samsad aimed at mobilisation of public opinion in this regard. The ABPS is confident that with such a massive manifestation of nationalist aspiration, the dream of countless heroes and martyrs who have suffered and sacrificed for this holy cause will be fructified.

2600th Birth Anniversary of Bhagwan Mahavir

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2001 

The coming Chaitra Shukla 13, Kali Yugabd 5103 (accordingly April 6, 2001) marks the joyous and holy beginning of 2600th birth year of the 24th TirthankarBhagwanMahaveer, the great proponent of non-violence. The life of Bhagwan Mahaveer was a shining symbol of Bharateeya tradition of the eternal principles like non-violence, truth, non stealing, celibacy and non-acquisition, essential for universal harmony and well-being of all. Though born in a princely lineage, he renounced the comforts of palace life and chose the thorny path of penance. He dedicated his entire life in propagation of spiritual wisdom acquired by life-long penance for the well being of humanity.

Enlightened great men are a heritage of the entire society. Pious remembrance of their exemplary lives revitalises and elevates society. The value and relevance of the life of Bhagwan Mahaveer and the principles expounded by him assume vital importance in the present-day climate vitiated by infatuation of material consumerism and power-mad politics.

The ABPS exhorts all our countrymen to vigorously participate in programmes planned on the occasion of 2600th birth anniversary and draw inspiration from the life and ideals of Bhagwan Mahaveer. The Sabha furthermore urges Sangh Swayamsevaks to participate in all these program mes and also organise multifaceted programmes to propagate the life-mission and ideals of Bhagwan Mahaveer with a view to bringing about social awakening among our people.

Atrocities on Bangladeshi Hindus

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2002 

The ABPS views with grave concern the continuing tragic happenings in Bangladesh.

The inhuman treatment meted out to the Hindus in Bangladesh begs description. Life in Bangladesh has become a nightmare ever since the general elections were declared.

Premeditated physical assaults, arson and loot have become a common occurrence. Threats were issued to the Hindus not to take part in the elections, which were held in Sept 2001. Ever since Begum Khaleda Zia of Bangladesh National Party and her four Islamic fundamentalist partners came to power, on October 1, 2001, frightful terror has been unleashed by the ruling factions rendering the life of the Hindus unbearable. Men have been butchered, women molested and raped, arson and loot indulged in repeatedly. Even children have not been ed. These atrocities have compelled thousands of Hindu families to flee Bangladesh and come to Bharat seeking shelter and safety.

The ABPS wants to remind our people that the intervention of Bharat was decisive in liberating Bangladesh, which had become inevitable in view of the unbearable economic burden forced on Bharat due to the flood of refugees streaming here. More importantly, at that time, the cultural affinity of Bangladeshis with Bharat was quite strong. But with the passage of time, it is now evident, anti-Bharat, anti-Hindu fanatic jehadi mentality has overtaken them.

The representatives of the UNO made an on-the-spot inspection of the places affected by the recent holocaust and were horrified at the atrocities they saw. They have submitted their experiences to the UNO.

These unfortunate Hindus, who are compelled to abandon their hearths and homes are entitled to be recognised as “Refugees” in our country, deserving relief due to the refugees under the UNO norms, but, are found branded as ‘Infiltrators’. The West Bengal Government is obsessed with the refugee influx. Refusal of permission to open relief camps for our unfortunate brethren, to NGOs like the Bastuhara Sahayata Samiti, is nothing short of adding insult to injury.

In the aforesaid circumstances the Pratinidhi Sabha calls upon the Government of India to ensure without any further delay: –

(1) That the Hindus who have come to Bharat be treated as refugees and all facilities be accorded to them according to UN Charter till their stay in Bharat. All our leaders had given a firm assurance at the time of Partition that the security of ‘minorities’ there, was the responsibility of Bharat.

(2) That the Bangladesh Government has to be told firmly and unambiguously that these Hindus should be taken back with dignity and security, and they should be resettled in their original surroundings.

(3) That some tough measures like stopping the export of rice, potato, onions, meat etc. from our country temporarily stopping the flow of water from Farrakka Barrage should be undertaken to make the Bangladesh Government see reason.

In case the Bangladesh Government fails to respond in a positive manner, the ABPS exhorts our government, in line with the demand made by Sardar Patel in 1949, to demand it to allot a separate homeland for the Hindus to live in security and honour.

Denigrating Heroes of Independence Reprehensible

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2003 

This meeting of the ABPS strongly condemns the efforts of certain political parties and pseudo-intellectuals to demean and denigrate the contributions of a great patriot Swatantrya Veer Vinayak Damodar Savarkar by opposing the unveiling of his portrait in the Central Hall of the Parliament and issuing statements berating his struggles and sacrifices. This is not just an affront to that great leader but also an insult to the entire freedom struggle.

It is to be remembered that our national movement for independence was a grand saga of struggles, sacrifices and sufferings. Countless men and women had laid down their lives in the service of the Motherland, with the single-minded determination of seeing her in liberated glory. Their paths were different, programmes were varied, ideologies disparate, yet the goal was the same. Indian freedom struggle was a beautiful mosaic of all such contrasting yet complementary movements. We cherish each one of those struggles – and the heroes who led them – fondly and reverentially. And we regard our independence as the result of the combined efforts of all those movements and struggles.

However, post-independence, there were efforts to blackout the contributions of many of our patriots whereas the entire credit for our independence was sought to be appropriated by some. Not content with that, these forces now seem to be trying to denigrate and denounce all those great patriots and freedom fighters who shared a different ideological vision. Recent attempts by the Congress party and some other parties to defame Savarkar are a part of that nefarious design only.

Savarkar was one of those great heroes of our Independence movement whose role was deliberately blacked out. He was not just a revolutionary and freedom fighter. He was a literary genius, poet, historian and social reformer too. It is quite painful that some elements are trying to portray him as “anti-national” today.

That the opposition to Savarkar by certain parties is motivated by political reasons is clear from the fact that it was their own senior colleagues who were paying rich tributes to him till yesterday. It was Hiren Mukherjee of the CPI, who proposed in the Lok Sabha two days after the demise of Savarkar in 1966 that the House pay homage to him for his services to the nation. The Left is in the forefront of opposition to Savarkar today. Similarly, while Smt. Indira Gandhi paid rich tributes to Savarkar calling him “great patriot” enjoying “important place in the annals of our freedom movement”; got a postal stamp released in his memory and made a personal donation of Rs. 11,000 to his memorial fund in 1980, ironically, the Congress party chooses to oppose unveiling of his portrait and writes to the President asking him to reconsider his decision to participate in the function.

In fact, the decision to install Savarkar’s picture in the Central Hall was taken not by the Government, but by a committee of parliamentarians who included Shivraj Patil and Pranab Mukherjee from the Congress and Somnath Chatterjee from the Left. It needs special mention here that the decision was unanimous. It is the very same parties that are opposing the decision now. This kind of audacious and irresponsible behaviour was unheard of in our public life before.

While the ABPS takes a grim view of this controversy, it also sees a deeper design in it. The sudden opposition to Savarkar, in our view, is less to do with the leader himself, and more to the ideology he propounded in early 20s, which is popularly known as Hindutva ideology.

The ABPS condemns the role of some Leftist pseudo-intellectuals in spearheading this controversy and prodding obliging parties like the Congress to rake it up. Throughout the history the Left has played a similar destructive, anti-national and anti-Independence role. They defiled and denigrated many a national leader. They abused Subhash Chandra Bose as ‘Running Dog of Tojo’ and Mahatma Gandhi as ‘Stooge of British Imperialists’. They were the first to support the Pakistan Resolution of the Muslim League. Their leader P.C. Joshi extended ‘unconditional support’ to the British in their cruel attempts to suppress Quit India Movement of 1942. They actively connived with the Muslim League in partitioning the country. They propagated Multi Nation Theory and tried to dismember India. They encouraged Telengana and Kakadweep armed struggles to derail our newly won independence and wrote letters to Mao of China inviting him to ‘liberate’ India from Indian rulers after independence. It is a great travesty that today they are questioning the patriotism of great leaders like Savarkar. The ABPS registers its appreciation for the hon’ble President for ignoring this motivated campaign of calumny and unveiling the portrait.

