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Resolutions passed by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) on Jammu and Kashmir from 1953 -2023

Updated: May 24, 2023 2:33

Extending the Constitution of Bharat as a whole to the state of Jammu and Kashmir and its reorganization – A laudable step

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2020

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal of the RSS wholeheartedly welcomes the extension of the Constitution of Bharat to the State of Jammu and Kashmir followed by the decision to make Article 370 ineffective through the Constitutional orders by the Honourable President and approval of the same by both the houses of the Parliament. The decision to reorganise the state into two Union Territories, namely Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh, is also a commendable step. ABKKM congratulates the Union Government and all the political parties who supported this bold and historic decision and displayed a sense of maturity in the national interest. The statesmanship and political will showed by the Honourable Prime Minister, and his team is also praiseworthy.

Though all the provisions of the Constitution of Bharat were expected to be equally applicable to all the regions of the nation, due to the immediate and exceptional circumstances of aggression from the Pakistan side soon after partition, the temporary provision of Article 370 was added to the Constitution. Later on, under the garb of Article 370, a large number of articles of the Constitution of Bharat were either excluded or extended in amended form for the state of Jammu & Kashmir. The provisions like Article 35A were inserted arbitrarily through Presidential Orders sowing the seeds of separatism. Due to these constitutional anomalies, Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, OBC’s, Gorkhas, Women, sanitation workers, refugees from West-Pakistan etc., facing blatant discrimination in the state. Jammu and Ladakh regions were deprived of proportional representation in the state assembly, allocation of resources and a say in the decision-making process. Due to all such wrong policies what we had seen in the state was growing ‘radicalisation and terrorism’ and complete neglect of the national forces.

ABKKM firmly believes that the recent decisions and their implementation would nullify the abovementioned Constitutional and political anomalies. It also believes that this is in accordance with the Concept of Bharat “One nation- One People”, while it has also fulfilled the desire of the Constitution makers expressed in the Preamble ‘We the People…….’.

The ABKKM also believes that the reorganisation of the state has opened new vistas for the social and economic development of all sections of the society living in all the three regions. The reorganisation of the state has addressed the long-time aspirations of the people of the Ladakh region, paving the way for its comprehensive development. The ABKKM hopes that the expectations of the refugees and displaced persons would also be addressed soon. The process of secured and dignified rehabilitation of the displaced Hindu community from the Kashmir valley should be initiated at the earliest.

It is a historical fact that Maharaja Hari Singh has completed the process of integration of the state with Bharat by signing the ‘Instrument of Accession’. To eradicate the problems raised due to misuse of Article 370, Satyagrahis of the Praja Parishad Andolan and the nationalist forces from rest of the country, under the leadership of Dr Syama Prasad Mookerjee and Pandit Prem Nath Dogra, fought for the national integration, Constitution and the dignity of National flag. In all these seventy years, nationalist forces from the state along with the rest of the country continued this struggle against separatism and terrorism, and many of them laid down their lives. Thousands of personnel from the Army and security forces have shown their bravery and commitment to defend the national unity and sovereignty and even made supreme sacrifice. The ABKKM pays tributes to all of them with gratitude.

The ABKKM calls upon the countrymen to rise above political differences for establishing the supremacy and spirit of the Constitution and reaffirm national unity and integrity by wholeheartedly contributing to the journey of progress of Jammu-Kashmir and Ladakh. The ABKKM also calls upon the Government to clear all apprehensions among the citizens of the area and fulfil their aspirations through effective and just governance and economic development.

J&K (Jammu & Kashmir): Honour National Consensus for a Lasting Solution

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2010

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha expresses concern over the direction in which the State of Jammu & Kashmir is drifting in the last couple of years. Actions of both the State and Union governments are pushing it farther in the direction of secessionism and greater autonomy.

The ABPS strongly condemns anti-democratic, anti-Scheduled Caste, anti-human rights, anti-women and pro-separatist actions of the Jammu & Kashmir Government. It is ironical that the government, with the tacit support of various other political parties in the State, is blatantly indulging in distortion of the democratic institutions like the Assembly to perpetuate politics of vindictiveness against Hindus of the State. Kashmiri Pundits see no end to their trauma as conditions for their return with safety, dignity and honor still elude them. Two lakh West Pakistan refugees, one lakh displaced persons from Chamb and eight lakh displaced persons from PoK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir region) still reel under decades of neglect and denial of basic human rights.

The Scheduled Caste Hindus of the State have secured reservation rights after a prolonged legal struggle. Now the State Government is trying to deny their legal right through backdoor by bringing in a legislation that would prohibit SCs from Jammu region seeking reservation benefits in the Valley.

The political establishment is encouraging secessionist forces through the same distortion of democratic institutions. It is talking about a ‘surrender policy’ that would bring back terrorists crossed over to Pakistan 20 years ago with the offer of rehabilitation. It is talking about reviving a dead move for a legislation – Permanent Resident Certificate (Disqualification) Bill – dissolving State Subjecthood to women who marry persons from the rest of Bharat. Such a move would be against women’s rights including international conventions.

The ABPS decries the attitude and actions of the Union Government in handling the situation in J&K. They are only helping the separatist forces both within the J&K ruling establishment and outside. Report of Justice Saghir Ahmed, Chairman of the PM’s Working Group, has openly lent its support to the separatist voices by asking for perpetuation of Art 370, election of the Governor by the State Legislature and extending greater autonomy to the State.

The Union Home Minister’s statement that the J&K problem is “a distinct political problem that requires distinct solution” smacks of Government’s inherent confusion and lack of understanding. The ABPS reiterates that the J&K problem is primarily trans-border terrorism aided and abetted by Pakistan. It must be dealt with sternly. It is unfortunate that the Union Government wants to deploy what it describes as ‘quiet diplomacy’ to handle this issue. The ABPS urges the Government to follow a transparent course on J&K.

The ABPS bemoans that the pusillanimity of the Union Government is emboldening the secessionists and their mentors. Leaders of Hurriyat and other anti-Bharat factions were allowed to travel to Delhi to meet the visiting Pakistan Foreign Secretary in February 2010; they were allowed to attend parties thrown by the Pakistan Embassy in Delhi; they were even permitted to go abroad to attend the OIC meetings. The ABPS wants to know as to what has compelled the Government to allow such blatantly anti-national actions.

This lenience has led to an increase in violence and terrorism in the Valley in the last few months. The Army has admitted that there is a marked rise in the infiltration numbers. The Army and Para-Military forces have also highlighted the new Pak-sponsored tactics of the separatists called ‘agitational terrorism’. Aggressive street demonstrations in the last few months have resulted in injuries to more than 1500 CRPF personnel while around 400 attacks have taken place on their vehicles.

The ABPS expresses its concern over the efforts to demoralize our security establishment in the State. Withdrawal of 35000 troops from the troubled areas in the Valley has affected their morale adversely. Crude attempts to implicate security forces in false cases like the Shopian rape, Srinagar firing etc are further damning their morale. These efforts have reached such serious proportions that a BSF commandant was arrested and handed over to the J&K Police for having ordered his jawans to lob tear gas shells at a secessionist mob.

The ABPS urges the Union Government to sharpen its policy on Bharat-Pak relations. Pakistan’s increasing obduracy is glaring in its decision to declare Gilgit-Baltistan as the 5th province of their country. The government of Bharat must take strong objection to it as those areas are a part of the PoK and as such must belong to us. The ABPS wishes to remind the Government of the unanimous resolution of our Parliament on 22 Feb 1994 that called for complete return of the PoK to Bharat.

The ABPS calls upon the Government to follow the national consensus expressed through this resolution on the permanent solution for the J&K problem. The Government should keep the following points in mind in this context:

  1. Accession of J&K into Indian Union is final and non-negotiable.
  2. Continuation of separate constitution and separate flag for J&K is against the integrity of our nation. It is also working against the spirit of our Constitution, interests of our democracy and the basic rights of the people. Hence it must go.
  3. Art 370, which was included in our Constitution as a ‘temporary and transitional provision’, instead of being abrogated, continues to be a tool in the hands of the separatist and secessionist elements.
  4. Questions like surrender policy, open borders, repeal of AFSP (Armed Forces Special Powers) Act etc must be viewed from larger national security perspective keeping an eye on the developments in Pakistan-Afghanistan front and their possible fall-out on our security.
  5. Withdrawal of the Army and demoralisation of our security forces will weaken our position internally and internationally.

The ABPS warns the Government that any misadventure or compromise on the J&K issue will not be tolerated by the nation.

The ABPS demands that full citizenship rights should be extended to all the displaced persons forthwith. It also demands that statutory provisions for the development of Jammu and Ladakh regions must be put in place and a proper delimitation exercise must be undertaken immediately so that the injustice being done to the Jammu and Ladakh regions can be brought to an end. Any solution to the J&K problem is possible only when the people of Jammu and Ladakh, and the displaced Hindus including Pundits are given a rightful role in it.

The ABPS calls upon the Swayamsevaks to enlighten the countrymen about subversion of democracy in J&K and the consequent sufferings of the nationalist people there so that the whole nation will rise in their support and end their misery.

