RSSFACTS: The lesser known and unknown facts about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest voluntary organisation in the world.     

RSS resolutions on Foreign relations from 1952-78

Updated: February 4, 2023 6:12

Pak-American Pact

 — This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1952 

The K.K.M. of R.S.S. views with grave concern the reported Pak-American Pact which is likely to strengthen the hands of Pakistan in its patently hostile attitude towards Bharat. The aggressive plans of Pakistan towards our country are too evident to need any reiteration; indeed its open aggression in Kashmir is still on. Under the circumstances, the Pact is almost an encouragement to Pakistan in its designs against our country. Our country has all along been watching the systematic moves by the U.S.A. directed towards safeguarding themselves against the possible growth of Russian influence in this part of the world. The present pact appears to be one more link in their chain of diplomatic moves. But this pact, being likely to widen the rift between the democratic countries in Asia, is more likely to defeat the purpose of their diplomacy and as such does not reflect creditably upon the statesmanship of U.S.A. It is hoped, however, that better sense will prevail and steps taken to leave this country-the greatest, strongest and most stable democratic state in Asia unmolested in its security.
The K.K.M. views with equally grave concern the fact that some sections of our people are trying to provoke pro-Russian sentiments by exploiting the present wave of anti-pact feelings in the country, while some others are advocating our country’s entering into a similar alliance with Russia just to spite U.S.A. and Pakistan. It is regrettable that the danger to our security as well as to the free evolution of our national heritage is either not understood or ignored in their concern of a possible aggravation of Indo-Pakistan estrangement. The K.K.M. urges our countrymen not to be led away by any such propaganda and exhorts them to concentrate upon the task of building up a strong, patriotic and consolidated national life capable of resisting all aggressions from any foreign country or ideology.

The K.K.M. also appeals to the Government to rise above all party considerations and prejudices and rally all people of unquestionable loyalty to the nation and to the country, to protect the security and honor of our great nation.


Bharat’s Policy vis-a-vis Chinese Aggression

 — This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1959:

The K.K.M. views with grave concern the situation arising out of the Chinese aggression on our northern borders. Obviously, China could dare to violate Bharat’s territorial integrity with impunity only because of the weak and unrealistic policy of appeasement followed by our Government for the last ten years. The Government in their anxiety to befriend China became totally unmindful of her expansionist designs and even admitted China’s claims over Tibet without a murmur of protest. Consequently, Tibet, which for centuries had been bound with Bharat with close cultural ties, has not only lost her independence but ceased to act as a buffer between Bharat and China, thereby enabling Chinese forces to be poised right on our borders.

It was as a result of this policy that even when our own frontiers were violated and territory forcibly occupied by the Chinese, the Government, far from warding off the invasion, took no steps either to take the people into confidence or for the adequate defense of the borders. They felt satisfied by sending mere paper protests.
Now, too, when the Prime Minister seems to have begun to realize the expansionist character of Communist China, there appears to be no basic change in the Government’s policy. The proposals contained in the Prime Minister’s last letter to China are derogatory to Bharat’s honor and sovereignty. In practice they amount to putting a premium on aggression by placing the aggressor and the aggrieved on the same footing and accepting our own territory as disputed on the basis of the aggressor’s claims. The Prime Minister’s utterances echoing the people’s determination to defend the country at all costs are good so far as they go. But they will only be looked upon as an attempt to pacify the agitated people to camouflage the Government’s supine policy, unless they result in energetic action leading to the expelling of the Chinese beyond our borders.
Alongside with invasion on our borders, subversive activities of the Chinese spies and the Communists and other fifth column elements within the country are going on unchecked. The Government has so far initiated no measures to curb them.
This state of external invasion and internal subversion can only be ignored at our peril. The K.K.M. demands that the Government should, without a moment’s delay, initiate firm measures for safeguarding the integrity of the country and take immediate and effective steps to regain the lost territory. No moves for negotiations should be made till the aggression is fully vacated.