The ABPS expresses its great reverence for all the heroes of our independence struggle and calls upon the people of our country to resurrect the cherished memory of all of them, one of the greatest among whom was Savarkar. The ABPS also calls upon the countrymen to defeat the designs of those political and pseudo-intellectual elements that are out once again with the game plan of deriding our national leaders in their vain effort to destroy the surging Hindu sentiment in the country.


125th birth anniversary celebrations of Shri Ma of Sri Aravindashram

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2003 

The ABPS along with our entire country feels highly elated that Feb 21, 2003 marks the beginning of 125th birth anniversary celebrations of Shri Ma, an ardent companion of Mahayogi Shri Aurobindo who heralded the dawn of national awareness and spiritual vigour and totally devoted to the spiritual upliftment of mankind.

It is the life and thought of our great men since times immemorial that has kept our national life vibrant and dynamic even under adverse circumstances. Shri Ma is a link in that chain. Born in France, she chose to opt for Bharat, deeply impressed by Her eternal spiritual traditions. She moved higher and higher in her spiritual quest under the care and concern of Shri Aurobindo. She treated the children of the country as her own and roused the spiritual consciousness among them. She beckoned them to display their dynamism so that Bharat could play the role of the mentor of mankind.

It was she who declared that Bharat is a living force, as living and lively as Lord Shiva and other gods.

Concerning the future of Bharat she could foretell that Her true destiny lay in her being the ‘Vishwaguru’. The future of the world system is dependent on Bharat. The spiritual eminence of Bharat enables Her to shine as the living symbol of spirituality before the world at large. Our government should uphold the eminence of Bharat in the realm of spirituality and equip themselves in accordance with it.

It was the conviction of Shri Aurobindo that the Hindu Dharma is none other than the Sanatana Dharma which is in fact the genuine nationhood of our country. The rise and decline of the Sanatana Dharma are correspondingly related to the rise and decline of the Hindu Nation. Shri Ma fully shared this conviction. Besides, she strongly believed, just as Shri Aurobindo, Partition to be unreal and it must go – go it would. For, therein lay its role on the world stage. She insisted the map of Akhand Bharat should adorn the Ashram Campus as the centre of inspiration withstanding all the pressure exerted from political quarters to remove it.

It is the considered view of the ABPS that the thoughts of Shri Ma are capable of cleaning the world at large polluted with greed, selfishness, hatred, lust, and such other materialistic cravings and also infuse the spirit of sacrifice among our countrymen to make Bharat capable of playing the role of Guru of mankind.

ABPS calls upon our countrymen in general and Swayamsevaks in particular to organize purposeful programmes on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Shri Ma, get involved in programmes so arranged by others, carry spiritual and nationalistic thoughts of Shri Ma to the people at large and awaken in them intense national spirit.

Pope’s Statement is interference

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2003 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS takes strong exception to the reported accusation of the Pope John Paul II that “free exercise of the natural right to religious freedom” is prohibited in Bharat. Addressing the Bishops of Bharat during their recent visit to the Vatican, the Pope made an uncalled-for interference in the internal affairs of the country when he commented “Unfortunately, in some regions the state authorities have yielded to the pressures of these extremists and have passed unjust conversion laws…” and exhorted the Church in Bharat to “courageously” continue with evangelization.

His statement calling the Indian laws banning conversions by force, fraud or allurement promulgated by certain States as ‘unjust’ is highly condemnable, as it is a direct challenge to the sovereignty of Bharat.

It is common knowledge that force, fraud or allurement is at the root of mass conversions so rampant in Bharat. Further the experience of Bharat is that conversion is not just a change of the form of worship or prayer, but subversion of national loyalty. Therefore, certain States such as Madhya Pradesh (including Chhattisgarh), Orissa and Arunachal Pradesh have promulgated laws prohibiting forced conversions long ago, while two more States i.e., Tamil Nadu and Gujarat also have joined the list recently. They have acted in the best interests of the country and hence deserve congratulation. It is high time that other States also enacted similar laws prohibiting conversion.

The ABKM urges the Government of Bharat to lodge a protest with the Pope for his uncalled-for exhortation to the Christian missionaries to carry on their campaign of conversions defying the law of the land. The ABKM would like to remind to the right-thinking Christians not to submit themselves to the dictates of an extra-territorial authority and vilify their own countrymen.

That Bharat is a land of peace and tolerance should not be construed as a license to anyone to infringe on our national ethos and disturb peace.

The ABKM also urges the Hindu society to thwart the nefarious designs of conversion and also be vigilant to ensure that the concerned Governmental authorities do not remain inactive in the face of such fraudulent activities and enforce the law in letter and spirit.

Threats to Safety and Security of Hindus

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal in 2003 

Well planned massacre of fishermen in a small village, Marad of Kozhikkode district has its own significance, which signals a serious threat to the security of country. Not only were the killers given refuge in a mosque nearby, but even the Muslim.

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal strongly condemns the brutal killing of eight Hindu fishermen in the coastal village of Marad in Kerala on 2nd May 2003. Muslim attacks on Hindus resulting in riots are not a new phenomenon in Kerala. But the women and children prevented the police force from entering the mosque, because of which many killers succeeded in fleeing away.

The coastal regions of Mallappuram have already been completely Islamized while the Hindu population in coastal regions of Kozhikkode district has been reduced to less than 20%. Marad episode is only a recent example of a conspiracy going on for last several years to de-Hinduise the entire Kerala coast. Anti-national terrorist outfits like Al-Umma and Laskar-e-Taiba are actively engaged in this conspiracy at the behest of Pakistan intelligence agency ISI. Game plan of these outfits is to make the entire coast a safe haven for smuggling of narcotics and weapons. They exercise control over many mosques, which have become warehouses of weapons rather than being prayer-houses. The police have recovered many arms and explosives from the mosque of Marad also.

It is unfortunate that the Kerala Government did not take precautionary measures against increasing Islamic terror despite being cautioned by many high-level dignitaries and its own intelligence department. Demand for CBI enquiry by 35 Hindu organizations and many Hindu saints after the Marad incident went unheeded by the Government due to Muslim League pressure. After careful examination of the entire situation, the ABKM demands that the State Government handover the case to the CBI for a comprehensive enquiry into the entire episode so that facts about all dimensions of this massacre are brought to light. The Government has totally failed in protecting the lives and property of the people and hence is duty-bound to provide adequate compensation to the families of the victims. The ABKM also feels it necessary to strengthen the Coast Guard activity so as to make security of the costal entire region more effective in all aspects.

Just as the fundamentalist Islamic terrorism is strengthening its base in South India, its activities in the North-East are also increasing. Increase in infiltration from Bangladesh under the patronage of some Ministers in the Assam Government has given an added impetus to it. Along with this, the Church sponsored Christian terrorism has resorted to violence as a part of its heinous conspiracy. Glaring examples of this are the latest attacks in North Cachar and Cachar districts by the Hmar tribesmen, who have become Christian, on the Dimachha tribe, which has refused to become Christian. The Hmar tribe attacked 30 villages of Dimachha tribe with ultra-modern weapons, killing many people and burning down their houses. The Hmar tribesmen have burned down Longom village of the Dimachha tribe near Haflong town even after passing the peace resolution in the Peace Committee meeting on 5 April 2003. The Dimachha tribe retaliated later. In all 41 Dimachha and one Hmar have been killed so far. More than 2000 Dimachhas are living in refugee camps in a very pathetic condition. These refugees are being threatened with more severe consequences if they refuse to convert to Christianity. Instances like destruction of temples in Changlang and Tirap of Arunachal Pradesh and putting up Cross after destroying a temple in Jampoi Hill of Tripura are taking place every now and then. All this clearly indicates a sinister nexus between Christian missionaries and terrorists in the entire North East region.

Instigated by the Church and NSCN (National Socialist Council of Nagaland), the missionaries are continuously engaged in reducing the numbers of the Hindus. Conversion and violence are employed as instruments to make the only Hindu majority hilly region of Assam, North-Cachar and Karbi-Anglong devoid of Hindus.

The AB KM urges the Central Government to send a high-power committee to the Northeast to take stock of the serious situation prevailing there and devise effective measures to rehabilitate the refugees and safeguard the indigenous faiths of Dimachhas and other tribes.