Accession of J&K (Jammu & Kashmir)is full and final – talk of autonomy is treason

This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2010 

Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses serious resentment over the way the present turbulence in the Kashmir Valley is being handled by both the State and Central governments. The mistake committed in the past of trying to pamper the separatist and secessionist leaders of the Valley is being repeated this time too. Of particular concern is the lackadaisical attitude of the Central Government in addressing the issue. Never before has the Central Government been perceived as so weak and ineffective before the antics of the State Government, anti- national tirade of the secessionists and their pseudo-intellectual supporters and unwarranted internationalization of the Kashmir issue. Treacherous speeches amounting to blatant treason right under its nose go unchallenged.

The ABKKM reiterates that the integration of J&K including Gilgit, Baltistan, Muzafarabad, Mirpur and Aksai Chin etc. into Bharat was full and final with the signing of the Instrument of Accession by the Maharaja of J&K Sri Hari Singh on 26 October 1947 and subsequent seal of approval by Governor General Mountbatten on 27 October 1947. Successive and successful democratic elections to the State Assembly since the mid-50s have ratified the integration. Indira Gandhi – Sheikh Abdullah Accord, Nov 1974 puts full stop to any further controversy over the status of the State’s integration.

The ABKKM reaffirms that J&K is an integral part of Bharat and any challenge to that issue in the name of Azadi is nothing short of treason. Azadi has become a euphemism for Islamist and pro-Pakistan secessionism.

The ABKKM takes strong exception to the statement of the Chief Minister of J&K in the State Assembly that J&K has ‘only acceded but not fully merged with’ Bharat ‘like other Princely states. Through his immaturity and inefficiency, he has already brought the state into the vortex of violence. With an eye on vote banks, he deliberately allowed the violence to perpetuate by not controlling it with iron hand. Through his statements on several occasions, he created an atmosphere against his own security forces. And now he openly started speaking the language of the secessionists and their Pakistani mentors. The ABKM is aghast at the way senior Ministers in the Central Government, instead of condemning him, sought to support him thus exposing their own ulterior political games at the cost of nation’s integrity.

The ABKKM notes with grief that it is this secessionist leadership, which is always held as representative of the State although a large section of the population of the State is pro-Bharat and patriotic. This section includes pro-Bharat (nationalist) Muslims in the Valley, the Kashmiri Pandits, Sikhs, Shias, Pahadis, Buddhists of Ladakh, Gujjars and Bakrawals of the State, people of Jammu region and several lakhs of refugees and others who don’t have State Subject status even after 60 years. The ABKKM urges the Government to talk to all these sections – especially the Kashmiri Pandits, refugees of the PoK and West Pakistan refugees – that have stood firmly for Bharat in spite of being the victims of the atrocities of the secessionist and terrorist elements. The experience so far has been that it is the secessionists and terrorists that are pampered by the successive governments while pro-Bharat elements are always dismissed with contempt.

The ABKKM regrets that this time also during the visit of the all-party delegation to the State the separatist leaders, who should have been delegitimized by the delegation, have instead been provided big importance whereas there was no time for the leaders to listen to the pro-Bharat patriotic people.

The ABKKM wishes to remind the government that the secessionists and terrorists have lost their ground in the Valley due to the valiant fight put up by our security forces in the last 2 decades. Around 5000 of our security personnel have laid down their lives fighting these forces. They continue to fight these forces in the Valley with their hands tied up and backs to the wall. Instead of supporting and strengthening them the government, some intellectuals and a section of the media are bent upon vilifying them.

The ABKKM deplores this attitude of running down our security forces in the name of baseless allegations of human rights violations. We should not forget that the intefada-style terrorism deployed by the secessionists now a days is only a strategic shift in the same terror that they have been indulging in from the beginning. Whether it was the attack of the Kabaili tribesmen in 1947-48 or the wars of 1965, 1971 and 1999 or the terrorism and proxy war of the ‘90s or the new wave of stone-pelting agitational terrorism – all these are different forms of terrorism employed by our neighbor in J&K. The stone-pelting terrorism in a way betrays the cruel and inhuman face of the secessionist leadership in which the leaders push young boys in the forefront with stones and make them scapegoats. More than 3000 security personnel were injured, many grievously, in the recent spate of stone pelting in the Valley.

The ABKKM views the demand for withdrawal of the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and the Disturbed Areas Act as a dangerous one fraught with serious consequences to the national security. J&K is a sensitive border state requiring continuous movement of armed forces and also infested with terrorism sponsored by our neighbor. It is important that our security forces are equipped with sufficient powers to deal with the situation and the AFSPA is one such Act that can’t be dispensed with. While the Government, including the Prime Minister is bent upon withdrawing the Act in their effort to bend backwards to please the secessionists the Army and the security establishment is strongly resisting any such dangerous move.

The ABKKM strongly decries the statements and actions of the Group of Interlocutors, which betray their lack of depth and understanding of the issues involved. Statements emanating from the members of the group go against the stated position of our Parliament through the 1994 unanimous resolution. The Group lacks not only vision and expertise but also legitimacy, as it doesn’t have the mandate of either the parliament or the country. The Group is acting overtly in support of the secessionists and Pakistan thus greatly harming our interests. The ABKKM deplores the reckless attitude of the Central Government in appointing such a group of biased individuals for such an important mission and calls for its immediate disbanding.

The ABKKM is of the considered opinion that the Central Government is succumbing to foreign pressures and trying to create a favourable atmosphere for secessionist forces in the Valley. Repeated statements of the ministers about finding a ‘political solution to the J&K problem’ are nothing but a euphemism for granting more autonomy. It is to create such an atmosphere that they are using all the forums like the all-Party delegation, the Group of Interlocutors and even some members of the political establishment.

The ABKKM reiterates that the direction of our efforts should be towards reaffirming the status of complete integration of J&K in the true spirit of our Constitution and the 1994 unanimous Resolution of our Parliament and not towards autonomy or pre-1953 status.

The ABKKM warns the Government that any move to further alienate J&K will be strongly resisted by the people of the country including the patriotic people of J&K. It calls upon all the political parties to rise above their differences to ensure that the Government doesn’t compromise on vital national interests in the context of the J&K problem. The ABKKM calls upon the countrymen to understand and undo the machinations of all these forces that are bent upon destroying the unity and integrity of our nation in the name of autonomy and political solution to J&K issue. Autonomy is like a post-dated cheque for another partition, which the country shall never accept.

Compliments to the Amarnath yatra Sangharsha Samiti

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2008

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal heartily congratulates Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti and the patriotic people of Jammu and Kashmir for the unprecedented success of their magnificent agitation against the revocation of land allotment and Yatra management rights of Shri Amarnath Shrine Board. The Shri Amarnath Shrine Board, constituted by Jammu Kashmir assembly in 2000 A.D. through a unanimous legislation, had taken several appreciable measures in the last 7 years for providing facilities to the pilgrims. In view of the ever-increasing number of pilgrims participating in the Yatra the Shrine Board has opened a new route for the Yatra from Baltal along with the traditional route of Pahalgam. The Board has placed a request before the State Government for allocation of land for the purpose of providing amenities to the pilgrims on this new route. Following the directive of the Jammu-Kashmir High Court, the State Cabinet took a unanimous decision on 26 May 2008 to allocate 800 Kanals (40 hectares) of land to the Shrine Board for two months every year during the Yatra on temporary basis.

As soon as this decision was announced all pro-Pakistan, anti-national and secessionist elements started opposing it and all major political parties of the Kashmir Valley joined the chorus. Immediately after assuming office the newly appointed Governor of Jammu-Kashmir, at the behest of Central Government, took the decision to return the management of Shri Amarnath Yatra and the land allocated for that purpose to the State Government and consequently the decision of land allocation to the Shrine Board was revoked on 2 July. The ABKKM strongly denounces this tendency of surrendering before the anti-national forces for the sake of votes.

Entire Hindu society was agitated by the revocation of land allotment to the Shrine Board, and as a consequence a popular movement was launched under the aegis of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti in Jammu region for securing the land and rights back to Board. As a part of the agitation the Jammu region observed unprecedented ‘Bandh’, initially for nine days from 30 June to 8 July and again for thirty-nine days from 23 July to 30August. The Bandh was a total success because of the support of entire Hindu society and a few Muslims. The people of Ladakh also extended massive support to this popular agitation. A massive popular agitation was launched in the entire country in support of the people of Jammu and Ladakh for securing land and rights back to the Board. Many prominent dignitaries and organizations of the country exerted pressure on the Central Government to immediately accept the just demands of the Samiti. The media also gave due coverage to this agitation this time. Ultimately, under public pressure, although belated, the Central Government was forced to restore land and other rights to the Shrine Board on the early morning of 31 August.

The ABKKM is of the opinion that this victory of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsha Samiti is the victory of united strength and spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom of the society over secessionist elements and the deplorable political tendency of surrender to appease them. The ABKKM pays its respectful homage to the 2 martyrs who made self-sacrifice and ten other martyrs who were felled by the bullets of the security forces.