The R.S.S. has always been advocating that the country should essentially rely on its own strength if it has to meet any kind of external or internal challenges. While expressing its gratification over the Prime Minister’s declaration in this respect, the K.K.M. assures the Government of its full co-operation in whatever steps they take for the defense of the freedom and integrity of the country and to meet the challenge of foreign aggression.

The spontaneous expression of the people’s outraged feelings all over the country immediately after the news of the Chinese aggression was flashed is commendable. There is a universal demand that the Government give up its weak-kneed policy and take active steps for throwing out the invaders and liquidating the subversive elements. But the people’s upsurge by itself will not be of much use if it is not canalized into organized action and disciplined strength.

The K.K.M. therefore, takes this opportunity to once again place before our countrymen the basic truth that only a disciplined, devoted and organized people imbued with a feeling of national unity and intense love for the motherland can manifest such a strength. That alone will keep the country safe from foreign invasions and internal dissensions, and enable it to enjoy the fruits of liberty. It is the duty of every Swayamsevak to whole-heartedly devote himself to the building up of this strength and educate and prepare the people to effectively meet the present threat.


Bharat’s Policy vis-a-vis Chinese Aggression

– this resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1959

The K.K.M. views with grave concern the situation arising out of the Chinese aggression on our northern borders. Obviously, China could dare to violate Bharat’s territorial integrity with impunity only because of the weak and unrealistic policy of appeasement followed by our Government for the last ten years. The Government in their anxiety to befriend China became totally unmindful of her expansionist designs and even admitted China’s claims over Tibet without a murmur of protest. Consequently, Tibet, which for centuries had been bound with Bharat with close cultural ties, has not only lost her independence but ceased to act as a buffer between Bharat and China, thereby enabling Chinese forces to be poised right on our borders.

It was as a result of this policy that even when our own frontiers were violated and territory forcibly occupied by the Chinese, the Government, far from warding off the invasion, took no steps either to take the people into confidence or for the adequate defense of the borders. They felt satisfied by sending mere paper protests.
Now, too, when the Prime Minister seems to have begun to realize the expansionist character of Communist China, there appears to be no basic change in the Government’s policy. The proposals contained in the Prime Minister’s last letter to China are derogatory to Bharat’s honor and sovereignty. In practice they amount to putting a premium on aggression by placing the aggressor and the aggrieved on the same footing and accepting our own territory as disputed on the basis of the aggressor’s claims. The Prime Minister’s utterances echoing the people’s determination to defend the country at all costs are good so far as they go. But they will only be looked upon as an attempt to pacify the agitated people to camouflage the Government’s supine policy, unless they result in energetic action leading to the expelling of the Chinese beyond our borders.
Alongside with invasion on our borders, subversive activities of the Chinese spies and the Communists and other fifth column elements within the country are going on unchecked. The Government has so far initiated no measures to curb them.
This state of external invasion and internal subversion can only be ignored at our peril. The K.K.M. demands that the Government should, without a moment’s delay, initiate firm measures for safeguarding the integrity of the country and take immediate and effective steps to regain the lost territory. No moves for negotiations should be made till the aggression is fully vacated.

The R.S.S. has always been advocating that the country should essentially rely on its own strength if it has to meet any kind of external or internal challenges. While expressing its gratification over the Prime Minister’s declaration in this respect, the K.K.M. assures the Government of its full co-operation in whatever steps they take for the defense of the freedom and integrity of the country and to meet the challenge of foreign aggression.

The spontaneous expression of the people’s outraged feelings all over the country immediately after the news of the Chinese aggression was flashed is commendable. There is a universal demand that the Government give up its weak-kneed policy and take active steps for throwing out the invaders and liquidating the subversive elements. But the people’s upsurge by itself will not be of much use if it is not canalized into organized action and disciplined strength.

The K.K.M. therefore, takes this opportunity to once again place before our countrymen the basic truth that only a disciplined, devoted and organized people imbued with a feeling of national unity and intense love for the motherland can manifest such a strength. That alone will keep the country safe from foreign invasions and internal dissensions, and enable it to enjoy the fruits of liberty. It is the duty of every Swayamsevak to whole-heartedly devote himself to the building up of this strength and educate and prepare the people to effectively meet the present threat.


