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Resolutions Passed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on issues related to Hindu Faith and Hinduness from 2011- 2020

Updated: March 31, 2023 15:53

Addressing the concerns of the persecuted Hindus of Bangladesh and Pakistan

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2013

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha expresses serious concern over endless persecution of Hindus in Pakistan and Bangladesh resulting in large scale continuous influx of them as refugees into Bharat. It is a matter of great shame and sorrow that these hapless Hindus are being forced to lead pathetic lives both at their respective places as well as in Bharat.

The ABPS condemns the recent attacks on Hindus including Buddhists in Bangladesh and their places of worship by the fundamentalist groups like the notoriously anti-Hindu and anti-Bharat Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh etc. This has become a phenomenon in Bangladesh for last several decades. The Hindus and other minorities have been facing the brunt of Islamic fury for no fault of their time and again. The persecution and helplessness are forcing thousands to flee for their lives and dignity into Bharat. Such Bangladeshi Hindus and Chakmas have been staying in West Bengal and Assam as refugees for decades on and newer ones are joining them every time there is fresh violence in Bangladesh.

The ABPS draws the attention of the nation towards the plight of the Hindus in Pakistan too. All available reports suggest that the Hindus in Pakistan lead most wretched lives deprived of security, dignity, and human rights. Constant attacks on Hindus including Sikhs have become the order of the day. Forced conversions, abductions, forced marriages, rapes, killings and destruction of places of worship have become a part of the persecuted lives of the Hindus there. No constitutional entity of Pakistan comes to their rescue. As a result, the Hindus of Pakistan too are forced to flee to Bharat seeking refuge.

The ABPS wishes to remind the government, political, intellectual, and social leadership of Bharat that these hapless Hindus of Bangladesh and Pakistan have not become victims of Islamic persecution out of their own volition. It is a consequence of the utterly tragic and irrational partition of our motherland in 1947. The Partition of Bharat was thrust upon the innocent Hindus of Pakistan and Bangladesh by the political leadership. Overnight their motherland became foreign to them. It is a travesty that these unfortunate Hindus are paying the price of their lives for the omissions and commissions of their past political masters.

The ABPS calls upon the Government of Bharat to revisit the entire issue of Hindu refugees and Hindu citizens of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The government can’t shy away stating that it is an internal matter of the respective governments. The Nehru-Liaqat pact of 1950 had expressly stated that the minorities on both sides would be accorded full protection and citizenship rights. In Bharat every Constitutional measure was invoked to accord not only protection and security but also many special provisions amounting to appeasement in favour of the so-called minorities. They are well-placed in our country today in terms of their demographic, economic, educational, and social status.

On the contrary the Hindus of Bangladesh and Pakistan have been subjected to continuous persecution resulting in severe depletion of numbers, absolute poverty, human rights abuse, and migration. The Hindu population of East and West Pakistan at the time of the Partition was 28% and 11% respectively whereas the Muslim population of what became truncated Bharat was 8%. Today while the Muslim population in Bharat has risen to 14% the Hindu population in Bangladesh has come down to less than 10% and in Pakistan to less than 2%.

The ABPS insists that it is the responsibility of the Government of Bharat to challenge Pakistan and Bangladesh on the issue of violation of Nehru-Liaqat Pact conditions. Disappearance of millions of Hindus can’t simply be brushed aside by invoking sovereignty principle. These two countries need to be questioned on the continuous influx of Hindu refugees into Bharat. While not a single member of the so-called minority community has even gone over to these countries from Bharat as refugee millions have crossed over to this side and are continuing to do so.

In view of this heart-wrenching scenario the ABPS urges the Government of Bharat to initiate new discourse on the question of Hindus living in these two countries, which is markedly different from Hindus living in other countries. The Government must:

  1. exert pressure on the governments of Bangladesh and Pakistan to ensure security of the Hindus there;
    2. draft a National Refugee Relief & Rehabilitation Policy ensuring dignified living conditions for all Hindu refugees from these two countries pending their return with safety and honour to their respective countries:
    3. demand compensation in appropriate form from Bangladesh and Pakistan for the Hindus displaced from their respective countries; and
    4. demand international institutions like the UNHCR, UNHRC etc to play a role in ensuring safety and honour of the Hindus and other minorities in these countries.