It is the considered opinion of the ABKKM that the agitation of Shri Amarnath Yatra Sangharsh Samiti should be seen as a manifestation of the accumulated popular resentment against the unjust and discriminatory policies of the Government towards the people of Jammu and Ladakh, under the pressure of the secessionists in the last sixty years. Time has come to ensure honorable and safe return of the displaced Hindus of Kashmir; and to put an end to the discrimination against Jammu and Ladakh; and also, to do away with the policy impediments (like Art. 370, separate Constitution, separate symbols, dual-citizenship etc.) in the path of complete integration of Jammu-Kashmir with the rest of the country.

The ABKKM appeals to the people of the entire country to strengthen the hands of the nationalist forces in Jammu-Kashmir and compel the government to change its policies. The ABKKM urges the Central Government also to stop appeasement of the secessionist and pro-Pakistan elements and take stern action against them to restore peace in the Kashmir Valley. At the same time, it should immediately change its continued unjust and discriminatory actions against Jammu and Ladakh.

Kashmir Initiative

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2005

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKKM) calls for caution, commitment and restraint in the Kashmir Initiative of the Government of Bharat. We cannot overlook the fact that in the last 6 decades of independence we have witnessed gradual shrinking of our borders. Our neighbours had encroached upon over one lac sq kms of our land with impunity.

The ABKKM wants to remind people that continuing terrorist violence in J&K and unabated infiltration across the borders despite the peace process puts serious question mark on the sincerity of the Pakistan dispensation. These acts of terrorism continuing under worst human suffering due to earthquake underscore the brutality and viciousness of these perpetrators from across the border.

The ABKKM views the decision to pull back our troops from Siachen region as unwise and uncalled for. That control over Siachen is crucial to our strategic requirements is well known.

The ABKKM is concerned over various proposals floating around in the name of the Kashmir Initiative. There are apprehensions that after Siachen, Bharat will be asked to de-militarize Baramulla and Kupwara districts in the Valley; there is talk of greater autonomy; there are also proposal for open borders and joint administration. We consider all these proposals as against the interests and integrity of our country. The ABKKM, strongly condemns the Government’s permission to the Hurriyat leaders to cross over to Pakistan and have confabulations with Pakistani leaders. This imprudent action on the part of the Government is tantamount to conceding Pakistan a role in the matters that fall within our domain only. It is unfortunate that due to such actions of the Government the much-publicised Kashmir Initiative has shifted the focus away from Pak occupied Kashmir to the Indian state of J&K.

The ABKKM wants to remind our government about the 1994 resolution of our Parliament in which the country unanimously and categorically reiterated that the only issue between Bharat and Pakistan is in relation to when and how Pakistan vacates that part of J&K which is in its illegal occupation for long. The ABKKM expects the Government to stand firmly against any international pressure.

The ABKKM warns the government that the people of our country will not tolerate any compromise on the issue of our territorial integrity and defence of our borders in the name of peace process.

J&K Permanent Residents (Disqualification) Bill – 2004

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2004

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha of the RSS strongly opposes the ‘J&K Permanent Resident (Disqualification) Bill 2004′ passed by the J&K assembly, which seeks to deny free education, voting and property rights to women marrying persons who are not the Permanent Residents of J&K State and also disqualifies such women for state Govt jobs. This draconian Bill is not only anti-women and anti-human rights, but also anti-national.

The Bill aims at undoing the J&K High Court verdict which has, in 2002, unequivocally struck down the earlier administrative order of similar nature as unconstitutional because it offends Right to Equality enshrined in our Constitution under Art 14 & 15.

The recent case of expansion of the J&K Ministry to have 39 Ministers in a 87-member house, despite the fact that the Indian Parliament has recently passed a Bill restricting the size of the Ministries in States to 15% of the number of members in the house, is another glaring example of how Art 370 is being misused in flagrant violation of the spirit of the Constitution.

That such a bill could be brought in is because there exists a concept of dual citizenship in the J&K Constitution. This concept underscores the tendency in that state not to consider J&K as an integral part of Bharat. Depriving rights to free education, property, voting and Govt jobs amounts to depriving citizenship itself. No other state legislature enjoys this power to deny citizenship rights to its citizens. It is Article 370 which gives J&K legislature this special power.

The ABPS alleges that using Art 370 as a weapon, the State Government of J&K has been acting against the interests of the people of Jammu & Ladakh regions through such direct or proxy acts like Resettlement Act, Chenab Valley Autonomous Hill Council Bill etc. Apart from this, it introduced an amendment in Sec 47 of the J&K Constitution in 2002, which effectively nullifies the constituency delimitation demand of the people of Jammu and Ladakh regions. The people of Jammu and Ladakh regions have been agitating against this discriminatory attitude of the J&K Government with a demand for a separate Statehood and UT status. The ABPS is of the view that these actions of J&K State Government further justify their demands which were endorsed by the ABPS last year.

Political parties which are opposing the controversial Bill talk only about it being anti-women and shirk away from talking about the root cause of the problem, i.e., Art 370. The RSS has always maintained that Art 370 of our Constitution is contrary to the concept of one people – one nation’.

The ABPS calls upon the people of J&K to rise against the secessionist ‘J&K Permanent Resident (Disqualification) Bill 2004’ and ensure that women of the State are not deprived of their Constitutional rights. The ABPS also calls upon the countrymen to bring pressure on the political parties to work towards abrogating the controversial Article 370, which weakens national integration, and which was originally introduced in our Constitution as a ‘temporary and transient’ provision only.

Appeal to repeal the Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunal) Act, 1983

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2003

The ABPS expresses its grave concern over the continued influx of illegal migrants into our country. Recent disclosures in the Lok Sabha by the Government confirm that these foreign nationals have not only crossed over to our border areas, but they have also penetrated deep into other parts of the country in large numbers.

In ’80s Assam witnessed a prolonged massive agitation against the infiltration of foreign nationals. As part of that movement elections were boycotted in 1980 and 1983 too which resulted in only two Members getting elected to the Parliament with great difficulty from that State. Congress Government under the leadership of Smt. Indira Gandhi exploited situation and promulgated “Illegal Migrants (Determination by Tribunal) Act, 1983” (IMDT Act) in Assam state only.

According to this Act, if a complaint is made about the citizenship of any person crossing over into our country, the onus of establishing before the District Tribunal that the said person is not a citizen of our country will be on the complainant himself. At the time of promulgation of this Act in 1983 a complainant had to pay Rs. 25 for each complaint. Further, the complainant should be living within 5 km area of the person against whom the complaint was made. In 1988, during the AGP regime, these conditions were slightly relaxed. Complaint fee was reduced from Rs. 25 to Rs. 10 and it was also amended that it is enough if the accused and the complainant both live in the same police station limits, as a result of this new Act, which was promulgated with an objective of pushing back the illegal Muslim infiltrators is, on the contrary, being used to shield those infiltrators. It is resulting in a phenomenal rise in the number of infiltrators. There is a steep rise in robberies, dacoities, drug peddling, smuggling in arms, crime, and illegal trade in the entire Bangladesh border belt, posing a big threat to our economy and security. Because of this the women and children are worst affected, and it causes serious social tension also.

The infiltration of Bangladeshis into Assam has continued unabated for many years since in the villages spread over miles together on both sides of the border, only people belonging to Muslim community live. Hence it is next to impossible to get a single complaint against any infiltrator lodged, that too from the same police station area. As a result, only 15% complaints could be processed by the Tribunal so far. In 90% of those complaints the accused were let free because the complainants from the same police station could not produce sufficient proof against them.

This IMDT Act of 1983 makes the earlier “Expulsion of Foreigners Act, 1950”, enacted for the same purpose totally infructuous too. This Act of 1950 was promulgated to identify and deport foreign nationals from our country. It contained provisions for citizenship to Hindu-Buddhist refugees. It must be borne in mind that before the 1983 Act was promulgated over 3 lakh foreign infiltrators were deported from Assam under the 1950 Act. As per this Act the onus of proving his or her citizenship rests on the suspected person himself. Also, under the article (3) of this Act Hindu-Buddhist refugees enjoy the rights like other Bharatiya citizens, to live in any other state of our country.

The 1983 Act has also led to ambiguity over the citizenship issue of Hindu-Buddhist refugees from Bangladesh once again. Bangladesh being an Islamic Republic, many Hindu-Buddhists are being pushed into India forcibly even now. But due to lack of proper documents, their citizenship is also being treated as disputed. This situation arose because of the removal of their protection extended under the 1950 Act after the new Act was promulgated.

In view of this grave situation the ABPS calls upon the Government of India to repeal the IMDT Act 1983 and take steps to apply the Act of 1950, in Assam also which is already in force in the other States of our country. The ABPS also demands that the said Act be used diligently to identify and deport foreign nationals illegally overstaying in our country. All that is needed for this is that the Union Government has to make necessary provisions in Citizenship and Foreigners Acts that no Hindu-Buddhist refugee be declared as foreigner.

The ABPS urges all the political parties to appreciate the seriousness of this national problem, rise above their political affiliations and extend their co-operation to have suitable provision in the Acts.

The ABPS calls upon all the countrymen, especially the Swayamsevaks, to be on the alert and active so that Hindus won’t become a minority in the Northeast and the anti-national conspiracies to convert Assam into another Kashmir are thwarted.