Nehru-Noon Pact

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1959 :

The attempts going on for the transfer of Berubari and other Indian territories to Pakistan, as per the terms of the Nehru-Noon Pact, is not only a heinous blot on our national prestige but is highly detrimental to our national interests. The much trumpeted intention of restoring peace in the border areas by such a step of appeasing Pakistan is bound to prove abortive. The Prime Minister has entered into this pact completely ignoring the intense feelings of the people, as also the articles of the Constitution.

Efforts are now afoot to get a mandate from the Parliament to give it a constitutional sanction. This is, to say the least, highly improper. The A.B.P.S. calls upon the Central Government to revoke the pact and give up the idea of transferring any portion of our motherland to Pakistan. Also, the Government should adopt suitable policies so as to safeguard the border areas as being integral and sovereign parts of our country. The Sabha also demands that Government should endeavour to take back all those areas which Pakistan has illegally occupied. In case the Government insists on enforcing the terms of the ill-conceived pact, this Sabha exhorts the Parliament, as the supreme sovereign body of our country, to discharge its responsibility of safeguarding the prestige and interests of this country and to display its patriotic convictions by rejecting all such resolutions that may come up before the Parliament in this regard.

The West Bengal Legislative Assembly has passed a resolution clearly exposing the wrong policy of Pandit Nehru and has drawn the attention of our countrymen to this grave national issue. This Sabha congratulates the West Bengal Legislative Assembly for this eminently patriotic and bold stand. However, it is a matter of deep concern that other states have chosen to remain silent on such a vital issue as if it concerns only West Bengal. In fact, this is pre-eminently a national issue and the responsibility of safeguarding the integrity and security of the borders rests on the entire country. The Sabha appeals to all the nationalist forces in the country to join together in launching a massive campaign in order to build up an effective public pressure and to compel the Government to annul the anti-national pact.

Nehru-Chou En-lai parleys 

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi sabha in 1960

The A.B.P.S.- feels that the Prime Minister’s invitation to the Chinese Premier to come to Bharat and hold parleys with the Government even while China continues to be an aggressor on our soil is repugnant to the nation’s sovereignty and derogatory to its self-respect. From practical considerations too, any recourse to negotiations without first successfully repelling the wanton aggression, would only invite further encroachments and ultimately prove ruinous to the country’s interests. Such a policy will only create unrest and discontent among the people, adversely affect the nation’s defense potential and demoralize the countries of the South and the South-East Asia, and will thus encourage Communist China in furthering her expansionist designs.

Looking at the entire situation against the background of the Government’s present defense policy, the statements made from time to time in this regard by its spokesmen and its proclaimed decision not to take any active steps to throw out the aggressor, this Sabha entertains apprehensions that the Prime Minister may even enter into a baneful and dishonourable agreement with China by surrendering the whole or a part of aggressed territory, and thus strive to appease China with a view to procuring her friendship and peace on the frontiers. While such an attempt is not likely to succeed, it may well lead to a still more massive onslaught in future.

The Sabha appeals to the Prime Minister to appreciate the intensity of popular feeling over this issue and, as a real nation’s representative, deal firmly with China and withhold from negotiating with her until her forces vacate Bharat’s territory. It also urges upon the Prime Minister to assure the nation in categorical and unequivocal terms that the country’s historical and traditional frontiers will be defended by all possible means and that no negotiations will be held or agreements entered into that would accord sanction to Chinese occupation or result in the waiving of our rights over any part of our territory.
The Sabha urges upon the Government and all our countrymen to undertake all such measure as are necessary for safeguarding the country’s territorial integrity and checkmating the evil designs of the expansionist powers. The Sabha also calls upon the Swayamsevaks to rouse the nation’s will and endeavour to make the people whole-heartedly participate in the task of strengthening all the sinews of nation’s defense.