The ABPS is compelled to state that the apathy of our government to the plight of these people is only due to the fact that they are Hindus. The countrymen should come out strongly against this callous and cavalier attitude. The entire nation needs to stand by the right of security, honour and livelihood of each and every Hindu living in Pakistan and Bangladesh including those who have been pushed out of those countries and become refugees.

Growing Jehadi Radicalization in Southern States of Bharat

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in2013

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses grave concern over the growing radicalization of Jehadi forces especially in the Southern states of Bharat.  Although separatist and secessionist activities exist all over Bharat, its menacing portents in recent times especially in Southern Bharat in terms of their penetration among Muslim youth; terror training and export modules; attacks on Hindu activists; and active connivance with anti-national Maoists and international Jehadi elements pose an unprecedented challenge to the national security.  The lackadaisical attitude of successive state governments turning a blind eye to these nefarious forces has become more worrying factor to all patriotic minds.

The emergence of ‘Popular Front of India’ (PFI) and its front organizations in Kerala consequent to the ban on SIMI should be seen in this context. It’s formation as a coordinated effort between organizations like ‘Karnataka for Dignity’(KFD), ‘Manitha Neethi Pasarai’(MNP ) in Tamilnadu and ‘National Development Front’ ( NDF ) in Kerala , under the purported aim of ‘promotion of democracy and social justice’ is nothing but a camouflage to perpetuate hard-line ideologies.  Large scale brainwashing and weapon’s training of Muslim youth; export of such terror elements in other parts of Bharat as revealed by recent designated NIA court’s verdict in the ‘Kashmir recruitment case’; the penetration in Police and govt machinery; admission by Kerala Government to the state High Court about the links with Hizb ul Mujahideen, Lashkar- e Taiba and Al-Qaida clearly reveal the real face and agenda of these outfits. Their attempts to develop a political face with a pan Indian presence should be nipped in bud.

These radical forces are turning Kerala into a hotbed of anti-social and anti-national activities. While the Northern Kerala is becoming safe hideout and training ground for terror elements, the coastal and other areas of strategic importance are witnessing mass purchases of lands by these elements at an exorbitant price supported by rackets of counterfeit currency and gold smuggling. Planned allurement of Hindu boys and girls, rampant distribution of hate literature proclaiming Jehad, poisonous propaganda through certain media elements and disproportionate growth of Muslim population especially in North Kerala are putting the state on a ticking time bomb. The blatant support from political elements as evident from the presence of political leaders including Ministers in the family function of Abdul Naseer Madani, a notorious criminal accused in many terrorist acts including 1998 Coimbatore bomb blast case; refusal by Kerala government to hand over Marad massacre investigation to CBI etc., have emboldened these forces to such an extent as to hatch plans to assassinate nationalist Hindu leaders in Kerala.  The present U.D.F. government in Kerala remains a mute spectator to all such anti-national activities.

These tentacles of terror have engulfed the adjoining states of Tamilnadu and Karnataka too.  In Tamilnadu, attacks on Hindu activists and their offices, vandalizing of Hindu festivals, violent demonstration on American Consulate, recent gruesome killings of state level functionaries of Hindu Munnani and BJP and armed encounter with the Police at Puttur in Andhra Pradesh, are the testimonies of their increasing grip over the State. Unfortunately, they are being completely overlooked as a result of the competitive minority appeasement by both the ruling and opposition political parties of the state.  Areas of coastal Karnataka like Bhatkal town have become a storehouse of weapons, bomb training and terror export. These forces are planning to target Hindu religious places like Tirupati, Madurai, Shabarimalai in many parts of Southern Bharat.

The ABKM demands that the Union and the concerned state governments undertake extensive investigation by the Central agencies about the nature of clandestine activities of these radical groups, their links and source of funding both within and outside the country and take firm measures including a ban on organization like PFI, to put an end to these forces. It also appeals to all patriotic forces including media to be vigilant about such elements and prevail upon the political parties and governments to act firmly against these antinational activities.