The Marxists have joined hands with Muslim elements in West Bengal and indulged in wanton violence on Hindus during the recent Panchayat elections. Many people have been brutally murdered in Dhantala, Omrapota, Ghoshkadanga and other places. Many minor girls and women have been molested and raped. Youths are being prevented from taking part in Hindu activities including the RSS, penalties are imposed on Hindu house-owners for living in their own villages, and death threats are issued on refusal to obey their dictates. All these incidents are a clear proof of the patronage given to terrorists by the leftists in their strongholds and their own involvement in such activities. One of the sitting MPs of the CPM has accepted that the atrocities committed by the CPM supported goons are a matter of great concern even to their own party.

It is evident that the activities of various anti-national and terrorist groups are spread from Kashmir to North-East to Kerala, posing a serious threat to country’s internal security.

The ABKM calls upon the nationalist people in general and Swayamsevaks in particular to be vigilant about such attacks on Hindus and awaken the society. The ABKM urges the government as well as the administration to take strong measures against these elements, so that the common man of the country feels safe and secure.


Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi

 – This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal in 2003 

The ABKM reiterates its unqualified support to the just demand of the Hindu society for restoration of the holy shrines of Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi to them. Bhagwan(God) Ram, Bhagwan (God) Krishna and Bhagwan(God) Shankar symbolize Bharat’s age-old civilization, cultural and spiritual identity. Restoration of the pristine glory of these holy places is the bounden duty of independent Bharat.

History bears testimony to the wanton vandalism of invading Islamic hordes, which had resulted in the destruction of thousands of Hindu holy places and construction of many Muslim monuments all over the country. That the intention of the invaders was to leave a permanent mark of their victory over this land and pronounce the supremacy of their faith is clear from the fact that all these monuments of infamy stand either on the destroyed holy sites or cheek to jaw with Hindu holy places, reminding people of this country at every daybreak about their subjugation by the foreign invaders for centuries. No self-respecting nation would tolerate such symbols of dishonour.

It is not out of place here to remind the countrymen about the restoration of the glory of Somnath immediately after independence. On the same lines, restoration of three other important holy places -Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi – should also be done.

The ABKM also reminds countrymen that the Ayodhya issue is not a Hindu-Muslim dispute. The Ayodhya movement symbolizes the manifestation of the yearning of a national culture for self-respect and honour. Muslims of Bharat are also inheritors of this national culture and thus should become torchbearers of its honour and glory along with other countrymen instead of becoming flag-holders of invaders.

Several efforts are underway for finding a solution to this issue through negotiations. The ABKM welcomes all such well-meaning efforts that accommodate the views of the leaders of the Ram Janm Bhumi movement like the VHP & Hindu saints who have been in the forefront making countless sacrifices. The ABKM calls upon the Muslim leadership to seize the historic opportunity and give up their claim over the sites at Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi so as to pave way for creation of mutual goodwill and respect between Hindus and Muslims forever. The Muslim leadership and other sections involved in this process should keep it always in mind that negotiations should not mean bargain. It is the right and duty of every citizen of independent Bharat to obliterate all the symbols of slavery.

However, if the Muslim leadership fails to understand the intensity of the sentiments of our countrymen and continues with its obdurate and obscurantist attitude, the ABKM calls upon the Government to explore the possibility of a legislative option to resolve this issue in the interest of national unity and communal harmony.

The ABKM takes note of the efforts by certain vested interests to create a rift in the Hindu movement by spreading untruths and half-truths and cautions all the organizations to be wary of those elements. Nothing should be done by way of words or deeds that would directly or indirectly lead to division in the Hindu ranks.

The ABKM calls upon the patriotic people of our country to raise their voice in favour of Bharat’s self-respect and honor so that leadership of the country would strive for restoration of the same, an important step towards which would be restoration of Hindu holy places of Ayodhya, Mathura and Kashi.


– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2004

The Akhil Bharteeya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS is of the opinion that the recently released census 2001 data on religion, which has brought in the limelight many alarming facts, should be viewed with grave concern by the people, nationalist forces in the society and central as well as various state governments.

That demographic changes do lead to social and political changes, is a fact universally acknowledged. Bharat, which has gone through the tragic trauma of partition in 1947 mainly due to demographic imbalances in Hindu – Muslim proportion in certain parts of the country, does not need any outside example for this.

The census 2001 has only highlighted the continuity of the process. Now after 57 years, we are again seriously confronted with a demographic imbalance in various parts of our country. In 6 districts of Assam & 3 districts of Bengal, which are adjacent to Bangladesh, Hindus have already become a minority. Additionally, in 4 districts of Assam & 7 districts of Bengal they are on the verge of becoming a minority. This is happening because of infiltration from across Bangladesh borders. The IMDT Act in Assam, instead of preventing this infiltration, is acting as a catalyst for it. In Uttar Pradesh & Bihar, all the districts on the border of Nepal show very high Muslim density ranging from 20 to 68 percent, thus creating a ‘corridor’ of high Muslim presence from Bangladesh to Pakistan, as was visualized by the architect of Bharat’s partition, Mr. Jinnah, along with Britishers. 11 states have registered a decadal growth rate of more than 30% in Christian population, while 9 states have registered a decadal growth rate of more than 30% in Muslim population.

The A.B.K.M. strongly deplores the deliberate attempts of a large section of media & intellectuals to push under the carpet all facts on this issue. The attitude of political parties to down play the issue due to the fear of an adverse effect on their vote-bank is also deplorable.

The A.B.K.M. is of the opinion that three principal reasons for these imbalances are (1) lack of uniform population control policies for all religious groups of society (2) religious conversion and (3) infiltration from Bangladesh & Pakistan.

The impact of these imbalances is reflected in various aspects. (1) As per the proposed delimitation of seats of legislative assembly of w-Bengal, 19 more seats shall be created in 8 border districts. Almost all of them shall have a sizeable number of Muslim votes. (2) It cannot be dismissed as a simple coincidence, that the areas highly affected by terrorist activities, are the same areas where Hindus are turning into a minority.

Considering the situation, the A.B.K.M. demands that :

(1)     Central & state govts’ should develop a comprehensive policy for uniform population control of all religious groups.

(2)      All state governments should legislate & enact effective anti-conversion laws.

(3)      Central & state governments should take all necessary steps to stop infiltration & Central Government should adopt a policy to detect the infiltrators, delete them from voters’ list and deport them.

The A.B.K.M. appeals to all people to express their concern in all possible legitimate ways about the alarming facts displayed by the census 2001 religion data.



– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2004 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of RSS welcomes the initiative taken by various organizations and sections of society to celebrate the 150th birth anniversary of Sree Narayana Guru from 29th August 2004. Sree Narayana Guru represents the most valuable contribution of Kerala to the renaissance movement of Bharat of the 19th – 20th century. He ranks among the spiritual stalwarts like Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Sree Ramakrsihna Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Sree Ramana Maharshi and others, though he was born in a backward community considered not only untouchable but also unapproachable. But his real claim to greatness was his spiritual illumination that was the outcome of prolonged penance that gave his words the sanction and authority only a Rishi could give. Attainment of high spititual realisation did not make him oblivious to the sufferings of his countrymen. Along with a team of socially conscious youths, the Guru organized ‘Sree Narayana Dharma Paripalana Yogam’, for upliftment of his community. It had a chain reaction in the form of similar social organizations of other communities as well. The cumulative effect was that there came into being an all-round resurgence among the Hindus in Kerala, at the top of which stood the unique personality of Sree Narayana Guru as the guiding light.

The multifaceted development witnessed by Kerala can be traced to the spiritual outlook of Sree Narayana Guru. His approach was absolutely positive and constructive. There was no word of condemnation or vilification. The ideals and methods of the great Guru has been an unfailing source of inspiration and guidance. He stands out as the supreme symbol of hope and redemption to the depressed classes. The memorable phrases “Organise and become Strong, Educate and become Enlightened, Work hard and become Prosperous”, acquired the sanctity of Mantras. Most of the social evils were eradicated from kerala within a short while.

The historic Temple Entry proclamation made by Maharaja Bala Rama Varma on 12th November 1936 transformed Kerala about which Swami Vivekananda in 1892 had to say that it was a ‘lunatic asylum’ in view of prevailing extreme social evils like untouchability etc. The transformation was so quick that within a short span of 45 years in 1937 Mahatma Gandhi described it as a ‘holy place of pilgrimage’. Behind this great social change, the teachings and guidance of the great Guru are discernible.