Bharat-Pak Agreement

– This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1960

Since some time past various kinds of agreements are being entered into with Pakistan, under the pretext of improving Bharat-Pak relationship. Appeasement is discernible in all these agreements involving many illegal concessions to Pakistan to the neglect of the just interests of our country. Agreements such as Indus Water Treaty, Division of available waters, interim commitments and financial arrangements etc., are going to prove an extremely costly bargain for us. The Government, through these agreements, has also ignored the inevitable requirements of our developmental projects. It has also, by giving its silent consent to the construction of Mangala Dam in Pak-occupied Kashmir, shown its mental preparedness to give up its claim over that strategic area.
From what has come to light in the press, it appears the agreement includes a provision for a direct railway link between Bharat and Pakistan. This may well prove disastrous to our nation’s internal peace and security. For, it is only too well-known that communal forces having allegiance to Pakistan are quite active within our country. No Government, with any sense of responsibility for maintaining the peace and security of the country, would risk such a railway arrangement, even after being aware of the many conspiracies being hatched by Pakistani spies within our country.

Our relation with Pakistan in all spheres should be determined on a realistic basis, keeping in mind the historical perspective of the demand for and formation of Pakistan and also the mentality and ambitions of her rulers. Pacts made on the background of any reactionary and fanciful theories and with a defeatist mentality, will not only not fetch any good- will from Pakistan but, on the other hand, further endanger our country from inside as well as outside. As a consequence of this policy of repeated appeasement, serious doubts about the Government’s ability to protect national interests are bound to arise in people’s mind and severely affect their morale and self-confidence. The K.K.M. feels it is high time the Government brings about a change in their present policy and adopts a honourable and resolute policy.


 Transfer of Berubari to Pakistan

 — This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1960 :

The K.K.M. opines that the introduction of a bill to amend the Constitution for transference of Berubari and other Indian territories to Pakistan is detrimental to our national pride and sovereignty, and the sentiments of our countrymen. The capricious and arbitrary fashion in which agreements are entered into with respect to portions of Bharat and the obstinate way in which they are sought to be implemented is indicative of an attitude highly dangerous to the nation’s unity, security and liberty. To allow such a policy to continue under any garb can only give rise to a more perilous situation in future.

The K.K.M. urges all members of Parliament to vindicate their supreme duty of safeguarding the nation’s sovereignty, by firmly rejecting this suicidal bill and allay the fears of the people and restore confidence in them. The Sabha also exhorts the entire electorate of the country to be alert and to discharge their duty by prevailing upon their representatives to respond to the nation’s will on this vital question.


Hindu Refugees From Pakistan

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi sabha in 1964

Partition of India and creation of Pakistan as a separate state was conceded on the basis of an express understanding that people belonging to different faiths would be accorded equal and honourable treatment in their respective states. All those who were a party to the Partition are bound by this pledge. But happenings since Partition have proved that non-Muslims cannot live with honour and security in Pakistan. They have never been provided protection against violent acts of antisocial elements. Discrimination in administration and denial of constitutional rights to Hindus has also been the common practice of every consecutive Government of Pakistan. Facts that have come to light recently further make it evident that the Hindus are kept there as hostages subject to all sorts of oppression to suit the Government’s political and other designs.
Events of the last few months resulting in large-scale massacre, loot, arson, abduction and public rape are all parts of an organised plan vis-à-vis Hindus, of those in authority in Pakistan. Consequently, Hindus there have totally lost confidence in the Government and are fleeing in large numbers towards Bharat. Obviously, the Government and the people of Bharat cannot remain oblivious of their duty of providing relief and rehabilitation for this suffering humanity. But only this much will not absolve our country of all its obligations. It will neither protect the Hindus in Pakistan nor redeem our pledges given at the time of Partition.