Bharatiya Family System: A Unique Contribution to humanity

  • This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2019

Family system is the precious contribution of our society to the humanity. Due to its uniqueness, Hindu family functions as the basic unit which connects individual to the nation taking the journey towards Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Along with being a complete system of social and economic security, family also is the important medium of inculcating samskars and imparting values in the new generation. The multi-centred character of the Hindu society is the main reason for its eternal existence and the family system is one of the effective and important centres.

These days, our family system that epitomises the sacred cultural heritage seems to be disintegrating. The principle reasons for the breakup of the family system are the increasing influence of materialist mindset and self-centeredness. Due to the materialistic thinking, the problems of self-centred and acrid behaviour, unchecked desires and greed, stress, divorce etc are on the rise. Today our joint families are turning into nuclear ones. The tendency to keep children in hostels at the very young age is growing. Due to the absence of emotional security of the family, the feeling of loneliness is growing in the young generation. As a result, drug addiction, violence, heinous crimes and suicides are reaching alarming levels. Growing numbers of old age homes, in the absence of the social security of the family, is worrisome.

The ABPS is of the firm opinion that there is a need for comprehensive and immense efforts to sustain the lively and value-based nature of our family system. Through our day-to-day behaviour and conduct, we should ensure that our family life works for building character, enriching life-values and strengthening mutual relationships. The family life will be joyous and blissful through dining, praying, celebrating festivals, and going on pilgrimage together, the use of mother tongue, insistence on Swadeshi and, nourishing and protecting family and social traditions. Family and Society are complimentary to each other. To instil the sense of social responsibility, encouraging donations for social, religious and educational cause and readiness to help the needy as per ability should become the nature of our family.

The mother is the pivot in our family system. Habit to respect Matrushakti should be inculcated in each family member. Collective decision making should be the norm in our family. Duties rather than rights should become the focus of discussion in the family. The rights of others are protected in discharging of one’s own duties.

With the passage of time, some distortions and rigidity have crept in our society. Ill-practices like dowry, untouchability and discrimination, ostentatious and extravagant spending, superstitions etc are creating obstacles in the all-round development of the society. The ABPS calls upon the entire society, starting from our own families, to make efforts in uprooting these evils and shortcomings and work towards establishing a value based and harmonious society.

Revered saints and, social, religious, educational and intellectual organisations have always played an important role in the social development. Pratinidhi Sabha urges them to consider the seriousness of the situation and make every possible effort to strengthen the family institution. Various platforms of media can be an effective tool in imparting values to the society. The Sabha appeals to the eminent personalities in this field to make films and various programs with a positive message to strengthen the roots of the family system and contribute towards the bright future of the new generation. Pratinidhi Sabha urges all governments to constructively consider the need for strengthening the family system while formulating the education policy and making family related legislations.

Those who are forced to stay in nuclear families due to the circumstantial compulsions should keep their contacts alive with the ancestral family and spend some time with them collectively on regular intervals. To remain connected with the ancestral place is like connecting with the roots. Therefore, activities like being there together as a family, undertaking some service projects etc should be undertaken. Elementary education of children should be conducted in the local environment to nurture family and social bonds. Organising community festivals and programs in our residential area can be useful to cultivate the sense of larger families. Initiating activities like Baal-Gokulam and Samskaar-Varg for young and adolescent children will also be useful for their balanced development.

The life based on sacrifice, restraint, love, affection, cooperation and mutual complementarity is the foundation stone of a happy family. The family consisting of all these qualities will ensure a happy life for all its constituents. Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha calls upon the entire society, including the swayamsevaks, especially the young generation, to take all necessary steps to make the invaluable family system more lively, vibrant, and value oriented.

Need to Protect the Traditions and Beliefs of Hindu Society

  • This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2019

It is the considered opinion of the ABPS that there has been a systematic design to insult and hurt Hindu beliefs and traditions based on non-Bhartiya perspective by vested interests. The case of Shabarimala temple is a recent example of this design.