Resolution on Jammu & Kashmir

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2002 

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKKM) expresses its grave concern over the fast-deteriorating situation in recent years in the Jammu & Kashmir state due to the separatist and terrorist activities. This situation has been aggravated by the slogan of autonomy for the state. Behind this development lies the deplorable story of ineptitude, short sightedness and minorityism of the political leadership of our country. The day the Maharaja of Jammu & Kashmir, signed the Instrument of Accession, without any conditions whatsoever, the problem ought to have ceased for good. But our then Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru halted the victorious onward march of our armed forces and took the matter to the U.N.O. and thus paved the way for internationalizing a problem which would have been solved by us on our own strength.

Insistence on appointing Sheikh Mohammed Abdulla as ‘Prime Minister’ of the state was yet another blunder. The induction of Article 370 in our Constitution for Jammu & Kashmir, though in a chapter of transitory provisions, was taken advantage of by separatist elements. Our short-sighted Govt., while talking of complete integration, provided sanction 2 to an independent constitution, a different flag, and different citizenship and different nomenclatures for the ‘Chief Minister1 and the ‘Governor1 for this state.

This double-speak soon backfired and the Sheikh had to be put behind bars; and then only could the Centre appoint a Governor, give jurisdiction to the Supreme Court, the Election Commission and the Comptroller and Auditor General (C.A.G.).

Whereas the need was progress towards more integration, it was again halted from 1975 when Sheikh Abdulla was again installed as Chief Minister under Indira Gandhi-Abdulla agreement. He pursued his anti-Hindu and anti-Bharat policies which his son, the present Chief Minister Dr Farooq Abdulla is assiduously carrying forward reducing the Kashmir valley practically devoid of Hindu population. The law for Resettlement of those who had opted for Pakistani citizenship is yet another dangerous move towards a marked demographic change.

About two lakh Hindu adults are voters for the Parliamentary elections but not for the State Assembly; the duration of the State Assembly is six years and not five as in other States, a discriminating law that makes a woman marrying a man outside the States of J&K, in other parts of the country, lose her right in her father’s property and status of a state subject whereas a woman marrying a man hailing from Pakistan getting the right to make her husband its citizen, and harassment of Hindu citizens by asking them proof of their citizenship of the State while conferring it on the known foreign terrorists and settling them in and around Jammu speak volumes of sinister motives of the present National Conference Govt. under Dr Farooq Abdulla.

However, the ABKKM notes that there is a reassuring ray of hope also during this dismal situation. There are saner people in the state who do not want the cover of Article 370, who are against any sort of autonomy and who want full integration with Bharat. So there two streams of thought and feeling in State – one wanting complete integration and the other comprising of separatist and terrorist forces under different names and banners.

In this context, the ABKKM has taken into consideration the blatantly discriminatory attitude of the State Govt., towards Jammu and Ladakh regions, and the consequent acute dissatisfaction among the people of Jammu and Ladakh regions, causing them to demand a separate statehood for Jammu and a Union Terrorist status for Ladakh.

The report of the fact-finding three-member committee appointed by the Sarkaryavah of the RSS under the chairmanship of Justice (Retd.) Jitendra Veer Gupta has also corroborated the discrimination indulged in by the state Govt.

The ABKKM, therefore, resolves as under:

  1. I)     The People of Jammu think that the solution of their problems lies in the separate statehood for Jammu region. This has been demonstrated by the agitation spearheaded by the Jammu-Kashmir National Front and other organizations. The ABKKM offers its support to their demand. To brand this demand for a separate statehood for Jammu region, which includes the Muslim majority districts of Poonch, Rajouri & Doda as communal, is either crass ignorance or motivated prejudice.
  2. II)    The- ABKKM, supports the demand for UT status for Ladakh region.

III)    ABKKM offers all its support to the forces in the Kashmir Valley that are for full integration with Bharat.

  1. IV)    Further, the ABKM feels deeply concerned about the fate of Kashmiri Hindus who have been hounded out of their homes by the Jehadi Muslim elements. It is now more than a decade that they have been living as refugees in different parts of the country. The ABKKM calls upon the Govts., both Central and State, to have a dialogue with these unfortunate people and find a way for their safe and secure rehabilitation in the Kashmir Valley which has been their home for thousands of years.
  2. V)   It is also very important that every precaution and arrangement should be taken to ensure free and fair elections in J&K, which are fast approaching. In view of the past experience the present N.C. Govt. cannot generate confidence that it will help conduct free and fair elections.

The ABKKM calls upon patriotic people from all over the country to wholeheartedly support these legitimate demands in the interest of national integrity and ensure that interests of people of J&K will be protected hereafter and cry a halt to the dangerous trend of separatism and terrorism overtaking the State. The Karyakari Mandal urges the Swayamsevaks to support the forces of integration and defeat the machinations of anti-national forces.

Jammu & Kashmir

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 2001

The ABPS (Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha) feels extremely perturbed over the recent happenings in the state of J&K in general and in the Kashmir Valley in particular. The Government’s decision of unilateral cease fire did not, however, bring about the desired results. It is true that hostilities on the LOC (Line of Control) have declined but there was no let-up in the terrorist activities in the Valley. Along with targeting the civilian population, as is evident from the killings of the innocent Sikhs, terrorist groups have, during the intervening period, become so audacious as to strike at the security installations and forces. In fact, three months should have been a sufficient time for experimentation; but the Government in its wisdom thought it fit to extend the time frame of the cease-fire. Though the ABPS has no reason to doubt the Govt.’s assessment of the situation, it would like to emphasise that the cease fire is not an end in itself. ABPS, therefore wants to emphasize, that a dialogue with those outfits, that are really interested in peace through negotiations be started at the earliest, and at the same time insurgent terrorism be put down with an iron hand., giving the security forces the freedom of decision and action, including the destruction of the terrorist training centres in POK (Pakistan occupied Kashmir).

The ABPS also takes note of the other dimensions of the problem in Jammu&Kashmir, besides insurgent terrorism. Acutely suffering from discriminatory and partisan policies of the state Government, for the last more than half a century, a demand for Union Territory status for Ladakh and an agitation for the separate statehood for Jammu are getting stronger by each day. There is also a problem of rehabilitating the Kashmiri Hindus who have been uprooted from their homes, because of a rabidly communal mindset of a large section of Kashmiri Muslims.

In view of the various aspects of this intricate situation, ABPS requests the Sarkaryavaha to set up a committee that will examine the problem in detail and in depth and make recommendations to the ABKKM (Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal) within two months. The committee’s recommendations will be placed before the ABKKM meeting in coming July.

Manipulation of Jammu & Kashmir Census

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2001

The Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal expresses its deep concern over the grave bungling and manipulation indulged in Kashmir Valley census of 2001. It seems that the census figures have been prepared as a well-planned conspiracy, without going to the people at all. The active connivance of the State Government in this fraud cannot also be ruled out. The comparison of 1981 and 2001 census figures makes this crystal clear. It is well known that due to extraordinary circumstances in the Jammu & Kashmir state, no census could be carried out there in 1991. But we have figures of 1981 & 2001 census. As against its population of 31.34 lakhs (3.134 million) in 1981, population figure in the Valley in 2001 has jumped up to 54.41 lakhs (5.441million), an enormous increase of 73.5%. Whereas the population of Jammu region went up from27.18 lakhs (2.718 million) to 43.95 lakhs (4.395 million), showing an increase of 61.6%. It is to be noted that the all-India increase in population during this period is just 50.3%.

After 1991, there had been forced exodus of approximately 2.5 lakh (0.25 million) Hindus (Kashmiri Pandits. Sikhs, Dogras etc.) from the Kashmir Valley, a majority of whom have settled in Jammu. Approximately, 30-35 thousand Muslims from the border areas of the Valley have also migrated to Jammu. Besides this, thousands of people have also been killed in the Valley during the long period of insurgency. During the Parliamentary election of 1999, the number of voters in the Valley was 24.10 lakhs (2.410million) as compared to 24.76 lakhs (2.476 million) voters in Jammu. The increase of 65 thousand voters in Jammu region itself shows large-scale migration from the Valley. In spite of all this, the abnormal increase in the population figures of the Valley is intriguing. It has been shown that during 1981 to 2001, the population of the terrorist infected Kupwara district in the Valley increased by 95% whereas the population of Hindu majority district Kathua in Jammu region has increased by just 47.4%.

Such discrepancies in figures of population clearly prove that these are manipulated and fabricated. Any planning or policy formulated based on such fraudulent and imaginary figures will only amount to cheating the people. This is nothing short of a conspiracy to legitimize incessant injustice being perpetrated on the people of Jammu & Ladakh. The ABKM therefore urges the Central Government to immediately declare the 2001 census of the J & K State as null and void, expose and punish those who were involved in this trickery and punish them, and revise the figures of the 2001 census on the basis of 1981 figures through recognized statistical methodology.