Not only in East Pakistan but in West Bengal and other provinces of India as well, the rulers of Pakistan have sought to create wide-spread riots through their fifth-column and other agents. So many revealing instances of this plot have now come to light, which can leave no one in doubt about its real nature for a moment. However, it is surprising that the Central Government have not looked at these riots in their correct perspective. These riots are not a reaction (of Hindus) to the happenings (atrocities on Hindus) in East Bengal but are in fact an extension of the latter. As a result of the failure of the Government to grasp the realities of the situation, they have also failed in taking stern measures against these agent provocateurs and pro-Pak elements. Dumps of arms and ammunition stored by these elements have not been unearthed. On the contrary, the police have been terrorising and prosecuting those national elements who had simply stood up in self-defense. The Pratinidhi Sabha holds the Government’s inaction and failure in its internal and external policies as being at the root of its failure in curbing these disturbances.

In addition to the above mentioned tactics, Pakistan has aggressed and occupied large tracts of Indian Territory. Besides one-third of Kashmir, a number of villages on the Eastern border have also been annexed by her. Our Government is not allowed to function in 121 Indian enclaves within Pakistan. All this encroachment and infringement of India’s sovereignty can never be brooked with equanimity. Questions of defense of our borders, exercise of our sovereign rights in the enclaves, protection of Hindus and other minorities in Pakistan, and securing peace within against the machinations of Pakistani agents, are all interrelated issues. While the people should maintain peace even under the gravest of provocation, and co-operate with the Government, the Government too on its part should not try to hide its inaction under high-sounding platitudes but take effective measures so as to restore confidence in the people regarding its willingness, determination and capacity to tackle the problem. To this end it is imperative that (1) with a view to redeem our pledge given to the Hindus, at the time of Partition, of ensuring their protection, our Government should be prepared for police action as suggested by the then Deputy Prime Minister Shri Sardar Patel in 1950 (2) stern measures as suggested by Home Minister Shri Gulzarilal Nanda to expel 25 lakhs of Pakistani infiltrators in our country and to check further infiltration be taken. Apprehensions about the implementation of these measures have been created as the Government of Assam have expressed their opposition to some of the measures and also due to the proposed meetings of the Home Ministers of India and Pakistan to which the latter has readily agreed obviously with the sole and definite intention of scuttling Shri Nanda’s proposals. Any delay or softness in the matter is fraught with grave consequences, and (3) strong measures be taken against Pakistani fifth-column and their spies in the country.

The question of relief and rehabilitation of displaced persons can be effectively and fully tackled only at the Governmental level. But the people also have a duty to do their best. The Vastuhara Sahayata Samiti, Calcutta, established in 1950, has already started relief work in West Bengal. We appeal to the people to extend all help to the Samiti so that it can discharge its duty fully and properly.

The R.S.S. is engaged in organizing the society to make it strong, disciplined and ever-vigilant. Under the circumstances, an early realisation of this goal has become imperative. The Pratinidhi Sabha calls upon the Swayamsevaks to take up this task with full vigour and dedication so that the people might be enthused to meet all eventualities successfully.


Tashkent Declaration

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi sabha in 1966

The A.B.P.S. is of the firm opinion that in view of (1) the circumstances in which the Tashkent Declaration was signed (2) the unilateral interpretation of the Declaration that Pakistan has been advancing even to this day (3) non-rebuttal of the same by our Government (4) the heinous atrocities perpetrated by the Pakistani army while withdrawing (5) exposure of the sinister intentions of Pakistan even in the very first Bharat-Pak ministerial talks soon after the withdrawal of armies to the pre-August 5 line-it has been proved beyond doubt that Tashkent Declaration has neither helped improve Bharat-Pak relations nor has it safeguarded the interests of our country.
By conceding to withdraw our armies from our own areas in Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan, such as Hazipir, Tithwal and Kargil, we have of our own accord seriously under-mined our firm stand held till now vis-a-vis Kashmir. The Pratinidhi Sabha deeply regrets that the Government of Bharat should have, in their phantom chase of peace, not only fallen into the trap but showed scant regard for the matchless valour displayed and limitless sacrifices offered by our Jawans in liberating those areas.
Like England and America which support and uphold Pakistan, Russia, too, by exerting pressure on our Government to sign the Tashkent Declaration which puts the aggressor and the aggressed at par and makes the aggressor to get away with the fruits of aggression and thus helped to strengthen the war mongering ruling clique in Pakistan, has only exhibited its partiality towards Pakistan. The Pratinidhi Sabha feels that it is high time we review our foreign policy in the light of these new alignments in international relations.

