RSSFACTS: The lesser known and unknown facts about Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest voluntary organisation in the world.     

His Last Message

Updated: February 1, 2023 14:28

Shri Madhavrao Sadashivrao Golwalkar, the second Sarsanghachalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), from 1940-1973.

His Last Message

Nowadays people seem to be very much worried about my health. However, I have directed Dr. Thatte to draw up my tour programme for the ensuing Sangh Shiksha Varga Camps. I have a feeling that if the programme is drawn up and kept ready, I may be able to go through it somehow.

Assured of Smooth Sailing

Now we have to think of one thing, and it is, whether a particular individual lives or not, that fact is not going to affect adversely the future of our organisation. However, the history of institutions, modern and ancient, in our country shows that institutions flourish for some time and carry on their work smoothly; then, differences develop among the members. The differences are more between individuals than between their professed principles. We find that practically all organisations, including the Congress, have split. Some are hoping that someday there will be a similar division in the RSS also. Pursuing the same line, some newspapers have published tendentious reports that within the RSS a tussle is on for the post of Sarsanghachalak. However, we have set out to integrate and not to bring about disintegration. We are determined to conduct ourselves such that our work of organisation will go on smoothly.

Determined to Integrate

We, no doubt, have occasional tiffs but manage to settle them with goodwill and understanding. Petty things do not hurt us when the interest of the organisation is uppermost in our minds.

We are here to reorganise the entire people; we have to extend the concept of corporate living to the entire society. It is a great work involving tremendous effort and responsibility. Hence whatever may be the situation, we have decided never to allow prejudices and mutual ill-will to harm the work of Sanghathan.

Affirm the Ideal

Our brothers are working in different spheres of national life, e.g., students, labour, politics, etc. They work in those spheres in keeping with its constitution, rules and its modus operandi which are, however, distinct from that of ours. At the same, the Swayamsevaks will have to work in those fields with the basic conviction of Hindu Rashtra which they have imbibed in the Sangh and try to influence and permeate those fields also with that life-giving thought.

Some may feel that all people are not likely to agree to our concept of Hindu Rashtra. But it is immaterial whether some people accept or reject the truth we propound. Our ideas should be clear and our faith in them unswerving. Then alone will the people be persuaded to accept the truth. I am confident that, ultimately, people will be convinced. If, in our respective fields, we can explain our ideas clearly and consistently to more and more people, they will gradually join our ranks and come to appreciate our thought. But, if we approach people with weakness lurking in our own fields, we can explain our ideas clearly and consistently to more and more people, they will gradually join our ranks and come to appreciate our thought. But, if we approach people with weakness lurking in our own hearts and talk to them in a lukewarm manner, then, everything will come to an end; and it will be an additional obstacle in the path of our ideal instead of being a strong support, which we expect it to be.

People’s Trust

In our country, along with the ideal, high moral character has ever been emphasised. And we have succeeded in achieving it to a certain extent. I shall give an example, of how the public, too, have come to recognise this fact.

Once there was a question as to whose signatures were to be affixed to the appeal for the fund collection of ‘Dr. B.S. Moonje birth centenary celebration committee’ at Nagpur. Seven names were selected from different states among which one was of Rajaji. I requested the Sanghachalak of Madras to see him in order to get his consent. Rajaji said that he had decided never to affix his signature to any appeal for collection of funds as he had a very bitter experience in that regard till then. The Sanghachalak gave the letter addressed by me to Rajaji. On seeing it, he remarked, “Oh, if Golwalkar is there on the committee, then I can have no objection. I have no doubt that the money will be utilised for the particular purpose only. He signed the appeal. This is how the people have begun to trust us.

Success, Nothing but Success

We should also bear in mind that our work in different spheres cannot succeed without the firm base of Shakha. Wherever the Shakha flourishes, other works also will definitely prosper. It becomes our bounden duty therefore to see that the programmes and the systems of Shakha, behavioural norms of Swayamsevaks, their attitudes and development of their qualities – all these receive our single-minded attention and diligent efforts. I can say, with all the confidence at my command, that the more we attend to this aspect with steadfastness and dedication, the more shall we be crowned with success, nothing but success all the way.

Being Reduced as Housedogs

On considering the conditions prevailing in our country, we find that it is gradually tending towards dictatorship. Some say that the Russian form of dictatorship is approaching fast. Whatever its type, it is seen these days that workers can be enslaved by an intense propaganda of any type. Currently ‘nationalisation’ is being propagated. The demand for nationalisation of all essential goods had become vociferous. Nagpur dealers in chillies have also put forth their demand for nationalisation of the trade in chillies. Recently, an important Congress leader has declared that nationalisation of food-grains is not enough and that it should be extended to all other articles. Where is that sense of dignity of man, which should have been the hallmark of democracy? Man is being reduced to the stage of a housedog. He is rendered spiritless. Even though whipped, he will salivate for a piece of bread.

Cringing Levels

There is an instance to show to what cringing level our countrymen may fall. Once I visited a camp of persons displaced from Sind. On seeing me they began to complain that a huge profit had been made by Congressmen out of the tin-sheets brought for the Congress session; that these sheets had been given to them on the condition that they be gifted to the displaced persons to be used for the roofs of their cottage. When I asked them what they would gain by approaching me, they said that they desired the opposition party to take up this issue. When I asked them to what party they had voted during the last election, they kept mum. I could well appreciate the fix in which my question had put them. I then asked them, how it could work that they vote for one party and expect the opposition to do their job. If they expected the opposition to raise its voice they should have supported it. This is how our people behave today. They have no convictions, no mental stamina to stand up for any cause.

Reach the Goal at All Costs

Today, disintegrating forces are afoot in our country and the foreign powers are lying in wait to fish in the troubled waters. Some years back, the foreign powers had their hand behind the language conflict in Assam. Now it seems there is the foreign hand in the circulation of exaggerated news of persecution of Harijans. The foreign powers know very well that they can retain their supremacy in this country only by splitting the Hindus.

We must admit that we have not been successful, to the extent expected of us, in integrating the society and rousing the feeling of intense patriotism in it. As such, we must be more keenly conscious of our responsibility, think about all aspects of our work, and put ourselves to the wheel wholeheartedly and with a resolve to reach the goal at all costs in the near future. Representatives from various parts of the country have assembled here, and I am sure they will assuredly put in all possible efforts in their respective spheres in this direction.

Today I have spoken – who knows whether God will allow me another opportunity.



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