Hindutva is not a monolithic or exclusivist thought but a view of life manifested in diverse and varied ways of cultural expressions, characterized by the uniqueness in the modes of worship, local traditions and festivities. It is anomalous to impose the monotonous homogenization over the beauty of diversity in our traditions.

Hindu society has always welcomed timely and necessary reforms in its customs and traditions, but any such effort has been led by social, religious and spiritual leaders and the route of consensus is given the foremost priority. It is not just the legal processes, but local traditions and acceptance do play a crucial role in the societal behaviour.

Entire Hindu society has been facing an unfortunate situation where the ruling Left Front Government in Kerala is trampling upon the sentiments of Hindu society under the pretext of implementing the verdict of the Constitution bench of the Honourable Supreme Court allowing women of all ages to enter the holy Sabarimala temple.

The Sabarimala is the case of unique relationship between the deity and devotee. It is unfortunate that the Supreme Court while reaching to the decision did not take into consideration the nature and premise of the tradition that has been accepted by society and continuously followed for many years; the version of heads of religious traditions was not considered; the sentiments of women devotees were also not heeded. The absence of holistic consideration has resulted in harming the unique, diverse traditions preserved and nurtured by local communities over centuries.

The actions of the CPM-led Government in Kerala have created severe emotional disturbance amongst the Ayyappa devotees. The attempts of the State Government to sneak in the atheist, ultra-left women activists from the backdoor have hurt the sensitivities of the devotees. This is being done to further CPM’s petty political gains and open another front of ideological battle against the Hindus. This is the reason why devotees, more so the women devotees, spontaneously took to agitation on an unprecedented scale to safeguard their religious beliefs and freedoms.

The ABPS places on record its deep respect for the collective sentiments expressed by all the devotees and appeals them to continue the struggle to protect the temple traditions with utmost restraint and sobriety. The Pratinidhi Sabha urges the Kerala Government to honour the beliefs, sentiments and democratic rights of the devotees and not perpetrate violence upon its own people. The Pratinidhi Sabha hopes that the Honorable Court will comprehensively consider all these concerns in the review and other petitions. The ABPS also calls upon the people of the country to support the ‘Save Sabarimala Movement’ in every respect.

Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 – Moral and Constitutional obligation of Bharat

  • This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2020

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS heartily congratulates the Parliament of Bharat and Union government for passing the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 with a view to resolve the complexities and simplify the process of granting citizenship of Bharat to Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jains, Parsis and Christians who came to Bharat due to religious persecution in the neighbouring Islamic states of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

Bharat was partitioned in 1947 based on religion. Both the countries had assured safety, honour, and equal opportunity to the minorities on their respective sides. Bharat- both the state and the society- have fully protected the interests of the minorities living within her geographical boundaries and the state has formulated policies with constitutional guarantee for their safety and development. On the other hand, the countries formed after separation from Bharat failed to provide such an environment despite the Nehru – Liaquat Ali pact and assurances from leaders from time to time. The minorities living in those countries were subjected to a new kind of slavery characterised by continuous incidents of religious persecution, grabbing of their properties and atrocities on women. The governments there also encouraged persecution of these minorities through discriminatory policies and unjust laws. As a result, minorities from those countries were forced to flee to Bharat in large numbers. Clear testimony to this fact is the sharp decline in the population percentage of minorities in those countries after Partition.

It should always be remembered that the Bharatiya society traditionally living in those regions have significantly contributed towards preservation and nourishment of Bharatiya culture and to freedom struggle. It, therefore, becomes the moral and constitutional obligation of the Bharatiya society and government of Bharat to protect the interests of these persecuted minorities. In the last seventy years, discussions were held in the parliament many times for these brethren and several provisions were made by successive governments from time to time. But due to procedural complexities, large numbers of people were deprived of their right to citizenship till today and continued to live in an environment of uncertainty and fear. As a result of the present amendment such people will live a life of dignity.