With all our desire for a peaceful solution of all our international problems, it is no use shutting our eyes to the hard realities of the situation. And the reality is that so long as the guiding policy of the rulers of Pakistan continues to be the same hatred and violence towards Bharat with which it was born and has been sustained till now, whatever agreement is arrived at with Pakistan will only be exploited by her till it suits her interests and trampled under feet the moment it is of no more use to her. The Pratinidhi Sabha has grave apprehensions that Pakistan having gained its point of advantage of return of forces to the pre-August 5 line, may well start hatching her aggressive designs to grab Kashmir and a situation more dangerous than the one in August-September last may develop any time. If such a situation develops in future, let the Government display the nerve and grit to liquidate the very source this evil. There is no doubt that the entire patriotic population will stand solidly behind the Government in such a bold step once it is resolutely decided and executed.

Kutch Trilbunal Verdict

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi sabha in 1968

The A.B.P.S. unequivocally denounces the verdict given by the International Tribunal vis-à-vis the Rann of Kutch as also the decision of our Government to respect it although it is quite plain that the verdict is vitiated with political motivations. The experience so far has been that all such International Arbitrations are made to toe the line of world powers to suit their policies of power politics. It is no surprise that the verdict regarding Kutch issue also is of the same brand. But the real surprise is that our Government has chosen to shut its eyes to the bitter lessons of the past. It has, in spite of the people’s opposition, once again fallen a prey to the villainous tactics of Pakistan and entrusted this question to the International Tribunal and has even accepted its unjust and unconstitutional decision. This decision of our Government is verily a grave insult to our heroes who have sacrificed their lives to save the Rann of Kutch and has further severely compromised the nation’s prestige and honour.

It is clear that acceptance of the verdict to sever and hand over portions of our motherland to aggressors will only encourage all such internal groups and agitations bent on further amputating and weakening our country. Sheikh Abdullah’s propaganda-offensive assuming a new virulence in the wake of the Government’s acceptance of the Kutch decision is a sure indication of this fact.

It is just an illusory hope that our relations with Pakistan would improve if only that country is pacified about the Kutch issue. By putting her fresh claim over a portion of Eastern border, Pakistan has only manifested her ever-growing aggressive appetite. It is quite patent that it is because of such feebleminded decisions that even such a small friendly nation as Ceylon is emboldened to adopt adventurist postures vis-à-vis India.
It is therefore the duty of the Government to reject the Kutch Award which is bound to give rise to serious repercussions at present and in future, and give up for good the attitude of considering any part of the motherland a matter of negotiations or compromise and to stand firmly committed to the nation’s indivisibility.
The A.B.P.S. is confident that our countrymen will rise above all differences of opinion and, to the last man, stand up in support of the Government once it decides to remain steadfast in upholding the inviolability and honour of the country.

Indeed, the people have the right to compel the Government to fulfill its obligation in case it fails in this responsibility. The Sabha earnestly appeals to the Indian people to be on guard and assert their sovereignty and dissuade the Government from implementing the anti-national Kutch decision.


Bharat’s Duty vis-a-vis Bangla Desh Crisis

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1971

The crisis in Bangla Desh precipitated by Pakistan has not only created a variety of problems for Bharat, but has also heightened the internal conflicts already existing within Pakistan. With a view to diverting the attention of its people from these internal conflicts Pakistan has, as usual, striven to depict the Bangla Desh crisis as one of India’s making, and has worked up hatred and war-hysteria among its people, with the result that there is an imminent threat of Pakistani aggression on our country. The K.K.M. calls upon the Government of India to display courage and firmness in case Pakistan launches upon such a desperate course and, on the strength of our heroic armed forces, teach Pakistan such a lesson as would finally put an end to its capacity to create trouble for Bharat in future, and would also satisfactorily solve the Bangla Desh problem, so that all displaced persons may return to their homes in peace and with honor.

