RSSFACTS: The lesser known and unknown facts about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest voluntary organisation in the world.     

Kashmir and the RSS

Updated: March 1, 2023 8:56
RSS Swayamsevaks in a training Camp. Image source:

Yesterday, in a debate “Poochhta hai Bharat” on Republic Bharat TV conducted by Arnab Goswami, a fake Kashmiri Hindu supporter said, “Kashmiri Pandits are our brothers, you are most welcome, come stay at my home. What has Sangh to do with this entire issue? ‘Begani Shadi mein Abdulla diwana’, that is, outsider (Abdulla) getting excited about someone else’s wedding. Who is Sangh to say that Kashmiri Hindus will again settle in Kashmir valley?” It is a moot point that Kashmiri Hindus are not guests, Kashmir is their home. First these fake friends need to return their homes and lands intruded upon by their fellow religionists and make conditions conducive for their respectful return.

This debate arose from the speech of Shri Dattaji Hosabale, the Sarkaryavaah (General Secretary) of RSS, who was speaking at an on-line Navreh festival of Kashmiri Hindus. He had also said, “We have taken an oath, a sankalp, with our brethren that we will settle Kashmiri Hindus in Kashmir Valley and we will not allow another exodus after earlier seven exoduses.” He also added that governments can only make laws and create right atmosphere, but society too must come together and be united to achieve the desired result.

I was amused, and felt sad about, “Begani shadi mein Abdullah deewana.” These proverbial ‘Abdullas’ actually came from Iran and other places and made life hell slowly over centuries for our Hindu brethren. Hindus of Kashmir, the fount of Hindu Bharat’s knowledge and culture, have been alienated and separated from their own home. When Dattaji said, 1989-90 exodus will be the last exodus, I was reminded of late Atal Behari Vajpayee’s famous speech in Lok Sabha during the Ahmadabad riots of 1969, “Now Hindus will not take it lying down – ‘Hindu ab maar nahin khayega.’ He was criticised heavily for this statement. His public meeting in Shivaji Park, Mumbai was cancelled. At the last minute, the indoor Sardar Patel stadium in NSCI Club was allowed. I still remember the electrifying atmosphere there. He repeated the same assertion, “Hindu ab maar nahin khayega.” Yes, friends. Those riots were worse than 2002. For weeks the Congress government was hiding helplessly.

As far as RSS is concerned, Kashmir and RSS have deep relation, as RSS is an organisation of the Hindus. When the issue of accession of Jammu and Kashmir was stuck due to unhealthy urge of Nehru to somehow handover Jammu-Kashmir to Sheikh Abdullah, thus creating doubts in the mind of Maharaja of Kashmir; Sardar Patel asked the then RSS chief, Shri Guruji to meet the King. He knew Maharaja had positive view about RSS. Shri Guruji went and met him. Maharaja too was positively inclined. But, as mentioned above, Nehru won’t budge from his demand for handing over Kashmir to Sheikh Abdullah, who had been imprisoned by the Maharaja for treason. Thus, the matter did not get resolve immediately.

When Pakistan attacked Jammu and Kashmir in 1947, RSS swayamsevaks put their lives on line to defend it. They stood up with Dogra army and later Indian army. They helped build roads, bridges, air strips, picked up arms and ammunition dropped by Indian Air Force at great risk. Hundreds of them perished. Those who wish to know more should read the book, ‘Jyoti Jalaa Nij Praan ki’. Or my smaller book ‘Sangh and Swaraj.’

RSS was the first organization to pass a resolution in 1952 against Article 370. Its Swayamsevaks took active part in the agitation organised by Praja Parishad against it. Jan Sangh founder Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee was martyred in the process by Sheikh Abdullah’s government and Nehru did not bat an eyelid.

When Wahhabi radicalisation in the valley began post 1975 with Saudi Arab petrodollars, RSS cautioned the respective governments again and again. Highest number of resolutions, totally 27, were passed by RSS from 1980s to 2014. Not only were the resolutions passed, but RSS Swayamsevaks did whatever they could, to fight the separatists and jihadis. When the situation turned worse from 1986 to 1990, RSS stood its ground. They went to police in teams whenever temples were damaged, or arson took place. Justice Neelkanth Ganjoo was murdered in broad daylight in front of the court for giving death sentence to Maqbool Bhat. Terrorists warned people not to dare pick up his body. RSS workers went ahead boldly to pick up his body and give it an honourable cremation. They also organized protest marches when their leader Tikalal Taploo was murdered. In 1990 when Kashmiri Hindus had to flee Kashmir Valley in the shadows of guns, RSS stood again to provide them help in Jammu. Jammu Kashmir Sahayta Samiti was formed, and help provided to the best of the organization’s ability.

RSS is the only large organization that kept fighting against Article 370 and 35A and did not allow secular politicians to brush the Kashmiri Hindu tragedy under the carpet. It kept alive the issue of Article 35A that was most oppressive law against Dalits, women, refugees of 1947 from Lyallpur and other minorities. Finally, both these demonic laws were removed by Modi government in 2019. So, who will speak for Kashmiri Hindus, if not RSS? Will Abdullah family speak or Pakistani agents, terrorists and political hyenas will speak?

Why should not Sangh stand with Kashmiri Hindu brethren for returning home in Kashmir valley? As Dattaji said, “It is the duty of Hindu society that it should unite and solve this problem. Government has changed the laws and also improved the atmosphere now. It is for the society to rise to the occasion.

Yes, my Kashmiri friends, if anyone has any right to speak for Kashmiri Hindu brethren, foremost it is the RSS. The proverbial Abdullas who are going crazy someone else’s, had converted original Hindus of Kashmiris to Islam, cut them off from their roots. Now, the off springs of those Abdullas will have to give respectable space to the indigenous people, the Hindus of Kashmir. Those who have the same DNA as the Hindus in the Valley will need to reconnect to their roots, even while their way of worship is different. Only then can Jammu Kashmir achieve long lasting peace.

(The article written by Ratan Sharda was first published in The NewsBharati on 16 April 2021. The article was accessed on 01 March 2023 through link:

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