The government, during the debates in parliament and subsequently, has clarified from time to time that this Act will not affect any citizen of Bharat. The ABKM expresses satisfaction that necessary provisions were made to allay the apprehensions of all the inhabitants of the North Eastern region. This amendment is for providing citizenship to the unfortunate victims of religious persecution of those three countries who have come to Bharat and not for taking away the citizenship of any citizen of Bharat. However, by creating an atmosphere of imaginary fear and confusion in the minds of a section of people, the jihadi-Left combine with the support of selfish political parties involved in communal politics and some foreign forces are making nefarious efforts to spread violence and anarchy across the country.

ABKM strongly condemns such activities and demands the Governments concerned to thoroughly investigate and take appropriate action against these forces who are trying to destroy the communal harmony and national integrity.

The ABKM appeals to all the sections of the society especially the vigilant and responsible leadership to understand the issues on hard facts and play an active role to defeat the anti-national designs and create an amicable atmosphere in the country.

Extending the Constitution of Bharat as a whole to the state of Jammu and Kashmir and its reorganization – A laudable step

  •    This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2020

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS wholeheartedly welcomes the extension of the Constitution of Bharat as a whole to the State of Jammu and Kashmir followed by the decision to make Article 370 ineffective through the Constitutional orders by the Honourable President and approval of the same by both the houses of the Parliament. The decision to reorganise the state into two Union Territories, namely Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh, is also a commendable step. ABKM congratulates the Union Government and all the political parties who supported this bold and historic decision and displayed a sense of maturity in the national interest. The statesmanship and political will showed by the Honourable Prime Minister, and his team is also praiseworthy.

Though all the provisions of the Constitution of Bharat were expected to be equally applicable to all the regions of the nation, due to the immediate and exceptional circumstances of aggression from the Pakistan side soon after partition, the temporary provision of Article 370 was added to the Constitution. Later on, under the garb of Article 370, a large number of articles of the Constitution of Bharat were either excluded or extended in amended form for the state of J&K. The provisions like Article 35A were inserted arbitrarily through Presidential Orders sowing the seeds of separatism. Due to these constitutional anomalies, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBC’s, Gorkhas, Women, sanitation workers, refugees from West-Pakistan etc. were facing blatant discrimination in the state. Jammu and Ladakh regions were deprived of proportional representation in the state assembly, allocation of resources and a say in the decision-making process. Due to all such wrong policies what we had seen in the state was growing ‘radicalisation and terrorism’ and complete neglect of the national forces.

ABKM firmly believes that the recent decisions and their implementation would nullify the abovementioned Constitutional and political anomalies. It also believes that this is in accordance with the Concept of Bharat “One nation- One People”, while it has also fulfilled the desire of the Constitution makers expressed in the Preamble ‘We the People…….’ .

The ABKM also believes that the reorganisation of the state has opened new vistas for the social and economic development of all sections of the society living in all the three regions. The reorganisation of the state has addressed the long-time aspirations of the people of the Ladakh region, paving the way for its comprehensive development. The ABKM hopes that the expectations of the refugees and displaced persons would also be addressed soon. The process of secured and dignified rehabilitation of the displaced Hindu community from the Kashmir valley should be initiated at the earliest.

It is a historical fact that Maharaja Hari Singh has completed the process of integration of the state with Bharat by signing the ‘Instrument of Accession’. To eradicate the problems arised due to misuse of Article 370, Satyagrahis of the Praja Parishad Andolan and the nationalist forces from rest of the country, under the leadership of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Pandit Prem Nath Dogra, fought for the national integration, Constitution and the dignity of National flag. In all these seventy years, nationalist forces from the state along with the rest of the country continued this struggle against separatism and terrorism, and many of them laid down their lives. Thousands of personnel from the Army and security forces have shown their bravery and commitment to defend the national unity and sovereignty and even made supreme sacrifice. The ABKM pays tributes to all of them with gratitude.

The ABKM calls upon the countrymen to rise above political differences for establishing the supremacy and spirit of the Constitution and reaffirm national unity and integrity by wholeheartedly contributing to the journey of progress of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh. The ABKM also calls upon the Government to clear all apprehensions among the citizens of the area and fulfil their aspirations through effective and just governance and economic development.