More than 60 temples, which the Guru personally consecrated, became leading centers of light and learning. The untouchable community was transformed into a community full of vigour and dynamism. National leaders like Swami Shradhananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Thakur had come to pay homage to the Guru and received guidance from him.

In grateful memory of this spiritual stalwart and social reformer, the ABKM calls upon the Hindu society in general and Swayamsevaks in particular to participate in the ‘Guru- Varsham’ celebrations and also to understand the life and imbibe the teachings of this great saint.

Centenary of anti “Banga-Bhanga” Movement

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2005 

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha pays its homage to the celebrated leaders on this inspiring centenary occasion of the successful Vande Mataram Movement against the partition of Bengal. In pursuance of their devious ‘divide and rule’ policy the British, through Lord Curzon had announced the Bengal partition plan on 20 July 1905. It was a sinister move to infuse the poisonous Two-Nation Theory into Bharat’s harmonious national life. Fortunately, the alert nation had opposed it vociferously. Resistance to this divisive plan was not confined to Bengal alone but it acquired an all-Bharat dimension under the leadership of Maharishi Aurobindo, Gurudev Rabindranath Thakur, sister Nivedita and Sri Bipin Chandra Pal. Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak from Maharashtra and Lala Lajpat Rai from Punjab had also joined the anti-partition movement. Leadership trio of Lal-Bal-Pal became popular during this movement. Even in deep South leaders like Sri V.O.Chidambaram Pillai in Madras Presidency had raised a banner of revolt against the partition of Bengal and led a massive movement. This movement had made the immortal song ‘Vande Mataram’ from the “Anand Math” novel of Rishi Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya a major source of inspiration for all freedom fighters. It was at this time that the Swadeshi Movement assumed an all-Bharat proportion and became identified as struggle for freedom. Nationalist Muslims like Moulana Liaquat Hussain had also joined this chorus in opposing the deviousness of the British. Finally, nationalism of Bharat had won and divisive policies of the British were defeated. King George ‘V’ had to undo the partition of Bengal in 1911.

The ABPS would like to remind the country that the integral national spirit that was strengthened by our leaders during the movement against partition of Bengal between 1905 and 1911 was reversed by the separatist deviation that occurred when the ‘separate electorates’ for the Muslims on the lines of Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 was accepted by the Congress in 1916 as Lucknow Pact. This deviation reached its zenith when it supported the Khilafat movement in 1921. As a result, over time the Muslim separatist psyche got more virulent and the victory that we had achieved in 1911 was lost in 1947. Bharat was partitioned on the spurious Two-Nation Theory.

The ABPS calls upon the countrymen in general and Swayamsevaks in particular to organize programmes commemorating the centenary of anti-partition movement between 20 July and 15 August 2005. This effort will strengthen our integrated national life and pave the way for the Bharatiya nationalism to march towards its cherished goal of Akhand Bharat.

Declining Hindu Population – Call to Religious and Social Leaders

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2005 

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) feels that continuous decline in the proportion of Hindu population all over Bharat is an issue of grave concern. From 1881 onwards every census showed decline in Hindu percentage, and 2001 census figures have further shown that Hindus have turned into a minority in some parts of Bharat and are on the verge of turning into a minority in some other parts. The disastrous consequences of the decline in percentage of Hindu population are revealed in many ways. The dangers posed due to this decline to democracy, secularism, pluralistic social order, respect for other religious faiths which are the highlights of Hindu ethos are well known. Separatist and terrorist activities have mushroomed in areas where the percentage of Hindu population has declined.

The ABPS wishes to draw the attention of Hindu society towards one of the main reasons behind all this, namely, religious conversions.

The ABPS is of the opinion that although the elements which believe in religious conversions are behind this, the tendency of Hindu society to neglect this perilous problem is also responsible for this. The apathy towards conversions and indifference towards the issue of home-coming are the symptoms of this tendency. There is an urgent need for a shift in the Hindu mindset over this issue, and all Hindus be awakened to work towards this.

The ABPS appeals to the heads of all religious sects and institutions such as Mutts and Mandirs, Vihars, Gurudwaras etc. to play a vital role in this shift. Emphasising the need for awareness against conversions among the disciples and earnestness in promoting systematic efforts for the home-coming must become a regular part of their socio-religious activities. We also appeal to them to take initiative in inviting the converts from their respective faiths to return to the faiths of their great ancestors. We call upon the leaders of various caste and other social groups to come forward to encourage those who got alienated from them for whatever reasons, to come back and extend a warm welcome to them as their own blood-relatives.

Cast rivalry and Social Harmony

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2005 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKM) expresses deep concern over the increasing incidents of caste rivalry in the Hindu Society. The ABKM appeals that the core message of ‘Samarasata’ (social harmony) – ‘Hindavah sodarah sarve’ (All Hindus are brothers and sisters) should be spread in all sections of the society.

Caste based untouchability and feeling of so called ‘high caste’ and ‘low caste’ are evils haunting our society. Unfortunately, such incidents occur in society even to this day manifesting the worst form of caste discrimination. Hindu society will have to get rid of this evil at the earliest.

Inventing caste based new conflicts in the Hindu society for the sake of political benefits has become a trend of many politicians these days. Treacherous elements are also joining hands in this. To create the vote banks, these politicians are encouraging caste-based rivalries, which result in creation of various caste-based clashes.

The ABKM appeals to all political parties to free themselves from the clutches of caste-based politics, which is causing deep divisions in the society, and give an orientation of eternal Bharatiya Sanskriti to Indian democracy. Bharatiya Sanskriti is the deciding force to achieve ‘Samarasata’.

All Dharmacharyas have given the ruling that untouchability has no place in Hindu Dharma. In view of this, the honour to carry out he foundation stone laying ceremony of Ramjanmabhoomi was bestowed on a person belonging to Scheduled classes, and Saints visited the house of ‘dome Raja’ to partake of food. The visit of the Saints to ‘Dikshabhumi’ at Nagpur and garlanding the statue of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar is a path breaking incident. In the Kala Ram temple of Nasik, the priest of the temple, whose forefathers had opposed entry of Dr. Ambedkar and his followers into the temple, invited the brothers of those castes, which at one time used to be called untouchables, to perform a ‘Yagnya’, thus setting an example of atonement. Such examples underscore the glory of positive efforts. It is necessary that sustained efforts should continue in this direction to successfully eradicate the evil of untouchability and feeling of ‘high’ and ‘low’ castes.

‘Ekam sat viprah Bahudha vadanti’ (Truth is one; wise men describe it in various ways) is the basic vision on the basis of which various religious sects are equally honoured in the Hindutva stream. No religion or sect is inferior to others. The whole society should be aware that every sect and caste of Bharat has a glorious history. The ABKM appeals to all sects and castes that they should not look down on other sects and castes. The entire society should fully realize the essence of ‘Na Hinduh Patito Bhavet’ (No Hindu shall ever be fallen).

The ABKM appeals to the Hindu society that it should take all the necessary measures to ensure entry and access to every Hindu, irrespective of his caste, to their homes, temples, religious places, public wells, ponds, and other public places.

ABKM appeals to the society in general and swayamsevaks in particular that, in the birth centenary year of Shri Guruji, The ongoing efforts should be intensified to achieve the noble aim of ‘Samarasata’.

Opposition to Attacks on Centres of Hindu Reverence

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2006 

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal considers the attempt to defile and bring the Hindu centres of veneration into controversy as a dangerous trait in our national life. Temples are traditionally the cultural centres and unifying force of Hindu Society. The decorum of these centres is being violated these days and the non-Bhartiya religions are getting foothold for their proselytizing activities, which is highly condemnable. The objectionable presentation of Hindu gods and goddesses, instigations against Hindu religious festivals and programs, arrests and subsequent harassments of Hindu religious leaders are glaring examples of attacks, atrocities and insult meted out to the Hindu society.

Tirumala Tirupati is an ancient and holy place of pilgrimage. The attack of Christian missionaries on it by means of the proselytizing activities and the succumbing of government machinery to their machinations reveal the hollowness of our political and bureaucratic system. The ABKM supports the fierce protest by the Hindu devotees of Balaji against these reprehensible activities.