-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 2000

The autonomy resolution passed by the Jammu & Kashmir assembly is, in the considered opinion of the Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (ABKKM), fraught with disastrous consequences. Not only does it give encouraging signals to the separatist demands in various parts of the country, especially in the Northeast, but it also manifests the divisive communal mindset of the National Conference. It is clear that this resolution of J&K Government is a fallout of the Kashmir policy pursued by various Governments at the Centre – a policy characterized by mindless drift and thoughtless appeasement, in utter disregard of our overall national interests. Every opportunity to fully integrate the state, like all other states that signed the Instrument of Accession, was thrown to the winds.

Dr. Syamaprasad Mookerji’s martyrdom for J&K’s complete integration had opened the Government’s eyes, but it felt satisfied with mere “erosion” and not the abrogation of Article 370 itself. The present autonomy resolution seeks to undo even that quantum of integration, and take the state back to pre-1953 situation, when Supreme Court had no appellate jurisdiction over the state High court, when the Central Election Commission had no powers to ensure free and fair elections and the Comptroller and Auditor General had no supervisory authority, nor was the state served by the Indian Administrative Service and such other salutary provisions.

We can imagine the enormity of the autocratic rule of the National Conference, which represented not the will of the whole state, but only a part of it, viz. Kashmir Valley, from the fact that even today, about two lakh voters, who are entitled to vote in an election to the Lok Sabha, cannot vote for the state Assembly. The present resolution, ABKKM feels, is only a step short of actual secession. Things would not have come to this pass, had the transitory article 370 been abrogated in time. But unfortunately, all major political parties, except the BJP, saw it as a symbol of so-called secularism. Are we not reaping the fruits of that ill-conceived position?

The ABKKM congratulates the people of Ladakh and Jammu, the two regions of the state on their bold stand to condemn the autonomy resolution. It is also gratifying to note that the people of these two regions have risen above all narrow parochial loyalties and considerations and have unambiguously voiced their resolve to demonstrate to the world, that they want their regions to be fully and unconditionally integrated with Bharat. The ABKKM hopes that their sentiments as well as their aspirations, both developmental and political, are respected and seriously taken into account by the Central Government, while talking to the Hurriyat leaders or discussing extravagant demands of their partner.

The Government ought to note that the autonomy resolution is the resolution of a section of the people in the Kashmir Valley. Let it also not be oblivious of the fate of lakhs of Hindus, who were hounded out of Kashmir Valley or of those unfortunate crores of people who were left to the mercy of the Jehadi marauders of our neighbouring country only half a century back. Why a few hundred thousand Hindus could not live with safety and dignity in a region of 95% Muslims, is a question that the so-called secular parties and the media have to answer. They are rendered refugees even when the state had not that much of autonomy, which it now is aspiring for. The ABKKM, therefore, urges upon the Government, to ensure that in any discussions with the protagonists of autonomy, which is just a thin veil for azadi, the uprooted Hindus of the valley are rehabilitated in their home state and involved in deliberations at every level and the political aspirations of the Jammu and Ladakh regions are fully met.

Finally, the ABKKM wants to assert that all the people of our country intensely desire the full and final integration of all the regions of the J&K state by abrogating Article 370. Even those parts of J&K, which are under foreign occupation, are to be integrated. This is the message of the unanimous resolution of our Parliament passed only a few years ago. The whole of Bharat shares the trials and tribulations suffered by the people of J&K. And therefore, the problem of J&K cannot be left to be solved by a section of the people of J&K. The integrity and sovereignty of the whole country is at stake. Therefore, the ABKKM calls upon all patriotic people to resist the demand of autonomy with all the might at their disposal.


-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1996

The Jammu Kashmir problem continues to be antagonizing, festering sore for the country even after the lapse of half a century. From the very start, factors like the short sightedness of the Central leadership, lack of a firm policy, projection of a state leadership of questionable national loyalty, along with turning a blind eye towards their antinational misdeeds and pursuing counterproductive measures like according a special status to the state have all led to making the problem ever more complicated year after year. The hasty and irresponsible statements of some Prime Ministers, made without due prior consultations, have only made the confusion worse confounded. It all started with the suicidal assurance for a plebiscite followed by the suggestion to accept the ceasefire line as international border. Worse still, there was the declaration of the intention to grant maximum autonomy ‘a little short of independence’ just last year.
As if all this was not enough to make matters worse, the new Home Minister in a press interview said that ‘autonomy is necessary to keep Kashmir as an integral part of Bharat’. Whereas this must have boosted the morale of the secessionists, inspired, and trained by Pakistan and their politician godfathers, it certainly has intensified the agony and apprehensions in the minds of all our patriotic people. This is further aggravated by repeated references to relapsing into pre 1953 position and the Govt.’s willingness to change the nomenclature of “Rajya pal” and “Chief Minister” into “Sadar e Riyasat” and “Vazir e Azam” respectively. It has also sent dangerous signals to the gun trotting secessionists active in other parts of the country. They may now feel further emboldened to make the Central Govt. bend through violent insurrections for granting maximum autonomy to them. The next step for them would be to slowly worm their way to total separation from the country. The ABKKM fully shares these grave apprehensions of all our patriotic citizens regarding the very unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of our country.

The ABKKM is of the firm opinion that Jammu and Kashmir has always been an inseparable, integral part of Bharat. The last Parliament had unanimously resolved that the only issue remaining to be settled regarding the Kashmir problem is to see that Pakistan vacates at the earliest the territory forcibly occupied by it. This has indeed reflected the deep-felt sentiment of the entire nation. In place of initiating steps for freeing the Pak occupied territory in accordance with this unanimous will of the nation, a specious plea for granting autonomy is being advanced as a condition precedent for the complete and irrevocable merger of the state with Bharat. And all this is being proposed just because the J&K State happens to be a Muslim majority area. There can no doubt that this will only result in opening a Pandora’s box.

The ABKKM feels that during the past several years the Central Govt. has been gradually usurping the rights of the states and making them more and more dependent on the Centre for every sundry matter. This has been a major irritant causing the rise, of regional parties in different states clamouring for more powers for the states. Proper devolution of powers without affecting in the least the unity and integrity of the country, can well serve as a sound basis for arriving at a national consensus. Whatever powers will thus be decided to be delegated from the Centre to the States, Jammu and Kashmir also should be accorded the same and nothing more. In this context, the temporarily intended Art. 370 becomes totally redundant. It is in the fitness of things that it should be done away with at the earliest.

The ABKKM strongly urges the Central Govt. to allow the security forces a free hand to deal with terrorism. This is absolutely necessary to ensure safety and relief to the public by putting a stop to the killings, abductions and inhuman torturing of innocent people in Jammu & Kashmir. In fact, this is the foremost duty expected of any Govt. worth its name. There seems to be no end to the continuing miserable plight of more than 2.50 lakhs(0.25million) of Hindus, uprooted from their hearts and homes in the Valley, Doda and Kishtwar. It is clear that without their return to their homes with honour and security, it would be a farce to consider the Kashmir problem to have been resolved.
The ABKKM appeals to all our Countrymen to remain ever vigilant so as to thwart any attempt to tinker with the unity and integrity of our country.

On Kashmir

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1995

This meeting of the ABKKM views with grave concern fast deteriorating situation in the Kashmir Valley.

It is very strange that all the brave talk on the floor of the Parliament and on various international fora about J & K’s irrevocable integration with Bharat and the declaration that the only problem that remains is one of Pakistan vacating its occupied parts in Kashmir should have evaporated so soon. In its place, the Prime Minister has talked of autonomy, anything short of azadi to Kashmir. There is also the talk of reverting to pre-1953 state of affairs. All this only betrays a total lack of the right perception of the Kashmir imbroglio, viz; Pakistan’s determined bid through proxy war to grab Kashmir. The ABKKM calls upon the Govt. to deal with the challenge at the same level and give the army a free hand to evolve its own strategy towards that end.

The ABKKM further feels that the unholy haste the Government is displaying in conducting elections in J & K. State by succumbing to the pressure-tactics of interested Western powers, will only further complicate matters. The ABKKM, even while upholding the necessity and desirability of the people enjoying their democratic right of governing themselves, considers that the worsened situation, especially in the wake of destruction of Charar e Sherief, has ruled out any possibility of a free and fair poll. The Islamic frenzy has since then assumed a far more menacing posture, resulting in attacks and burning down of hundreds of Hindu temples and houses. Further, there is absolutely no sign of the Govt.’s willingness to resettle the uprooted Hindus of the Valley back to their places with safety and honour. Without their participation, any exercise of election there would be a mere farce.

However, the ABKKM, thinks that the totally patriotic regions of Jammu and Ladakh should no longer be continued to be dragged along with the Valley – which has already entailed a terrible cost to the former by helping the Kashmiri secessionist/ terrorists to extend their tentacles into the Jammu Region and converting half of Ladakh into Muslim majority. Let the Jammu region be granted an autonomous council and election process started in both these regions for the councils, which may have a salutary impact on the people of Kashmir Valley too.

The ABKKM calls upon our countrymen to be vigilant and put up a powerful protest to thwart any possible step to weaken the position of Kashmir in any form by the Government.