  • This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2020

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS is of the opinion that the unanimous verdict of the Honourable Supreme Court has cleared all the hurdles for the construction of a majestic Mandir at the Ram Janmasthan, Ayodhya in accordance with the aspirations of the entire nation. The verdict of the honourable Supreme Court on November 9, 2019, in the Ram Janmasthan issue is a momentous verdict in the judicial history. The highly balanced verdict given by the honourable Justices of the Supreme Court despite a spate of obstructions created during the hearing is a testimony to their unparalleled patience and acumen. The ABKM heartily complements the honourable Supreme Court for this historic verdict.

The learned advocates, who have presented all the evidence and arguments in favour of RamJanmasthan in a scholarly manner with dedication and commitment, deserve great acclaim. It is a matter of joy that no section of the society has taken the verdict as a sign of its victory or defeat instead, accepted it as the victory of the nation, justice, and the Constitution. The ABKM congratulates all the citizens of the nation for their mature response to the verdict.

“The struggle for Sri Ram Janmasthan Mandir” is unique amongst the greatest and protracted struggles in world history. Lakhs of Ram Bhakts have sacrificed their lives during this continuous struggle since 1528. At times, this struggle was inspired by some great men and at other times, it was spontaneous. The legal battle that had begun in 1950, and the mass movement that began in 1983, continued till their successful conclusion. This greatest movement in the world history has reached the pinnacle of success through the tireless and dedicated efforts of a host of great men. The ABKM deems that it is its pious duty to pay tributes with gratitude to all those known and unknown martyrs on this occasion.

After pronouncement of the verdict, it was really a daunting task for any Government to win over the trust of all sections of the society and mentally prepare them to accept it with goodwill. The ABKM heartily congratulates the Central government and the present political leadership for winning the trust of all sections with patience and fortitude.

In accordance with the direction of the Supreme Court and the sentiments of Rambhakts, the constitution of a new trust namely, ‘Sri Ram Janmabhumi Teerth Kshetra’ as a society-driven trust instead of making it government controlled one and confining the role of the government to that of a facilitator reflects the farsightedness of the government. The decision to proceed with the construction of Mandir under the very leadership and guidance of the revered great saints, who had spearheaded the movement, is laudable. The ABKM fervently hopes that the Nyas will speedily complete the task of building this grand and divine Mandir and parisar kshetra at the Ram Janmsthan. ABKM also believes that all the Bharatiyas and Rambhakt brethren from across the world will participate in this sacred cause.

It is certain that, along with the process of completion of the sacred mandir, the dignity, social harmony, the sense of integrity and the urge to emulate the noble ideals of life of Maryada Purushottam Ram will grow in the society and Bharat will fulfil its mission of establishing peace, goodwill and harmony in the world.

Construction of Mandir at Shri Rama Janmbhoomi -Manifestation of the innate strength of Bharat

  • This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2021

The unanimous verdict on Shri RamJanmbhoomiby the honorable Supreme Court followed by the formation of a public trust “Shri RamJanmbhoomiTeerth Kshetra” for the construction of the Shri Ram mandir, the sacred ritual for commencing the grand mandir construction, and the NidhiSamarpan campaign have become a golden page in the history of Bharat that shall also inspire generations to come. The ABPS is of the considered opinion that through the aforesaid program the intrinsic strength of Bharat has beenenvigorated and these programs became the unique symbol of spiritual awakening, national integration, social harmony, goodwill and dedication.

On Bhadrapad Krishna Dwiteeya, yugabda 5122 (5th Aug 2020) entire world elatedly stood witness to the hallowed program of the beginning of temple construction in the esteemed presence of the Honorable Prime Minister of Bharat, Pujaniya Sarasanghachalak of RSS, trustees of Shri RamJanmbhoomiTeerth Kshetra and venerable Saints, Seers and Dharmacharyas of all sects. The ritual was consecrated with sacred soil from the all-pilgrim centres and water from all the holy rivers of Bharat. Keeping in view of all the regulations during the height of the Covid 19 pandemic, the gathering was kept limited in number, but its impact was unlimited. Physical presence was finite, but the entire Hindu society joined the program through virtual media. All sections of society and political parties welcomed this event unanimously.