The call given by the Prime Minister, Shrimati Indira Gandhi, to the people to sink their petty political differences, rise above party interests and unitedly face the imminent challenge, is most timely and fitting. The K.K.M. urges the people to maintain internal peace and order, and co-operate whole-heartedly with the Government as well as the armed forces in the event of an aggression by Pakistan. The K.K.M. also expects that all Swayamsevaks of the Sangh will, as in the past, remain in the vanguard of the people’s efforts in the cause of the nation’s defense.


Pak’s Genocide in Bangla Desh

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1971

The K.K.M. expresses its deep sense of agony at the deplorable condition of millions of the destitute and suffering people of Bangla Desh created as a result of the demonic actions of Pakistan Government. It is true that Hindus, Muslims, Christians and all others equally suffered and lakhs of them were butchered in the first round of brutal repression of the democratic aspirations of Bangla Desh by the military junta of Pakistan under the cover of putting down a secessionist revolt. In its second round, Pakistan has begun a systematic genocide of the Hindus in Bangla Desh making their very existence impossible. Already over seven million Hindus have crossed over to Bharat and the rest are also being squeezed out.

The big powers of the world who never tire of claiming to be champions of democracy, human values and justice have, being blinded by their own narrow self-interest, kept mum over this worst genocide in human history. Not merely that, they have been aiding Pakistan with money and arms in a most brazen-faced manner.

It would be inconsistent with the declared ideals and values and sense of national self-respect and interest of Bharat, to remain a passive spectator to the suppression of the democratic rights and unabashed massacre of humanity in Bangla Desh. It would be idle to expect the refugees to return, until the atrocities being perpetrated on the people of Bangla Desh are put an end to and conditions created for their honorable existence. To achieve this goal, the K.K.M. urges the Government of Bharat to take strong and immediate measures in keeping with its basic stand and the assurances given to the people from time to time, and in consonance with national sentiments and self-respect. The people will whole-heartedly support any such action. It is true that when Government resorts to such action, the people also will have to make supreme sacrifices. The K.K.M. exhorts the people to rise to the occasion when such a call comes.

The K.K.M. also cautions the people to be wary of such anti-national and foreign-inspired elements as may try to raise the bogey of communalism and under that cover incite riots and spread anarchy with a view to achieving their ulterior anti-national objectives.

At the same time, it would be befitting our tradition of extending hospitality to those seeking refuge, to offer our utmost help and succour to these unfortunate suffering brethren so long as desired conditions are not created in Bangla Desh. The K.K.M. appeals to the people to co-operate fully with the relief measures being undertaken by the Government and do their best to alleviate the acute suffering of these hapless people.


Pak’s Genocide in Bangla Desh

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1971

The K.K.M. expresses its deep sense of agony at the deplorable condition of millions of the destitute and suffering people of Bangla Desh created as a result of the demonic actions of Pakistan Government. It is true that Hindus, Muslims, Christians and all others equally suffered and lakhs of them were butchered in the first round of brutal repression of the democratic aspirations of Bangla Desh by the military junta of Pakistan under the cover of putting down a secessionist revolt. In its second round, Pakistan has begun a systematic genocide of the Hindus in Bangla Desh making their very existence impossible. Already over seven million Hindus have crossed over to Bharat and the rest are also being squeezed out.

The big powers of the world who never tire of claiming to be champions of democracy, human values and justice have, being blinded by their own narrow self-interest, kept mum over this worst genocide in human history. Not merely that, they have been aiding Pakistan with money and arms in a most brazen-faced manner.