-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1994

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha is happy to record its deep appreciation of the unanimous resolution passed by both the Houses of Parliament giving expression to the solidarity of the entire country on the question of Kashmir. The people of Bharat have, through this resolution in the Parliament, proclaimed to the world, once and for all, that Kashmir is and has always been an integral part of the Indian Nation and its status as such is not negotiable and the only issue that remains to be settled is the vacation by Pakistan of the territory of Kashmir forcibly occupied by it.

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha hopes that this timely expression of national solidarity will spur the Government to abandon its hitherto ambivalent attitude towards the Kashmir issue. This had resulted in different wings of the Government speaking in different voices, frequent changes in the strategies betraying a lack of proper direction and will, and projecting, off and on, the very same discredited state leadership which has been mainly responsible for the present alarming state of affairs in Jammu and Kashmir. The dithering of the Government was amply demonstrated in the wake of Hazratbal incident. The way the militants could get away with their secessionist acts and the way in which notorious international terrorists and mercenaries (Pakistani, Afghani and others)were permitted to leave the country, after its seize for 32 days by the security forces. It has not only lowered the prestige of our forces in the eyes of the world but also revealed an approach which was dictated by domestic political exigencies of Muslim appeasement at the cost of our national security and integrity.

The Pratinidhi Sabha considers the inordinate delay by the Government of Bharat in countering the screeching Pakistani propaganda regarding Kashmir on every international forum, on the plea that it does not want to internationalise the problem, as wholly inexcusable. It has cost the country dearly in making us suspect in the eyes of many countries in the world about our bonafides regarding our stand vis-à-vis Kashmir. Even the last-minute response which involved such a tremendous amount of effort for defeating the Pakistani resolution at the UN Human Rights Commission meeting at Geneva could succeed because of the unambiguous declaration of our people’s determination through the resolution of the Parliament, The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha records its appreciation and gratitude to the countries which stood by Bharat in support of its just stand.

The Pratinidhi Sabha calls upon the Government to evolve a clear-cut and consistent policy-both long and short term – on Kashmir, give a free hand to the security forces to stamp out terrorism in the valley, as also its extension to Jammu and Ladakh regions.
The insinuation against our security forces of violation of human rights indulged in by anti-India lobbies and their henchmen inside, falls flat in view of the declaration of the UNHRC that terrorism is the greatest violation of human rights. The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha demands from the Government the urgent rehabilitation of the displaced Kashmiri Hindus in the valley with security and honour; suspend all talks with Pakistan until it completely stops abetting insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir and vacate the areas forcibly occupied by it in 1947-48; take steps to delete Article 370 from the Constitution so as to bring Jammu and Kashmir at par with other states in the country; constitute Regional Councils for Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir regions; and think of starting the political process only when complete normalcy is restored in the State.

The Pratinidhi Sabha specially urges the Government to beware of the pressure tactics of America which is seeking to impose its own will on other nations under the excuse of concern for human rights, or nuclear non-proliferation or globalisation of economics all this with a view to serving its own imperialistic strategic and economic interests. Its deviation from its known positions regarding Kashmir and even questioning the very accession of J&K to Bharat should be seen in this proper perspective and resisted resolutely.

The Pratinidhi Sabha also calls upon our countrymen to remain ever vigilant and bring massive pressure on the Government to compel it take appropriate action as also to come to the succour of our displaced Kashmiri Hindu brethren who have entered their fifth year of enormous hardships and humiliations.

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha exhorts the Swayamsevaks to strive their utmost, as hitherto, to render relief to our displaced Kashmiri brethren, build up their morale and assist the authorities in thwarting the evil designs of Pak-inspired insurgency.

Resolution on Kashmir

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1993

This meeting of Akhil Bharatiya karyakari mandal views with grave concerns the increasingly worsening situation in Jammu & Kashmir. The nefarious activities of the secessionist insurgents, after having completely driven out the minority Hindu population from the Kashmir valley, have now focused their attention on the Jammu region, especially the Doda district, where Muslims are in a majority. Emboldened by their success in the valley, these fundamentalist secessionists have adopted the same design and the same methods. Letters threatening the life and property of Hindu leaders, brutal murder of some of them, assaults on the Hindu temples and educational institutions, have been so rampant that many Hindus have fled from their residences and majority of schools in the rural area are either burnt or closed. The few schools that are working can neither sing the national anthem Jana Gana Mana, nor they can teach Hindi.

This deplorable situation in that unfortunate state is the culmination of a series of wrong decisions and misplaced priorities of the Union Government. Insistence to continue the article 370 is only one of the many signs of the myopic administration. Transfer of competent administrators and their replacement by supine persons is glaring evidence of their directionless policy. The talk of giving more autonomy to the state and uncalled for repetition of beginning the political process has only given wrong signals to the insurgents. In comparison to all other states, Jammu & Kashmir has always enjoyed more autonomy and the Kashmiri Muslims have been the most pampered people. All these measures pursued with almost a mindless obstinacy have, as expected proved terribly counterproductive and only further whetted the secessionist’s appetite. Starting of the political process without the rehabilitation of Hindu refugees hounded out of their hearths and hones will be rubbing salt into their wounds. The ABKKM strongly deplores the irresponsible statements of the government spokesman in this regard.

The ABKKM also will like to point out to the international peace agencies like the Amnesty International and also the USA Administration that the reports of excesses by security forces and human rights violations are the creation of a well-oiled and high-profile propaganda machinery of the secessionists. Besides, it should also be remembered that insurgents cannot and should not be treated on par with law abiding citizens. It would be absurd to expect that the people up in arms against the state demanding secession are allowed to enjoy the normal legal facilities and constitutional rights. The ABKKM would like to remind the American Government and the American people that Abraham Lincoln preferred civil war to the vivisection of the country.

The ABKKM, therefore, proposes –

1)     That the border with Pakistan occupied Kashmir be sealed and infiltration of arms and men be completely stopped.

2)     That a security belt be created along the border, and ex-servicemen be settled there, and they be provided with adequate arms.

3)     That the Hindu refugees be rehabilitated in the valley and effective arrangements be made to protect their lives and honour.

4)     That the Article 370 be deleted from the Constitution. This article is not only an impediment in the process of national integration, but it has also been used as a handle by unscrupulous politicians to exploit the masses.

5)     That in any discussion regarding Kashmir representatives of Hindus in the valley as well as from Jammu, Buddhists from Ladakh, Gujjars and other minority Muslims of the valley like Anaadias and Shias, must be included.

6)      That the whole of Kashmir Valley and the Doda district of Jammu region be handed over the Army till normalcy returns to the area.

7)      That the three regional councils be set up for Ladakh, Kashmir Valley and Jammu for the balanced development of each region and also for equal opportunities of employment, education and security. At present, all these facilities are almost monopolized by the Kashmir valley.


1)      Everybody admits that the situation in Kashmir is grave, The Kashmir valley is under the complete control of terrorists. The Govt. exists only in the buildings of the Secretariat, Raj Bhavan, A.G. Office and Army cantonments.

2)      Terrorists have acquired the capacity of fighting prolonged encounters with the Army. They have sophisticated weapons, an efficient communication system and well-oiled propaganda machinery. Even foreign nationals from Sudan, Afghanistan, Iran have joined the terrorist ranks.

3)       The administration is soft towards the terrorists. Official secrets are regularly leaked to them. The recent revolt of the policemen is a pointer in that direction.

4)       Suggestions from responsible Govt. spokesmen that pre-1953 situation would be created in Jammu &Kashmir, have instead of pacifying the terrorists further emboldened them.

5)       Regardless of the potentially dangerous consequences the Union Government’s policy of appeasement still continues. The most recent example is a deal with the terrorists for starting the Srinagar Broadcasting station and the T.V. center. The Govt. has agreed to replace the salutation “Namaskar” by “Salam Walekum”, the designation “Pradhan Mantri” by “Vazire-e-Azam” and “Rashtrapati” by “Sadar”.

6)        Murders of Hindu leaders are planned and executed, and their limbs and organs are chopped off bit by bit and their bodies hanged to terrorise and make the Hindu population to leave the district.

Fate of the Displaced in Kashmir

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1991

The ABKKM wishes to draw the attention of the Central Government to the fast-deteriorating plight of the unfortunate Hindus displaced from the Kashmir Valley. In view of the grim situation there, prospects of their early return to their hearths and homes are becoming more and more dim and a terrible spectre of uncertainty is looming large before them. Whatever initial facilities they could manage to secure through struggle from the unwilling and indifferent Government, are gradually disappearing. Even the residential tents provided to them are worn out, with no signs of urgency on the Government’s part to replace them. The jobs of those Government servants who had to perforce leave their homes in the valley, have been filled up by Kashmiri Muslims, but no alternative employment has been offered to those hapless people, Other occupational groups are also left in the wilderness. Education of their children is also in a quandary. The most tragic aspect is the discriminatory attitude of the Government which provides Government bungalows and all kinds of facilities including huge monetary assistance to the Muslim Parliamentarians, legislators, and their families who have left the valley, but the Hindu refugees are made to run from pillar to post to secure Governmental help. Legislators from the Jammu region who have come back from Srinagar are being billed a rent of Rs. 5O per day for their rooms in the Legislator’s Hostel in Srinagar. In default of their payment, their pensions are being withheld. Further, when the Durbar shifted to Jammu during winter, the Muslim employees did not move to Jammu. But when the Durbar went back to Srinagar, they all joined with their continuity of service intact. On the other hand, the Hindu employees who could not report on duty due to disturbed conditions there were served with notices of termination considering their absence as a break in service.

