RSSFACTS: The lesser known and unknown facts about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest voluntary organisation in the world.     


What Foreign Press had to say about RSS’ role during Emergency?

Arun Anand As Indira government imposed emergency in India at midnight of June 25-26, 1975, the role of foreign press became important as most of the Indian newspapers and magazines had become victim of the  ruthless censorship for the next …

Interview : RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat

Retaining the core essence & direction of Sangh during the favourable times is the biggest test: Dr Mohan Bhagwat (We are reproducing here an interview of Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat which was published in New Delhi based weekly Organiser in …

Integrated Bharat is a geo-cultural phenomenon

The mention of integrated Bharat causes many to raise their eyebrows. It is imperative that this concept be differentiated from the typical geopolitical expansionism. Some time back in the city of Mumbai, a Shiv Sainik threatened the shop owner of …

Declaring tribals as non Hindus shows lack of understanding of Bharat

It is not mere coincidence that Jharkhand and Andhra Pradesh that are at the epicentre of the activities which form the subject matter of this write-up, have been hotspots of conversion activities. The Jharkhand state government recently passed a bill …

RSS, nearly hundred

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh was founded in Nagpur in 1925 and on the Vijayadashami of 2022, the organisation will complete 97 years of its existence. As it approaches its centenary, the Sangh’s reach and influence is growing manifold, despite opposition …

Time to align with untainted Bharatiya philosophy

As per a social philosopher, ‘Unless we decide who we are as a people we cannot decide what our priorities can be.’ In the entire world, perhaps there is not a single country, except Bharat, where society is in confusion …

Bhagwat’s Muslim population remark isn’t surprising, RSS view on demography has evolved

Some analysts presume the RSS has raised the issue of population to help Hindu vote consolidation for BJP. But the Sangh has been concerned about the issue for decades. Mohan Bhagwat, the sixth and present Sarsanghchalak of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak …