
Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), the largest voluntary organisation in the world, is the most unique phenomenon in the recent human history. Not only academicians, journalists, researchers, think tanks, political commentators and analysts, but even management experts, strategic affairs pundits and all those who are interested in the story of Bharat/India in contemporary context cannot understand it without understanding the RSS as an organisation. And for enhancing this understanding, it is important to have access to facts about the RSS. In view of the dire need for making available the bare facts and archival material about the RSS which isn’t available in the public domain, this website has been created to provide the unbiased information.


This website has been created by a team of researchers, journalists, authors and academicians who have been tracking the RSS over the last several decades and have a keen interest in its history, present activities and related issues and developments.


This website is expected to benefit especially academicians, researchers, journalists and analysts not only in India but across the world.  We look forward to your feedback, suggestions, comments and critical appraisal of this website. It is an open-source platform and we are expecting that the content on this website would be helpful for our readers when it comes to enhance their understanding of the RSS and Bharat/India. The website also has a rich gallery of archival pictures which can be used. Any credit given to the website for the content that may be used by our readers on any other platform would be appreciated. You may write to us at and share your valuable feedback.


Executive Editor: Arun Anand

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