This patent discrimination is only adding Insult to the injury to the Hindus.
The ABKKM strongly urges the Government to undertake the following interim steps without delay.

(l)         All displaced families be rehabilitated by constructing semi-permanent structures at suitable places nearest to the valley.

(2)        A chain of small-scale industries be started, and new jobs created for them so that they can carry on a dignified life.

(3)        Primary and secondary schools be opened for their children and special arrangements made for their higher education in different universities in the country.

(4)        The displaced Government employees from the valley be absorbed in employment with their continuity of service kept intact and without prejudice to the interests of the Jammu people.

The ABKKM also exhorts the industrialists in our country to come forward to start small scale industries for the benefit of these displaced persons. The ABKKM also calls upon the Hindu migrants not to lose heart and have confidence that they would definitely be able to return to their homes. They should rest assured that the sympathies of the whole nation are with them and that the workers of the RSS would be ever ready to render their best in their service.


-This Resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1990 

It is significant that, apart from a very small section of Central Asian and Arab countries, almost all major nations of the world have conceded that the resolution adopted 40 years back by the U.N. Security Council stipulating plebiscite for the solution of the Kashmir problem is outdated and impractical. In its place, of late, opinions are centring round “Simla Agreement”, meaning bilateral negotiations, for arriving at a solution. For such a dialogue, spade work has also commenced in the form of Secretary-level meetings between Bharat and Pakistan. However, the declaration by Pakistan leadership that without Kashmir, Pakistan of their dreams would remain incomplete, poses the main hurdle in resolving the issue.

It is high time Bharat categorically states its position through such meetings and other opportune moments to Pakistan and other nations interested in the Kashmir issue that Jammu & Kashmir is Bharat’s indivisible part and that tension there could get diffused only if Pakistan withdraws from the 2/5th  part of Kashmir forcibly occupied by it. It is a universally accepted principle that the aggressor should not be permitted to enjoy the fruits of his aggression. The only permanent solution for the Kashmir problem, therefore, lies in putting pressure of the world opinion on Pakistan to vacate the portion of Kashmir grabbed by it.

The ABKKM believes that, had not the major powers armed Pakistan with a huge stockpile of sophisticated weapons, had they prevented those arms from reaching the hands of secessionist elements in Jammu-Kashmir & Punjab and had they restrained her from going ahead in manufacturing the ‘Islamic Bomb’, Pakistan could never have dared to challenge the integrity and sovereignty of Bharat, nor would the violence perpetrated by separatist forces have assumed such alarming proportions.

The ABKKM urges the Government to impress upon the entire world that not even an inch of Bharat’s land is negotiable and that it shall never accept the division of Kashmir – a solution mooted in certain quarters – and would consider no sacrifice too great in defending its territorial sovereignty. History of the world also bears testimony to the fact that never have problems of nations been resolved by their vivisection.

ABKKM expects that the Government of Bharat would take all necessary measures to liberate the whole of Jammu and Kashmir from the clutches of Pakistan and to defend our national integrity. The Karyakari Mandal assures the Government that each and every Swayamsevak of the Sangh would extend his whole-hearted co-operation in every one of its endeavours in the defence of the national honour and sovereignty.
The ABKKM is absolutely confident that our countrymen -to the last person-would rise as one single colossal national entity to combat the challenge of Pakistan and administer a lesson to her for all her aggressive designs.


-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1987

The A.B.P.S. feels it imperative to point to the growing dangers of the policy of pampering the so-called minorities by the ruling party at the Centre and certain States resulting in their aggressively separatist, fundamentalist and anti-national postures.
The succumbing by the Centre to the pressure-tactics of Muslim Leaguers and other Islamic zealots and annulling of the effect of the Supreme Court Judgment and defaming the judges in the Shah Bano Case, has further convinced them that their bullying tactics pay. And again, the Government seems to have surrendered to threats by such elements and started soft pedalling on its move to enact even a docile optional common civil code. The resultant Muslim aggressiveness on the Ramjanmabhoomi issue has gone to the extent of identifying themselves with Babar, a foreign aggressor, as against Sri Ram- the noblest symbol of our national heritage, and issuing a call for the boycott of the Republic Day. Even a silly pretext such as the publication of a story in a paper has become, as in Bangalore, sufficient for such leadership to inflame their masses to indulge in riots and destruction of Hindu property.

The seed of communal separatism planted in Kashmir in the form of temporary provisions engrafted in Art. 370 of our Constitution continues to encourage pro-Pakistani forces there to indulge in ever-more anti-Hindu and anti-national subversive conspiracies and needs to be scrapped forthwith. The installing of Lal Denga-one who waged a secessionist War in pursuance of Christian missionary designs against our country for decades-as the Chief Minister of Mizoram even setting aside the democratically elected Government, has only emboldened similar anti-national terrorist activities elsewhere also. The protagonists of so-called Khalistan have, since then, started demanding according of a similar status to them also in Punjab. And so also has a movement for Gorkha land come-up in Darjeeling in a virulent form.

The argument advanced by our Prime Minister that his Party’s alliance with the Muslim League in Kerala is aimed at drawing them into the national mainstream and his distinction between the fundamentalists and those on the fringe of communalism is so very facile that it can hardly deceive anyone. The impact of such efforts in respect of Muslim and Christian communal parties going on for the last several years on its part in injecting further doses of communal poison into Kerala politics is only too well known.
The growing menace of infiltration affords one more glaring, example of the disastrous effect of minority appeasement indulged in by political parties. The inundation of Assam with over 40 lakhs (4million) of Bangladeshi Muslim infiltrators is now being followed by over 50 lakh (5million) into West Bengal and 10 lakhs (1million) into Bihar. On the Western border, continuing influx of Pakistanis into Kutch and Rajasthan has also swelled into lakhs. Together with those Pak and Bangladeshi, infiltrators who have spread all over the country right from Delhi to Hyderabad, their total number has now gone up to more than one crore landing the entire country in grave threats to its integrity and security.

The one chief factor, which is aiding and abetting this dangerous development has been the close collaboration of workers of the ruling and other political parties with the infiltrators with an eye on their block votes. The Centre too, plagued as it is with the same myopic view, is behaving as if the problem did not exist at all. The Centre has, up to this day, not undertaken a single step to fulfil its part in the Assam accord in throwing out the infiltrators or even to see that further infiltration is put an end to.

It is high time the Central leaders heed the warnings of past history. The tragedy of the gory partition of the country and the growing threats to our national integrity and sovereignty by elements posing themselves as minorities should make the Center sit up and cry a halt to their dangerous policy of feeding the fires of “minority complex”. The ABPS calls upon the Centre to do away, without any further delay, all such obnoxious and divisive provisions, including Art. 30, which confer special rights to the so-called minorities-but denied to the majority Hindus-in matters of religion and education.
For, such special rights only help foster vested interest and separatist tendencies among such groups, leading them away from the national mainstream. The Pratinidhi Sabha is of the firm opinion that the very expressions like minority and majority create a dichotomy in our national life and need to be banished, and the fact of our being ‘One country, one People, one Nation’ upheld in thought, word and action by all the concerned.

The Sabha also urges all our patriotic people to effectively make the ruling party at the Centre in particular and all those parties indulging in appeasement of so-called-minorities in general realise that their policy would prove disastrous to our national integrity.


-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1986

The entire country is deeply shocked and concerned over the planned and unprecedented destruction and desecration of temples, molestation of women, loot and arson in Kashmir.

The orgy of violence let loose by Muslim mobs in collusion with the police, it is clear, is nothing less than a Jihad to squeeze out the remaining Hindus- already reduced to one-fourth their numbers in 1947- from Kashmir Valley and make it cent per cent Muslim with a view to separating it from Bharat.

The growing threat in Kashmir to our national integrity once again points to the urgent need for doing away with Article 370 which is not only the main springboard for all forces of secession active there, but also has encouraged extremists in Punjab and Mizoram for coming up with similar separatist demands of special status.

Now that the Governor’s rule has been imposed in Jammu and Kashmir the responsibility lies squarely on the Centre to deal with all such subversive elements with an iron hand so that they shall not dare to pose such a threat and affront to our national security and integrity in future. Conditions also should be so created that exodus of Hindus from Kashmir valley is stopped forthwith and those who have left return in safety and honour. Towards this end, building the destroyed temples, offering of full compensation to those who have suffered, imposition of deterrent, punitive fine on the miscreants and weeding out of Pro-Pakistani elements in the police and administration must be undertaken by the Government expeditiously. The mosque illegally put up right inside the Jammu Secretariat signalling foul secessionist intentions has to be removed forthwith.

The Pratinidhi Sabha demands the institution of a high-level judicial probe to bring out the full extent of the mischief and expose the culprits behind it.