Our cultural and religious life has been full of diverse traditions. Respect for these traditional decorum has been a part of our integral life for centuries. The tendency to make them controversial and insulting our centres of veneration due to West-influenced mentality should be rebutted. The ABKM while respecting the decorum of religious centres, has been welcoming the timely changes and so does presently also. However, only the devotees and trustees of the concerned places of veneration have the authority to bring reforms, and it is not in the domain of secularists of Western mindset.

The ABKM is a supporter of the autonomy of religious places and traditions. The acquisition of Muth-Mandirs and government interference in pilgrimage centres should be stopped.

The ABKM rejects the concept of development, which denigrates the sanctity, and historical tradition of our cultural and religious centres. Any attempt to create a hurdle through blockades in the serene and perennial flow of revered Ganga and tampering with the precious eco-balance of the holy Himalaya are the risks we can ill afford in the name of western development models. Likewise, the authorities should change the tendency to play with the sanctity of pilgrimages in the name of tourism development.

The only aim of the perverted non-Bharatiya thinking of the leftist intellectuals is to insult Hindu sentiments. They abhor every fact, which reflects the ancient glory of Bharat. These leftists start hurting national i.e. Hindu reverences on every occasion, be it the rejuvenation of river Sarasvati or the fact of ‘Setubandh Rameshwaram’ being scientifically proved. The ABKM strongly denounces such attempts and appeals the nationalist intellectuals to come forward and retort them in every field.

The ABKM considers the numerous revered centres and places of pilgrimages as the living heritage of our national life stream, and appeals the society in general and Swayamsevaks in particular, to remain ever vigilant and be ready to struggle against every attempt of assaulting Hindu sentiments.

Strengthen the Social Harmony

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2007 

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha expresses its immense satisfaction over the fact that the year-long celebrations of Shri Guruji Janmashatabdi have achieved unprecedented success in delivering the core message of Social Harmony (Samajik Samarasata) to every section of society.

A variety of programmes like ‘Samarasata Yajna’, ‘Kalash Yatra’, ‘Samarasata Daud’, ‘Hindu Sangam’, ‘Sant Samagam’, ‘Samajik Sahbhoj’ etc were arranged all over Bharat and around the world, alongwith the seminars-symposia (Vichar Sangoshthis), ‘Sadbhav Baithaks’ and ‘Hindu Sammelans’ to spread the message of social harmony among the elite and general public alike. A commendable contribution has been extended by honourable members of ‘Janmashatabdi Samitis’ and ‘Samrakshak Mandals’ of national, state and district levels, and also various socio-religious organisations through their participation in planning and execution in making all these programmes a great success. As a result, cutting across the differences of caste, sect, religion and political party, the society has experienced a strong feeling of social harmony and goodwill (Samajik Samarasata and Sadbhav).

It may be recalled that through the sustained efforts of Shri Guruji, the saints of several religious denominations came together and formed the ‘Vishwa Hindu Parishad’ at Sandipani Ashram of Pujya Swami Chinmayanandji, in Mumbai in 1964, and also made the proclamations ‘Na Hinduh patito bhavet’ (A Hindu is never fallen) and ‘Hindavah sodarah sarve’ (All Hindus are brethren) later at VHP’s conferences at Prayag (1966) and Udupi (1969) respectively. In the year of Shri Guruji Birth Centenary, the 3rd Vishwa Hindu Sammelan of VHP at Prayag in Feb 2007 reiterated this spirit by passing the resolution to open the doors of temples to all Hindus for entry and Darshan. Saints of several religious denominations participating in various programmes of centenary celebration have advocated the necessity of Samarasata, thereby strengthening the same spirit in one voice.

All the participants in these programmes expressed a desire to continue efforts for sustaining the atmosphere of ‘Samajik Sadbhav’. The ABPS, ever committed to ‘Samajik Samarasata’, expresses its unreserved agreement with this desire which is in tune with Shri Guruji’s message soon after the historic Udupi conference — ‘The programme is over, but the real work is ahead’.

It is the considered opinion of the ABPS that in the present situation, we can fulfil the pious task of creating harmonious and healthy society by securing social justice and economic empowerment to the deprived sections, which can be achieved only by providing equality of opportunities and social dignity on the basis of social harmony and goodwill. The mission will succeed only when all the Swayamsevaks strive continuously towards that end and act in consonance with this aim in their personal and family life. The ABPS, therefore, appeals to all the Swayamsevaks to make this resolve of the Centenary year fulfilled by their unwavering commitment.

The ABPS expresses its humble gratitude towards all revered saints for their blessings and active support to this great cause. The ABPS wholeheartedly thanks all the socio-religious organisations, intelligentsia and other countrymen for the co-operation and support extended by them.

The ABPS appeals to all sections of the society in general and revered saints, socio-religious leadership and intellectuals in particular, to take up various plans and projects, so that the atmosphere of social harmony emerged in the Centenary can become the lasting foundation of glorious Bharat.

Change the route of SSCP – Save Ram

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2007 

The ABPS strongly condemns the obstinate and reckless attitude of the Government of Bharat in going ahead with the controversial Setu Samudram Channel Project – SSCP – that proposes to destroy Ram Setu, the bridge constructed by Bhagvan Ram to cross the sea, thus unabashedly trampling upon the sentiments of crores of Hindus. The ABPS also wants to register strongest protest over the highly condemnable statement of the Union Minister for Shipping calling the opponents of the SSCP ‘anti-nationals’.

The ABPS wants to remind the Minister and other authorities that the entire project smacks of a sinister design to destroy Bharat’s age-old heritage and world’s most ancient man-made structure, much older than the Pyramids of Egypt (Around 4500 years) and the Great Wall of China (Around 2600 years). This can be deduced from the fact that while several alternative routes that do not destroy any monument were available before the authorities for the same purpose, they chose this very route that is longer than the others and cuts across the Ram Setu. They not only brushed aside the objections raised by the environmentalists and the livelihood concerns of thousands of fishermen in that area but also refused to consult the experts from the most important wing of Marine Archaeology.

The Government has turned a deaf ear to the warnings of environmentalists, seismologists, geo-morphologists etc over the impending danger to our coastline from future calamities like Tsunami due to the destruction of this barrier.

The ABPS wishes to remind all, that structures like Taj Mahal in Agra and Kutub Minar in Delhi were saved from the threat of damage and destruction from the modern development-oriented initiatives like industrialisation and Metro Rail project respectively, due to public and judicial intervention. While the above two date back only to a few hundred years the Ram Setu’s historical antiquity goes back to several millennia.

The ABPS welcomes the initiative taken by bodies like Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha in mobilising public opinion by way of involving the saints and filing cases in the courts. It also places its appreciation on record for all those political parties, social organisations and media agencies who have taken up the cause of supporting this initiative of preserving Bharat’s cherished national heritage and honour. It also congratulates lakhs of people who have signed a petition urging the President of Bharat to intervene and save this monument.

That the Setu existed there for several millennia; that it is still mentioned in various records as the Adam’s Bridge; that the British Gazette records mention that people used to cross the sea over that Setu till 15th Century; that the Archaeological Survey of India has ‘Aasetu Himachalam’ as its motto embedded in its emblem referring to the same Setu; and that even NASA satellite images have clearly shown that there exists an organized chain of sand shoals 30 KM long; that the bridge’s unique curvature and composition by age reveals that it is man-made; over and above all this, that there exists a strong local tradition irrespective of religion that attaches great sacredness to this Setu should be enough for the protests against the SSCP to be taken by the Government seriously. This monument deserves not destruction in this callous manner but protection as a Heritage Site under UNESCO mandate.

The ABPS demands that the Government deliver its obligation under Art ’51-A’ of the Indian Constitution by declaring it as a protected monument and handing it over to the Archaeology department for further investigations.

The Pratinidhi Sabha calls it ironical that the Government of Bharat wants to destroy this great monument using its very name for the project “Setu Samudram Channel Project’.

The ABPS calls upon the countrymen to immediately launch a nationwide campaign to force the Government to abandon its callous course.

The ABPS warns the Government that resumption of the project in the present form is fraught with serious consequences and advises that it should form an experts committee consisting of marine archaeologists, seismologists, environmentalists etc as advised by the Ramnathpuram Court and explore the alternative routes that do not damage the sacred Ram Setu and yet fulfill the objectives of this commercially very important project.