Starting with the contribution from the first citizen Honourable President of Bharat, and from Bhagwan Valmiki mandir in Delhi on the auspicious day of makara Sankranti, the 44-day-long “NidhiSamparnAbhiyan” has indeed been the biggest outreach campaign in the history of world. Over 12 crores of Rambhakt families from about 5.5 lakh cities and villages have contributed to the construction of the grand mandir. All the sections and sects of the society overwhelmingly participated in this campaign. People from rural, urban to forest and hilly areas, from rich to ordinary people contributed wholeheartedly to make this campaign a success. The ABPS congratulates all Rambhakts for this unparalleled enthusiasm and support.

This campaign has proved once again that the entire country is always connected emotively with Shri Ram. The ABPS appeals to all Ram bhakts including social and religious institutions, educationists, and intellectuals of the country to make meaningful efforts so that Shri Ram’s ideals permeate through the society. Along with the construction of the grand mandir at the Shri Ram Janmbhoomi in Ayodhya, the social and national life inspired by the values of Shri Ram will be established through collective resolve and efforts. This will pave the way for building a strong and glorious Bharat which in turn will ensure the wellbeing of the whole world.

ABKM condemns radical Islamist attacks on Hindus in Bangladesh

  • This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2021

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses its deep anguish over the recent outburst of violence on Hindus in Bangladesh and also strongly condemns the continuing brutality on the Hindu minority there, which is the part of larger conspiracy by Jihadi groups to further Islamisation of Bangladesh.

The spate of violent attacks on Hindu minorities and Hindu temples continues unabated in Bangladesh. The recent slew of communal violence that erupted during the sacred festival of Durga Puja left many innocent Hindus killed, hundreds of others injured and rendered thousands of families homeless. Several girls and women belonging to the Hindu community were assaulted, Temples and Durga Puja pandals were vandalised in a span of two weeks.

Arrests of some of the accused, who spread fake news to incite communal frenzy in society, brought to light that the attacks were a well-orchestrated conspiracy of the radical Islamists. The frequent and targeted attacks are clearly a systematic effort to exterminate and uproot Hindu minorities whose population has witnessed a steep decline ever since the partition of Bharat.

About twenty eight percent of the population of East Bengal was Hindu at the time of partition, which dwindled to about eight per cent now. The atrocities by radical Islamist groups like Jamaat-e-Islami (Bangladesh) had resulted in large scale migration of Hindus into Bharat since partition and specially during the 1971 War. Those outfits continue to vitiate the communal harmony in Bangladesh creating insecurity in the minority Hindu population there.

The ABKM is of the view that the Government of Bangladesh should take stringent measures to prevent the mounting incidents of violence against the minorities in their country. The Government should also ensure that the perpetrators of anti-Hindu violence be handed severe punishment so that the Hindus will be assured about their secured dignified life availing their rights in Bangladesh.

The ABKM decries the deafening silence of so-called human rights watchdogs and UN affiliated bodies and calls upon the international community to come forward in condemning the violence and raise their voice for the safety and security of the Bangladesh Hindu, Buddhist and other minorities. It also cautions that the rise of radical Islamist forces whether in Bangladesh or in any other part of the world will be a grave threat to democracy and human rights of the peoples of peace-loving nations of the world.

The ABKM also appeals to the Government of Bharat to use all available diplomatic channels to communicate the concerns of the global Hindu community and organisations to the Bangladesh Government over the attacks and human rights violation in Bangladesh to ensure security of Hindus and Buddhist there.

The ABKM places on record its acknowledgement to the Hindu organisations and institutions like ISKCON, Ramakrishna Mission, Bharat Sevashram Sangha, VHP and others for standing by the victims of the Islamist violence and extending all support to the Hindu brethren of Bangladesh. We also assure that the RSS along with the entire Hindu society stands firmly by the Hindus and other persecuted minorities of Bangladesh in this challenging and difficult time.

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