The Sabha warns the Muslims of Kashmir that the serious consequences of such anti-national acts, including grave consequences for their economy, would have to be borne by them.

The Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha appeals to the Hindus in Kashmir to stand firm in their places. Which is essential not only in their own interest but also for reasons of national security and integrity and assures them, of the I support of patriotic people all over the country.

Kashmir Govt.’s Resettlement Bill

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1982

The bill recently passed by the Jammu and Kashmir State has shaken the entire country. The bill seeks to enable all such Kashmiri Muslims who had migrated to Pakistan at the time of Partition and stayed there as Pakistani citizens for over 35 years, to return to Kashmir and acquire Indian citizenship. It is no surprise that the passage of such a bill has sent shock waves of grave apprehension among all our countrymen. It is an irony that while the Hindus who came to Bharat in 1947 seeking shelter and settled down in Kashmir are even now deprived of the elementary right of citizenship, the Kashmiri Muslims who had opted for Pakistan citizenship should be welcomed back and assured of our citizenship facilities. There can be no two opinions about the serious threat this bill poses to the integrity, security, and sovereignty of the country.
The ABKKM is firmly of the opinion that the authority to legislate with regard to citizenship rests solely with the Parliament. The Jammu and Kashmir Assembly can, under no circumstances, arrogate to itself this authority. It is a matter of gratification that the Jammu and Kashmir Governor has refused to ratify the bill on the ground that it is against the Constitution. Allowing the authority of the Parliament to be eroded would most certainly result in endangering the territorial sovereignty of the nation itself.
Reputed authorities on the country’s security have come out unequivocally against the bill denouncing it as a grave security risk. It requires no great intelligence to visualize the threat implied in the settling of Pakistani citizens and granting them citizenship rights in a sensitive border state like Jammu and Kashmir. The unanimous opposition being voiced in the Government quarters as well as by the public, and by constitutional pundits, thinkers, leaders of almost all political parties and leading public men is precisely born out of this grave anxiety.

The bill has, incidentally, unmasked the nationalist protestations of the ruling party of Jammu and Kashmir State and its leader Sheikh Abdullah. Their separatist, communal and power-mad face now stands totally exposed. By proclaiming their intention of maintaining the Jammu and Kashmir State as an overwhelmingly Muslim majority state, they have only betrayed their narrow and parochial loyalties. It is high time the people raise their voice as one man against this insidious design and thwart it through every possible means.

The ABKKM is of the emphatic opinion that Section 370 of the Constitution, under cover of which the J&K Assembly is manoeuvring to achieve its separatist and communal ends, should be scrapped, without any more delay. Perpetuation of such an obnoxious section will only place the integrity, security and freedom of the country constantly under a hanging threat and embolden separatist forces in other parts of the country as well.

Tashkent Declaration

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1966

The ABPS is of the firm opinion that in view of (1) the circumstances in which the Tashkent Declaration was signed (2) the unilateral interpretation of the Declaration that Pakistan has been advancing even to this day (3) non-rebuttal of the same by our Government (4) the heinous atrocities perpetrated by the Pakistani army while withdrawing (5) exposure of the sinister intentions of Pakistan even in the very first Bharat-Pak ministerial talks soon after the withdrawal of armies to the pre-August 5 line-it has been proved beyond doubt that Tashkent Declaration has neither helped improve Bharat-Pak relations nor has it safeguarded the interests of our country.
By conceding to withdraw our armies from our own areas in Kashmir illegally occupied by Pakistan, such as Hazipir, Tithwal and Kargil, we have of our own accord seriously under-mined our firm stand held till now vis-a-vis Kashmir. The Pratinidhi Sabha deeply regrets that the Government of Bharat should have, in their phantom chase of peace, not only fallen into the trap but showed scant regard for the matchless valour displayed and limitless sacrifices offered by our Jawans in liberating those areas.
Like England and America which support and uphold Pakistan, Russia, too, by exerting pressure on our Government to sign the Tashkent Declaration which puts the aggressor and the aggressed at par and makes the aggressor to get away with the fruits of aggression and thus helped to strengthen the war mongering ruling clique in Pakistan, has only exhibited its partiality towards Pakistan. The Pratinidhi Sabha feels that it is high time we review our foreign policy in the light of these new alignments in international relations.

With all our desire for a peaceful solution of all our international problems, it is no use shutting our eyes to the hard realities of the situation. And the reality is that so long as the guiding policy of the rulers of Pakistan continues to be the same hatred and violence towards Bharat with which it was born and has been sustained till now, whatever agreement is arrived at with Pakistan will only be exploited by her till it suits her interests and trampled under feet the moment it is of no more use to her. The Pratinidhi Sabha has grave apprehensions that Pakistan having gained its point of advantage of return of forces to the pre-August 5 line, may well start hatching her aggressive designs to grab Kashmir and a situation more dangerous than the one in August-September last may develop any time. If such a situation develops in future, let the Government display the nerve and grit to liquidate the very source this evil. There is no doubt that the entire patriotic population will stand solidly behind the Government in such a bold step once it is resolutely decided and executed.

Help to Victims of Pak Invasion

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Karyakari Mandal (executive body) in 1965

In the present war with Pakistan, members of the fighting forces. Government employees and a number of civilians have been killed or wounded. Pakistan has bombed our civilian population violating all conventions of civilized warfare. This has resulted in a huge loss of life and property. In border areas many families have been uprooted. It is the responsibility of the entire nation to make suitable and necessary provision for all such victims of war. Towards this end the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh puts forward the following suggestions:

  1. The families of those members of the fighting forces and Government employees who are killed or those disabled while in active service should be granted maximum benefits by way of pension or compensation:
  2. The loss of life and property in the border areas be compensated as under a national insurance scheme; and
  3.        The displaced persons be rehabilitated properly.

This work should be taken up primarily on Governmental level and given top priority. That will keep up people’s confidence in the Government and raise their morale to face all such odds in future also. Non-official and private efforts too can play an effective role in supplementing the relief measures of the Government. We therefore exhort all social organizations to extend their co-operation to the Government and participate in this noble endeavour whole-heartedly.

Movement for Complete integration of Kashmir with Bharat

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1953

  1. The A.B.P.S. severely condemns the repressive policy of the Jammu & Kashmir as well as the Central Governments to crush the movement launched by Praja Parishad for effecting the complete merger of Jammu & Kashmir area into Bharat, as also the different political parties in Bharat which have recently supported the movement. The highhanded attitude of the Government of even refusing to consider the genuine grievances of the people and of trying to stifle the overwhelming public opinion is reprehensible. It does little credit to our democratic Government to pursue the same oppressive tactics adopted by the previous foreign rulers. Such a policy can only bring down our name and prestige in the eyes of the comity of the nations.
    The Sabha, therefore, urges the Government to give up standing on false prestige, and come forward to listen to the just demands of the leaders of the Satyagraha-which has been continuously going on for the last four months – and initiate negotiations and suitable measures to assuage their feelings. Such a step alone will be befitting a democratic Government.
  2. This Sabha also condemns the attempts of the Government to wantonly implicate RSS in the Satyagraha conducted by some political parties in support of the movement of Jammu & Kashmir Praja Parishad. The Sabha views with regret the arrest and detention of some of the Sangh workers in Delhi and Punjab, and seriously objects to the irresponsible utterances of the Government involving Sangh in the above movement with a view to misleading the people. It has been already clarified many a time that RSS has no connection of any kind whatsoever with any political party which has launched the movement.

The Sabha therefore demands that the Government immediately release all the arrested Sangh workers and withdraw its misleading statements vis-à-vis RSS

Movement for complete integration of Kashmir with Bharat

-This resolution was passed by Akhil Bharatiya Pratinidhi Sabha in 1953

  1. The ABPS severely condemns the repressive policy of the Jammu & Kashmir as well as the Central Governments to crush the movement launched by Praja Parishad for effecting the complete merger of Jammu & Kashmir area into Bharat, as also the different political parties in Bharat which have recently supported the movement. The highhanded attitude of the Government of even refusing to consider the genuine grievances of the people and of trying to stifle the overwhelming public opinion is reprehensible. It does little credit to our democratic Government to pursue the same oppressive tactics adopted by the previous foreign rulers. Such a policy can only bring down our name and prestige in the eyes of the comity of the nations.
    The Sabha, therefore, urges the Government to give up standing on false prestige, and come forward to listen to the just demands of the leaders of the Satyagraha-which has been continuously going on for the last four months – and initiate negotiations and suitable measures to assuage their feelings. Such a step alone will be befitting a democratic Government.
  2. This Sabha also condemns the attempts of the Government to wantonly implicate RSS in the Satyagraha conducted by some political parties in support of the movement of Jammu & Kashmir Praja Parishad. The Sabha views with regret the arrest and detention of some of the Sangh workers in Delhi and Punjab, and seriously objects to the irresponsible utterances of the Government involving Sangh in the above movement with a view to misleading the people. It has been already clarified many a time that R.S.S. has no connection of any kind whatsoever with any political party which has launched the movement.

The Sabha therefore demands that the Government immediately release all the arrested Sangh workers and withdraw its misleading statements vis-à-vis RSS.

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