150th Anniversary of 1857 War of Independence

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2007 

150th Anniversary of 1857 War of Independence

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha respectfully salutes to the sacred memory of the martyrs of the 1857 War of Independence on the occasion of its 150th anniversary.

This war was fought all over the country on the issues of Swarajya, Swadharma, Swadeshi and Goraksha. ‘Kamal’ (lotus)— the symbol of Hindu Dharma and ‘Roti’ (bread)— the symbol of the basic needs of common man were used as war symbols and people participated in large numbers from urban, rural, forest and hill areas. Precisely for this reason, the then British Government had perpetrated heinous atrocities on common people alongwith freedom fighters.

The British derided this war as an ordinary and localized ‘Sepoy mutiny’ and an attempt to protect kingdoms and feudal states, so that the ordinary masses would not get any inspiration from it. Unfortunately, a section of our countrymen joined this chorus and started describing it as merely a ‘Sepoy mutiny’. Even our history text books too present it in the same manner. In spite of all this, the scintillating image of this war as a glorious War of Independence remained intact in the hearts of the people.

Swatantryaveer Savarkar authored a well-researched treatise on this War of Independence and threw light on its popular & countrywide character and its impact on the freedom struggle that followed etc. It played a very important role during the Independence Movement despite the British imposing a ban even before its publication. The post-1857 history is a standing testimony to the fact that on one hand the revolutionaries and other freedom fighters drew inspiration from the narratives of sacrifices and valour of this great war until the time of Independence, while on the other it provided a major source of inspiration in the struggle for the liberation of Goa and Puducherry (Pondicherry) after Independence.

Some people interpret this war as a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity. While there is nothing objectionable about it, it cannot be kept in the category of the efforts for Hindu-Muslim unity based on mindless appeasement that took place in the latter part of our freedom struggle. It should be kept in mind that all these efforts had culminated in the tragic partition of our country in 1947. The participation of the Muslims in the 1857 war was based on positive grounds rather than on religion based separatist mindset. Honoring the Hindu sentiments, the then Muslim leadership agreed on matters like ban on cow-slaughter, death penalty to the slaughterers of cows and handing over the Ramjanmabhoomi in Ayodhya to Hindus etc. This dimension of Hindu-Muslim co-operation of 1857 should always be kept in mind.

Sacred memories of the freedom struggle and its martyrs are ever inspiring. In this context, constitution of a Committee by the Union Government to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the 1857 War of Independence is a welcome decision.

The ABPS calls upon the countrymen in general and Swayamsewak in particular, to keep the memory of this glorious history alive through various programmes so that the spirit of supreme sacrifice for the sake of the country remains everlasting.

Compliments to the Amarnath yatra Sangharsha Samiti

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2008 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal heartily congratulates Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti and the patriotic people of Jammu and Kashmir for the unprecedented success of their magnificent agitation against the revocation of land allotment and Yatra management rights of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board. Shri Amarnath Shrine Board, constituted by Jammu Kashmir assembly in 2000 A.D. through a unanimous legislation, had taken several appreciable measures in the last 7 years for providing facilities to the pilgrims. In view of the ever-increasing number of pilgrims participating in the Yatra the Shrine Board has opened a new route for the Yatra from Baltal along with the traditional route of Pahalgam. The Board has placed a request before the State Government for allocation of land for the purpose of providing amenities to the pilgrims on this new route. Following the directive of the Jammu-Kashmir High Court, the State Cabinet took a unanimous decision on 26 May 2008 to allocate 800 kanals (40 hectares) of land to the Shrine Board for two months every year during the Yatra on temporary basis.

As soon as this decision was announced all pro-Pakistan, anti-national and secessionist elements started opposing it and all major political parties of the Kashmir Valley joined the chorus. Immediately after assuming office the newly appointed Governor of Jammu-Kashmir, at the behest of Central Government, took the decision to return the management of Shri Amarnath Yatra and the land allocated for that purpose to the State Government and consequently the decision of land allocation to the Shrine Board was revoked on 2 July. The ABKM strongly denounces this tendency of surrendering before the anti-national forces for the sake of votes.

Entire Hindu society was agitated by the revocation of land allotment to the Shrine Board, and as a consequence a popular movement was launched under the aegis of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti in Jammu region for securing the land and rights back to Board. As a part of the agitation the Jammu region observed unprecedented ‘Bandh’, initially for 9 days from 30 June to 8 July and again for 39 days from 23 July to 30 August. The Bandh was a total success because of the support of entire Hindu society and a few Muslims. People of Ladakh also extended massive support to this popular agitation. A massive popular agitation was launched in the entire country in support of the people of Jammu and Ladakh for securing land and rights back to the Board. Many prominent dignitaries and organizations of the country too exerted pressure on the Central Government to immediately accept the just demands of the Samiti. The media also gave due coverage to this agitation this time. Ultimately, under public pressure, although belatedly, the Central Government was forced to restore land and other rights to the Shrine Board on the early morning of 31 August.

The ABKM is of the opinion that this victory of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsha Samiti is the victory of united strength and spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom of the society over secessionist elements and the deplorable political tendency of surrender to appease them. The ABKM pays its respectful homage to the 2 martyrs who made self-sacrifice and 10 other martyrs who were felled by the bullets of the security forces.

It is the considered opinion of the ABKM that the agitation of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti should be seen as a manifestation of the accumulated popular resentment against the unjust and discriminatory policies of the Government towards the people of Jammu and Ladakh, under the pressure of the secessionists, in the last 60 years. Time has come to ensure honourable and safe return of the displaced Hindus of Kashmir; and to put an end to the discrimination against Jammu and Ladakh; and also to do away with the policy impediments (like Art. 370, separate Constitution, separate symbols, duel-citizenship etc) in the path of complete integration of Jammu-Kashmir with the rest of the country.

The ABKM appeals to the people of the entire country to strengthen the hands of the nationalist forces in Jammu-Kashmir and compel the government to change its policies. The ABKM urges the Central Government also to stop appeasement of the secessionist and pro-Pakistan elements and take stern action against them to restore peace in the Kashmir Valley. At the same time it should immediately change its continued unjust and discriminatory actions against Jammu and Ladakh.

Curb Islamic Terrorism with an Iron Hand

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2008 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses serious concern over the situation arising out of the serial bomb blasts taking place in various parts of the country. In the last few months over 200 people have been killed and thousands injured in these ghastly incidents of terrorism perpetrated by so-called Jehadi elements with impunity.

The ABKM would like to draw the attention of the nation to the fact that the investigations have confirmed that this wave of Jehadi terrorism is home-grown with active funding, training and sheltering being made available from within the country while the enemy across our borders is providing necessary ideological and logistic support. This support from within has emboldened these terrorists to the extent that they dared to challenge mighty Indian system by sending threatening e-mails 5 minutes before every serial blast.

SIMI and Indian Mujahidin, the organizations behind the recent spate of terror attacks, have spread their tentacles far and wide. They unabashedly declare their intent of bleeding Indian state and quote profusely from Koranic verses to justify their terrorism. They also make it clear that their ultimate objective is to win over Bharat to Islam. Yet it is shocking to see several politicians competing with each other to exonerate these terror groups and also to provide certificates of good conduct to these enemies of our nation.

Role of a section of the media and intelligentsia too is regrettable. There have been attempts to demoralize our security and law-enforcement agencies by running sustained campaigns against their actions. A classic case illustrative of this conspiracy is the campaign to project the recent Jamia Nagar encounter as fake and the death of a decorated police officer as fraud. The ABKM considers this campaign as treason as it is intended to weaken our internal security mechanism and thus make our country more vulnerable to such attacks.
The real face of the so-called liberal intellectuals has surfaced once again in the actions and utterances of the VC of Jamia Milia Islamia University after the Jamia Nagar encounter. He not only questioned the genuineness of the encounter but also publicly vowed to use his official position in the Central Government-run University to support the alleged terrorists. The ABKM expresses its shock over utter irresponsibility of the Union HRD Minister and others in the Union Cabinet in endorsing and acclaiming the anti-national actions of the VC thus opposing the actions of their own Government.

The ABKM wishes to register its appreciation for our security agencies like the Anti Terrorist Squad (ATS), Mumbai; and police of states like Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi for their successful actions and investigations against the Jehadi terrorists that brought to book a large number of them.