It would be inconsistent with the declared ideals and values and sense of national self-respect and interest of Bharat, to remain a passive spectator to the suppression of the democratic rights and unabashed massacre of humanity in Bangla Desh. It would be idle to expect the refugees to return, until the atrocities being perpetrated on the people of Bangla Desh are put an end to and conditions created for their honorable existence. To achieve this goal, the K.K.M. urges the Government of Bharat to take strong and immediate measures in keeping with its basic stand and the assurances given to the people from time to time, and in consonance with national sentiments and self-respect. The people will whole-heartedly support any such action. It is true that when Government resorts to such action, the people also will have to make supreme sacrifices. The K.K.M. exhorts the people to rise to the occasion when such a call comes.

The K.K.M. also cautions the people to be wary of such anti-national and foreign-inspired elements as may try to raise the bogey of communalism and under that cover incite riots and spread anarchy with a view to achieving their ulterior anti-national objectives.

At the same time, it would be befitting our tradition of extending hospitality to those seeking refuge, to offer our utmost help and succour to these unfortunate suffering brethren so long as desired conditions are not created in Bangla Desh. The K.K.M. appeals to the people to co-operate fully with the relief measures being undertaken by the Government and do their best to alleviate the acute suffering of these hapless people.


Birth of Bangla Desh

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1968

The A.B.P.S. is happy that the Bangla Desh problem has been satisfactorily solved through the exemplary unity of the Bharatiya people, the unparalleled skill and heroism of our armed forces and the firm leadership of the Prime Minister, as urged by the K.K.M. at its last meeting. This is the first occasion in the last over a century or two that the Bharatiya forces out of sheer sympathy for the oppressed had a chance to liberate them and secure for them a place of honor and security. They have carved out yet another golden chapter in the history of the nation and have earned for it a status of respect in the comity of nations of the world. The Pratinidhi Sabha pays its heartfelt tribute to the armed forces, their commanders, the Bharatiya people who stood solidly behind them, and the Government which formulated the right policies. The Pratinidhi Sabha pays its tearful homage to all the valiant officers and jawans who have immortalised themselves by offering their supreme sacrifice on the battlefield.
The Pratinidhi Sabha welcomes the emergence of independent Bangla Desh and ardently hopes that the relations between the two countries, based as they are on common cultural values, will continue to grow ever more cordial and friendlier and that the people of both the countries will march peacefully together on the path of progress. The Sabha, however, appeals to the Government of Bharat, not to treat the question of the refugees as solved merely with their return home. It should deem it its moral duty to use its friendly relations with the Bangla Desh Government to ensure that the refugees are honourably rehabilitated in their respective places. The Sabha brings to the notice of the people of Bharat the magnificent work being done by foreign service-organisations and appeals to the former to take a lead in establishing voluntary bodies to the distressed people of Bangla Desh and extend all help in money and materials for the noble purpose.


Bangla Desh Atrocities on Hindus

— This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1978

In spite of the repeated assurances by the Government of Bangla Desh guaranteeing the safety and security of its religious minorities, the fact that Hindus have been continuing to flee Bangla Desh is proof enough for the sense of insecurity and oppression prevailing among them. The A.B.K.M. expresses its grave concern at the reports being received from reliable sources, of the harassment and discrimination being practiced against the Hindus there. Under the cover of perverted interpretations of local laws the Hindus there are being stripped of their ancestral property and their means of livelihood, and also pressurised to convert themselves to Islam. It goes without saying that it is this suffocating circumstance which is causing the Hindu exodus.
The A.B.K.M. is of the opinion that this is a clear violation of the Nehru-Liaquat Ali pact. It also casts an adverse reflection upon the Islamic rule of the Bangla Desh Government which claims to be most tolerant towards other religious faiths.

The A.B.K.M. urges the India Government to bring effective pressure upon the Bangla Desh Government, on the strength of the Nehru-Liaquat Ali pact and the bonds of amity strengthened in recent days – to take steps forthwith to protect the interests of Hindus there. The Government of India should also appoint a delegation to visit Bangla Desh to make a first hand study of the situation obtaining there. The Government of India has a moral obligation towards these unfortunate Hindus who have, for no fault of theirs, become a victim of the tragic situation resulting from the Partition of Bharat on a communal basis.


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