The ABKM strongly decries the campaign of calumny unleashed by pseudo-secularists against Hindu organizations branding them as terrorists. It is clear that the elements sympathetic to the Islamic terror for communal or vote-bank reasons wanted to use Hindu organizations as scapegoats despite knowing well that the Hindu movement neither sponsors nor supports violence ever.

The ABKM is of the view that the actions of such leaders and intellectuals including a section of our media are emboldening the anti-national elements within the Islamic society. Their aggressive defence of terror suspects and violent attacks on Hindus in various parts of the country like Dhule in Maharashtra, Bhainsa in Andhra Pradesh, Jodhpur in Rajasthan and Burhanpur in MP indicate that they are remorseless about the dangerous trends taking roots within their community with more and more educated youths turning to terrorism.
A time has come for the Muslim community to undertake serious introspection and ensure that the saner and enlightened Muslim leadership takes control of the affairs of the community.
The ABKM calls upon the people in power to shed their vote-bank politics and show courage, determination and foresight to curb this menace with an iron hand. It is unfortunate that the Government is not coming forward to promulgate stringent anti-terror laws that are the urgent need of the hour. Withholding permission to state sponsored laws like GUJCOCA clearly indicates that it is not even helping states that are making sincere and determined efforts to fight terrorism. The ABKM demands that laws that not only act tough on terrorists but also on all their sponsors and supporters – both underground and over-ground – be enacted forthwith.

The ABKM calls upon the countrymen to be ever vigilant and compel the Government to take steps to curb terrorism in the country.

The Kandhamal incidents and Conversion

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2008

The Akhila Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal strongly condemns the brutal murder of Poojya Swamy Lakshmanananda Saraswathi and four of his disciples namely Sadhvi Bhaktimayee, Baba Amritanand, Kishor Baba and Puranjan Ganthi at his Ashram in Jaleshpatta of Kandhamal district in Orissa by a group of Christian zealots on the Janmashtami day, 23 August 2008. The Swamiji had devoted all his ascetic life for the all-round uplift of the poor and backward people of the region. His work and presence in the area was the most formidable check against cow slaughter and illegal conversion by the Christian missionaries who had masterminded eight previous attacks on his life between 1969 and 2007. Assassination of such a noble person is not only a great loss to the country but has left a grievous wound on the Hindu psyche which is difficult to heal. The ABKM expresses its profound sorrow over the death of Poojya Swamiji and his disciples and pays its respectful homage to their sacred memory.

The ABKM notes with regret that in the aftermath of the murder of Swamiji, instead of making efforts to assuage the hurt feelings of lakhs of his disciples both the state and central governments played a partisan and dubious role in handling the situation. Under pressure from pseudo-secularists and Christian lobbyists they unleashed a reign of terror and indulged in indiscriminate arrests of innocent men, women and children and slapping of false cases against them.

Failure of the State Government becomes more pronounced in the face of its inability to arrest the murderers of Swamiji. It is obvious that the State Government, under the influence of the missionary elements and the Central Government, is trying to protect the real perpetrators by bringing in the Maoist angle.

The ABKM underscores the fact that the unfortunate violence that followed Swamiji’s murder was due to missionary infused socio-economic rivalry between the Kandh tribals and the converted Panas. The harmonious relations between these communities were disturbed with the advent of Christian Missionaries in the region. Large scale conversions among the Panas and subsequent efforts by the converts to usurp lands and reservation benefits of the Kandhs at the behest of the missionaries have led to serious resentment among the Kandhs. A large number of Churches have been illegally constructed on lands belonging to the tribals. Hundreds of tribal places of worship called “Dharani Penu” (Mother Earth), which is the symbol of faith for the Kandhs, have been destroyed by overzealous missionaries. The Kandh identity and culture have come under severe threat.

The ABKM wants to draw nation’s attention to the failure of successive state governments in Orissa in implementing the Orissa Freedom of Religion Act 1967 as a result of which while the official records showed only two conversions, the Christian population in Kandhamal district has increased six folds between 1961 and 2001.

In Karnataka it is the aggressive proselytizing activities and blasphemous propaganda against Hindu gods and goddesses by evangelical organizations like the ‘New Life Mission’ that have caused resentment among the people. Opposition to these activities being run in unauthorized prayer halls by the local people was blown out of proportion and described as attacks on churches.

The ABKM deplores the orchestrated and one-sided propaganda against the Hindu organizations by the self-styled secularists, practitioners of vote bank politics and a section of the media known for Hindu bashing, totally ignoring the facts and unmindful of the damage they are causing to the image of the country.

The ABKM also takes exception to the statements issued by the Pope and leaders of several foreign governments regarding the incidents of Orissa and other states and considers the same as undesirable interference in the internal affairs of our country. It is regrettable that our Prime minister has failed to uphold the honor and dignity of the country by not challenging the same.
The ABKM wants to stress that conversion militates against the core ethos of our nationhood as understood through the true meaning of Secularism i.e. Sarva Panth Samadar – equal respect for all religions. Conversion implies superiority of certain religions over others. It is nothing but ‘Religious Imperialism’. Swami Vivekananda had ridiculed the missionary claims of superiority while Mahatma Gandhi unequivocally declared that he would prohibit conversions if he had the power.

The ABKM also wishes to clarify that Religious Freedom as guaranteed by Art 25 (1) of our Constitution, while conferring on every individual right to profess, practice and propagate his/her religion freely, doesn’t grant any freedom to convert others. The Supreme Court of India has unequivocally stated in 1977 in rev. Stanislaus case that: ‘… right to propagate one’s religion does not grant the right to convert another person to one’s own religion’.
The ABKM welcomes the initiative taken by some eminent leaders of Bharatiya Churches to condemn the conversion activities of certain fundamentalist evangelical groups. It may be recalled that the Vatican denounces interdenominational conversion – proselytism – as scandalous and unethical. The previous Pope described the evangelists of Latin America as ‘Rapacious Beasts” trying to steal his flock. Yet, the Pope aggressively promotes conversions in Bharat.
In view of the facts and circumstances stated above, the ABKM demands that

  1. Steps should be taken to immediately arrest the culprits and conspirators behind the murder of Poojya Swami Lakshmanananda Saraswathi and his disciples.
  2.  Repressive measures employed by the Police should be stopped and those arrested on flimsy and false charges must be released forthwith.
  3.  Right to land ownership of the Kandh tribe must be protected by appropriate legislative and executive measures.
  4.  The amendment of 2002 to the Presidential Order on Scheduled Tribes, which included Kui as a tribe incorrectly, be withdrawn since Kui is only a language spoken by the people of Kandhamal.
  5.  A central legislation should be enacted to ban religious conversions.

The ABKM calls upon the countrymen to wake up to the forces trying to weaken and malign Hindu society and undertake all efforts to strengthen and preserve national unity, culture and identity.

500th anniversary of Sri Krishnadevaraya’s Coronation

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2009 

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha considers the coronation of Sri Krishnadevaraya, the renowned emperor of the Vijayanagar Empire in 1510 CE as a defining moment in the history of Bharat.

The Vijayanagar Empire was founded in 1336 CE with the avowed objective of protecting Hindu Dharma and culture at a time when the very survial of these seemed to be threatened by the barbaric attack of the Muslim invaders. The founding of the empire was the fruit of the combined efforts of the spiritual powers of sage Vidyaranya and the valour of Harihara and Bukka Raya.

The empire earned a distinct place in world history for a number of reasons such as durable peace, economic prosperity, flourishing art, literature and architecture, international trade and diplomacy and harmonious and joyful social life. It is described by the historians, both within and outside the country, as a golden chapter in the history of Bharat and the unforgettable empire.

Sri Krishnadevaraya ascended the throne on Magha Shukla Chaturdashi in the year 1431 of Shalivahana Shaka coresponding to 24th January, 1510 CE. He was a brave warrior, a visionary statesman, a connoisseur of arts, a profound scholar and above all a benign ruler. He brought about far reaching administrative, judicial and agricultural reforms. The water management system designed during his time is hailed as the most scientific system. Under his rule the empire extended to the whole of Southern Bharat and rose to heights of glory.

If Sri Krishnadevaraya, who donned the title of Hinduraya Suratrana, exemplifies himself as an ideal Hindu king, Vijayanagar empire stands out as an example of an ideal Hindu State. It served as a permanent source of ispiration for all future efforts of Hindu consolidation.

The ABPS believes that celebrating the 500th anniversary of the coronation of emperor Krishnadevaraya will revive the memories of a golden phase in the history of our country and infuse pride and confidence in the minds of the people, the younger generation in particular. Hence, it appeals to the countryman to organise a variety of programmes with a view to throwing light upon the glory of the Vijayanagar Empire.

The ABPS appeals to the state and central governments:

1) To take immediate steps to remove all encroachments on the historical site of Hampi, which was the capital of Vijayanagar Empire.

2) To protect and preserve the sacred places and monuments on the site.

3) To develop the site, which is already declared as a world heritage site, in such a way as to bring back the inspiring memories of the empire and to give a true picture of the golden period of our history to national and foreign visitors and

4) To bring out a commemorative stamp to mark the occasion.


Policy of Religious Discrimination Dangerous for National Integrity

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2009 

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha (ABPS) considers it highly unfortunate that the policy of Muslim appeasement pursued by the British, which resulted in the vivisection of our motherland, is continuing even after 62 years of our independence. Sadly, the policy makers, instead of trying to build a cohesive society on just and equitable principles, are engaged in dividing the society for narrow political benefits overlooking the grave implications for our national security and integrity. The discriminatory policies being adopted by the Central Government by showering favours liberally upon Muslims and Christians in the name of minorities, instead of serving the purported claim of empowering them, are fraught with the danger of dividing the society on communal lines.

The ABPS wishes to draw attention to the fact that all the other religious communities in our national society have to suffer and compete in an unequal environment as is the case of various loans where they have to cough up 12-14 % interest for education and 15-18 % for business while the so-called minorities get it at 3% interest.

It is unfortunate that even the education sector and students couldn’t escape from this communal and discriminatory politics. Controversial Sacchar Committee recommendations have been introduced in the NCERT syllabus for the students of Std. VIII thus poisoning their innocent minds with divisive ideas. The Kendriya Vidyalay Sanghatan has also fallen prey to this divisive policy. A recent change in its logo from sun and lotus to cross, crescent and star is a testimony to this perverted mindset. In Rajasthan, pre-matric scholarships are being provided to the minorities merely on the affidavit of the parent thus inducing conversions.

It is deplorable that the madarsas that do not fit into any formal educational system have been granted status equivalent of the CBSE institutions. Largesse of Rs. 2000 crores has been granted to the Aligarh Muslim University for opening regional centers at places like Bhopal, Pune, Kishangunj, Murshidabad and Malappuram. States where these centers are being opened are required to provide 500 acres of land free of cost.

Far more serious are the steps being undertaken to institutionalize reservations on religious basis. Government of Andhra Pradesh providing 4% reservations for Muslims and earmarking 12% out of the SC quota in Social Welfare Schools to converts thus depriving the SCs of their seats; government of Tamil Nadu giving 7% to Muslims and Christians – that too out of the quota for OBCs in educational institutions; provision by the West Bengal government to allocate 30% of the budget of each department and all surplus government land to Muslims – such incidents clearly betray this blatantly partisan approach.

In a classic case of competitive minoritysm the Government of Bihar has announced fee waiver to all the Muslim students of Std. X and XII in four districts i.e., Purnea, Araria, Katihar and Kishangunj while no such provision has been made for the general students of the flood-affected districts despite repeated pleas. Similarly, the monetary gift of Rs. 10,000 being offered by that State to each Std. X pass-out from the minority community is another example of this appeasement policy. The Kerala Government’s decision to provide pension to madrasa teachers too falls into the same category.

The ABPS reiterates that preferential treatment to a section of our society on the basis of religion is against our Constitution. It is time that the fair-minded Muslims and Christians also should openly come forward to oppose these policies.

The ABPS demands that all reservations, concessions and privileges based exclusively on religion must be abolished. It urges the countrymen to make the society aware of the impending dangers of such policies and exert pressure on policy makers to abandon them.

150th Birth Anniversary of Mahamana Malviya ji

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2010 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karykari Mandal feels immense pleasure on reverential remembrance of Mahamana Pt.Madan Mohan Malviya ji, born on the Paush Krishna Ashtami Vikram Samvat 1918 (25 December 1861), on his 150th birth anniversary. Malviya ji was a great patriot, freedom fighter, renowned educationist, editor of several newspapers, skillful lawyer, eloquent orator and munificent donor. The great cow-devotee, the moving force for building temple at Shri Krishna Janma Bhoomi and founder of the Banaras Hindu University, Malviya ji got established gau-shalas, pathshalas and Mumukshu Ashrams at several places.

Malviya ji started his political voyage by leaving the Kolkata conference of the Congress spell-bound by his speech at the age of 25. He became the President of the Congress four times and led the Hindu Mahasabha for twelve years. Gandhiji has always held him in high esteem as the ocean of knowledge and as his spiritual mentor.

Compelled to adopt the career of teaching on completing the 10th standard of education, he adorned education with the golden aura of Hindutva and had been the Vice Chancellor of the Banaras Hindu University for 20 years. The perceived objective of the Mahamana in establishing the university was to integrate dharma and ethics as an inseparable part of education for moulding the character of the youth. He strongly believed that dharma is the sole basis of character and source of bliss in life. For this purpose, he emphasised on Sanskrit teaching and established the tradition of discourse on Geeta, which is continuing uninterrupted till date. The motto “Hindunaam Maanvardhanah” written on the entrance of the Kashi Vishwanath temple built in the Banaras Hindu University was his sole mission in life.

The second Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, revered Shri Guruji had been a student and teacher in this university. He was blessed with the proximity and affection of Malviya ji at that time .It was with the benediction of Malviya ji that the office of the Sangh could be established in the university campus and the Sangh-karya continued to get his blessings.

It was a unique and rare combination in him that he was a political leader of mass acceptance, together with being a widely respected educational luminary. To redeem his resolve to serve the cause of education and social service he renounced his well-established practice of law in 1911, for ever. In order to follow the tradition of Sanyaas throughout his life, he pursued the avowed commitment to live on the society’s support. But when 177 freedom fighters were convicted to be hanged in the Chouri-choura case he appeared before the court, despite his vow and got acquitted 156 freedom fighters.

While considering the so-called untouchables and indigent of the Hindus as the integral part of Hindu Society and to give them respectable place, he continued to endeavour successfully, to arrange for their Mantradeeksha and education, inspite of opposition from obscurantists. By virtue of his intimate relations with Dr.Ambedkar and credibility, he succeeded to seek his consent on the Poona pact.

His commitment for Swadeshi, reflected in his explicit faith in indigenous products, thought, practice, language and industry was also visible in his devotion for our cultural values. Malviya ji had strongly opposed the obstruction of the flow of Ganga from Gomukh to Gangasagar and the British government had to restore the uninterrupted flow of Ganga.

Totally opposed to the politics of appeasement, Malviya ji had opposed the separate electorates for Muslims under the Lucknow Pact of 1916 and also opposed the participation of Congress in the Khilaphat movement in early 20’s. Giving his clear verdict against the division of the country, he cautioned Gandhi ji against bargaining for freedom at the cost of division of the country.

His compassionate heart lacerated at the news of horrifying violence against Hindus, in 1946 in Kolkata and Noakhali. He urged the Hindus to counter the oppressors by organizing against them. This very grief was the cause of his demise.

Instead of aspiring for Moksha on his demise, he wished for rebirth for the sake of nation and university.

In brief, in spite of being into politics he was above politics. He was explicit proponent of dharm, stood against the obscurantism and was supporter of cultural values in life. He was propounder of Swadeshi and committed for self-reliant Bharat and was strong advocate of reinterpretation of ancient scriptures in light of contemporary needs. He was deeply devotional and away from parochialism. He was a royal beggar for the social cause and munificent donor in the personal life.

The ABKM calls upon the central and state governments that while, celebrating the 150th anniversary they should reintroduce his biography in the curricula as it existed earlier and should restore the originality of the Banaras Hindu University which was established by him on the basis of the Hindu values and ideals.

The ABKM pays humble and heart-felt homage to Mahamana Madan Mohan Malviya ji and calls upon the Swayamsevaks and the countrymen to commit to mould the new generation by drawing inspiration from the noble and intensely active life of Mahamana and follow the Hindu values as reflected in his articles, speeches and life episodes, in personal life and establish these in the social life.

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